The Scorpio woman belongs to the element of Water, the Virgo man belongs to the Earth. She is sensual, passionate and changeable. He is calm, almost not emotional, and sometimes even callous. In most cases, in such a difficult union, a woman will take a leading role. Since she is used to getting her way by any means. Despite the eccentric behavior, the Scorpio woman has excellent logic, which will definitely attract the chosen one. But her mood swings can scare off the rational Virgo. She is not afraid to commit thoughtless acts in a fit of passion, which sometimes frighten even those around her.
Or two people who are completely different in character do not want to be together. Or they will be drawn to each other. And even if the second option happens, then the lovers will still get used to each other for a long time and try to change each other. But such a couple still has a place to be. Scorpio and Virgo will be able to create a happy and strong family.
The Virgo man, on the contrary, is famous for his quite ordinary way of life, he is used to thinking through everything to the smallest detail for many years to come. The manifestation of emotions or the commission of romantic acts for such a man is not natural. Therefore, do not expect something original from him. He is used to trusting his life experience and is unlikely to be able to abandon established values, habits or tastes. Virgo cannot change life dramatically. Sometimes his relationship with the fair sex can suffer from this. He will not rush into the abyss of passion, even if he meets true love.
Love compatibility
In love, a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man seem to complement each other. It will bring a positive charge, emotions and sensuality into their relationship. It will fill you with comfort, peace and order. The only similarity between the signs of Water and Earth is a practical approach to life. The partner will admire the strong character of his chosen one, her fearlessness and mystery. But the stubbornness of Scorpio can become a stumbling block in this pair. The lady will be attracted by the mind and responsible nature of the Virgo. She will be able to rely on him without hesitation in any area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXblife. It is with him that Scorpio will feel like behind a stone wall, which will bring peace and confidence to a woman.
The partner will be able to calm her lover at any moment, the Virgo man definitely needs this. The earth sign attracts the bewitching look of impregnable beauty. In it, he sees secrets that he will definitely want to reveal. The Virgo man will easily liberate the Scorpio woman, and she will gladly share various secrets with him. Moreover, when communicating with such a man, you should not be afraid that he will expose his interlocutor to ridicule. He is not accustomed to condemning other people’s revelations and will keep them secret.
Scorpio’s exceptional intuition and Virgo’s analytical mind will make them understanding partners. Falling in love will quickly grow into love, with the help of which each will help the other to heal his spiritual wounds. Therefore, in an established union, relations will develop harmoniously and bring happiness to both.
Each of them does not want to exchange for trifles, but is looking for a serious relationship. Therefore, betrayal in this union is excluded. Partners do not like parties and noisy pastimes. But still, the Scorpio woman has a wider social circle than her chosen one. Practical young people most often agree, which further strengthens their relationship. But quarrels in this pair are no exception. They can happen due to the straightforward nature of both. These two signs of the zodiac perfectly see the shortcomings of others, including their chosen one, and are not used to hushing them up. But despite this, both Virgo and Scorpio calmly perceive criticism. For them, it will not become an insult, but will be an occasion for self-improvement.
As for friendships, there is high compatibility. Despite the difference in temperaments, friends understand each other very well. At one time, they will happily gossip about mutual acquaintances. In another – they can talk about the high. Virgo’s friend likes in Scorpio her core, her imperious nature. Such a friend will help at the right time, and if she promised something, she will definitely fulfill it. Virgos, like Scorpios, are not used to throwing words into the wind. The sign of Water will attract the prudence and practicality of a friend. But still, an emotional girl can get tired of communicating with a bore. Then she will prefer to spend time with more active friends. But all the same, he will miss the calmness and confidence that Virgo can give, and after a while he will resume communication with the sign of the earth element.
Marriage compatibility
Scorpio and Virgo can create a fairly strong family. The main thing is that they stop competing with each other, try to listen to the partner’s opinion and not fight for the role of leader in the pair. Therefore, for self-affirmation, it is better for everyone to choose a business area, and not a house. A strong marriage will complement respect, devotion and loyalty from both. The last distinguishing feature of the two signs. Since they are in no hurry to replenish the number of partners, they need high-quality and long-term relationships.
The wife of Scorpio is strong in character, she will easily support the indecisive Virgo. Since men of the earth sign often experience a feeling of insecurity in making quick decisions, and sometimes in their own viability. If fate throws an unexpected unpleasant surprise to the spouses, then Scorpio will easily take a leading position and easily solve the problems that have piled up or direct her husband in the right direction. In general, the woman of the element of Water tries in every possible way to support her chosen one, she does not consider his fall a sign of weakness. But on the other hand, a lady can put pressure on her husband, as she often tries to control all his actions. The Scorpio woman is used to everything happening in the family as she planned. If the spouse does not want to follow her strict instructions, then Scorpio will take revenge with coldness and silence. Virgo should not ignore the sudden changes in the nature of his wife, but it is better to solve them through bed. If the man succeeds, then Scorpio will inflame his former passion for him.
To quickly calm the angry lady of the water element, you need to hug and kiss her. Such a technique will work with a bang.
Husband Virgo will give his second half confidence in the future and financially provide not only her, but also the children. You can rely on such a man, which the Scorpio woman appreciates. She herself is used to living in abundance, so she works for the good of the family. Virgo falls more and more in love with her wife every day. He is attracted by stability, he can be sure of it one hundred percent. The children of a Scorpio woman are the meaning of her life. She will stand up for her children. Therefore, they will not need anything, whether it be the financial sphere of life or an elementary manifestation of care. The Virgo man will perfectly complement his wife, because he, like a father, will be able to teach children a lot. The parent of an earth sign accepts modern rules for raising children, which will be useful to them in the future. However, he is strict and fair. Virgo will be able to cope with absolutely any child and raise a worthy person out of him.
In bed, the passionate lady Scorpio will take the leading position. She is ready for experiments and constantly brings something new to sex. Therefore, the beloved will lead everything that happens in sex. It is she who will choose places for intimacy, poses and so on. Some men of the elements of the Earth can be frightened by such a pressure of a partner, while others, on the contrary, will admire every idea of Scorpio. But the quality of intimacy will directly depend on how Virgo perceives it. If he can be completely liberated, then the union will be strong. Otherwise, an unsatisfied partner will simply break off the relationship.
Pros and cons of the union Virgo man – Scorpio woman
Despite the fact that the signs of the zodiac differ from each other in temperament and some life views, there can be many advantages from such a relationship. It is this emotional woman who will give new colors to the monotonous life of the Virgo. She has a powerful energy that a rational man lacks. With her support, he will reach unprecedented heights not only in his career, but also in socialization. For the sake of such a chosen one, Virgo will be able to reconsider her moral principles, and even refuse some of them, which will positively affect the life of the sign belonging to the elements Earth. Scorpio will find in his partner the stability that she lacked so much. Virgo is quite tolerant in relationships and will not conflict over trifles, this will be appreciated by his chosen one. The stinginess of the Virgo man for feelings does not frighten the bright beauty at all, but has a positive effect on her. Pros of the union of Virgo and Scorpio:
- understanding each other by sight;
- respect for each other;
- similar tactics for raising children;
- Scorpio inspires Virgo to new exploits;
- the calmness of a man favorably affects the couple in general;
- striving for material wealth;
- excellent intimate compatibility;
- common topics for conversation and joint leisure.
But even in such a seemingly perfect couple, one should not expect a calm relationship. There will also be quarrels and disagreements. A man may get tired of excessive guardianship on the part of his chosen one. The Scorpio woman does not accept disobedience. This will most likely result in the fact that each of the partners will begin to assert itself at the expense of each other. After that, Virgo and Scorpio will move away or even break off the relationship. Therefore, a woman of the sign of Water should try to adhere to certain boundaries so as not to infringe on her wayward chosen one.
Cons of the union of Virgo and Scorpio:
- not accustomed to accepting criticism;
- excessive pressure from a woman;
- pride of both signs;
- closeness of the Virgin;
- he may be frightened by the too expressive behavior of the chosen one;
- excessive jealousy;
- difference in character;
- a woman is accustomed to trust intuition, a man – to common sense;
- partner’s tendency to make sarcastic remarks.
Many men like a strong lady, meanwhile, she simply will not pay attention to most of them. After all, Scorpio is used to eye-catching. Virgo man is also popular among the beautiful half of humanity. But this state of affairs can weigh him down. Their similarity is that everyone strives to build high-quality and strong relationships. This can happen if Virgo and Scorpio learn to perceive and hear each other.