The Virgo man is purposeful and quite complex by nature. The Libra woman loves stability and is indecisive about the little things. If the partners unite and make sufficient efforts for the relationship, then the couple will turn out to be strong. These two zodiac signs are simultaneously similar in temperament, but in some situations they are completely different. It is their inconsistency that can ignite a great passion in Virgo and Libra, which will serve as the beginning of a relationship.
These two signs seem to complement each other. Lady Libra is ideal for an earth sign man. She will help him to liberate himself not only in the manifestation of feelings, but also in bed and fill the life of the earth sign with new colors.
The Virgo man is the ideal partner for the Libra woman. He is an incorrigible perfectionist, she loves to do household chores and clean up. The partner strives for high earnings and tries to provide for his family to the maximum, handsome and neat. The girl is very soft and gentle, emotional and outwardly attractive. She easily wins the attention of men and strikes them on the spot with her light energy, which the air element endowed her with.
Love compatibility
Young people can build fairly strong relationships, but they cannot avoid conflicts either. The Virgo man unconsciously notices the shortcomings of absolutely every person and expresses them. Libras are too gentle to take criticism. Problems will begin when Virgo tries to remake her beloved. But if the signs of Air and Earth accept each other as they are, then the relationship will be harmonious. Before entering into a relationship, the partner will think over everything several times. He will also notice that his chosen one is a somewhat complex person, but he wants to figure it out. He will like her friendliness, openness and excellent taste.
Although a woman and a man have enough positive traits in character, they differ in approaches to decision-making. Of course, Virgo is used to, before doing something, think it over well and calculate in advance the consequences of his actions. Libra, on the other hand, will take even longer to make a decision, they constantly hesitate and do not know how best to act.
Usually relationships begin at the initiative of Libra. She flirts with the restrained Virgo in every possible way. But the man of the earth element cannot be caught by external data. They are more interested in the inner world of a person and its similarity with their own. If Virgo sees that Libra is serious, then the latter will have great enough chances to win the heart of an impregnable chosen one. When the Libra woman can charm the Virgo man, she will have to restrain her emotional nature. Otherwise, the earth sign will think that the girl is too frivolous. Even if this happens, he will accept it until they are united by living together.
In friendship, Libra and Virgo have fairly good compatibility. They seem to complement each other. A serious and confident guy, a dreamy and emotional girl. They have many common interests and topics for conversation. But there are also huge differences. Despite this, an earth sign buddy can calm his often doubtful girlfriend. It is he who will guide her on the true path and Libra can easily understand what is really important to her. The lady of the element of Air will teach a serious young man to relax and be distracted from the problems that have piled up. Only she will show him that you can fantasize, dream and enjoy every minute of life no matter what. Virgo man and Libra woman will support each other in difficult times. Their friendship is long-lasting, even if they don’t see each other often. It is enough for them to meet once every six months to remain interesting to each other.
Marriage compatibility
Virgo man and Libra woman can communicate well over a distance. But cohabitation for them is an extremely difficult test. If the marriage was concluded in a fit of emotions at the stage of the candy-bouquet period, then most likely it will fall apart. Indeed, in an intimate life, these two can find it quite difficult to find a common language. The spouse is annoyed that her husband is cold in bed. He does not like that she constantly wants romance in sex. Ultimately, on this basis, a big scandal can turn out when the partner begins to criticize his sensual spouse. After such remarks, Libra will lose all desire to share a family bed with the Virgin.
Financially, the marriage is quite successful. Since Virgo loves to work and is used to being content with little. He is ready for unforeseen expenses, because he always has a certain amount set aside. Libra, on the contrary, is used to living for today and getting everything she wants. This lady loves communication and light flirting, which the serious Virgo categorically does not accept. He will begin to warn his frivolous spouse that he is not satisfied with such careless behavior, but this still will not change the character of Libra.
Gradually, the spouse will put pressure on his chosen one morally. Because of this, she will become sad or even depressed. But the benevolent Libra also has something to criticize Dev for. After all, they try to help everyone. For the sign of the air element, this is unacceptable. As a result, partners will either try to find a common language and compromise, or simply divorce.
The Virgo man tries his best to take care of his child. He will do everything so that the child does not need anything and will simplify his life in every possible way. The parent has excellent teaching abilities, so he will gladly teach his offspring everything he knows. Sometimes such a father can go too far, and the child will grow up spoiled. Libra’s mother will follow this. She also loves children, but with her help they will become independent. The lady of the air sign finds a language with a child of any age and even a teenager. She is very caring, and her child is always in comfortable conditions, he has everything he needs. In bed, as mentioned above, the signs are rather contradictory. But it may also happen that the seductive woman of Libra will be able to liberate her partner. Then he will give his lady a real pleasure, and for her the main thing in intimacy is romance. Therefore, in order for partners to be satisfied in bed, their sex must be tender and beautiful.
The pros and cons of the union Virgo man – Libra woman
Despite the fact that they have some differences, but it is with them that the partners will harmoniously complement each other. The Libra woman will add zest to the relationship. She is charming and even despite her indecision she sparkles with new ideas that the earth sign likes. The Virgo man, on the contrary, will bring stability and balance to the couple. Lovers will build a strong union if he agrees to take responsibility for his emotional chosen one and will protect her. The partner will become a muse for her rational lover. He will be able to move up the career ladder and make new acquaintances.
The Virgo man will give the Libra woman calmness, coziness and comfort. He is one of those signs who need a stable and long-term relationship. A strong and self-confident partner will in any case support a sensitive girl and direct her in the right direction. If they manage to build strong relationships, then such a family can be an example. Pros of the union of Virgo and Libra:
- an ideal traditional family, where the wife is the keeper of the hearth, and the husband is the breadwinner;
- harmoniously complement each other – the girl inspires her chosen one, the man helps her achieve her goals;
- ensuring financial comfort on the part of both partners;
- if the spouses agree, then their intimate life will be perfect;
- signs are developed creatively, which will positively affect the instilling in children of a sense of beauty;
- the Virgo man will give his chosen one a sense of calm and confidence in the future;
- Libra woman will liberate a closed lover;
- they will always find something to do, and spending time together will be varied;
- spiritual closeness and harmony in relationships;
- general topics of conversation.
At first glance, it seems that everything is going smoothly for such partners in a relationship. But this is not so, lovers may not get along emotionally. The Libra woman is accustomed to openly and vividly express her feelings. This applies to both positive and negative aspects. She will give her man care, love and devotion. But he will have to endure the whims of the air representative. Sometimes, such an imbalance in the character of Libra infuriates Virgo. Because of this, he may simply leave and spend his time looking for a more balanced partner. A sensitive girl of the element Air at some points considers Virgo callous. She may lack emotionality and romance in a relationship. And even if a lady understands with her mind that her man is perfect, she can still drop everything and go looking for a new, more sensual partner.
Cons of the union of Virgo and Libra:
- in order not to receive criticism from a partner, a Libra girl can hide her feelings, this will lead to her mental imbalance;
- the Virgo man is used to communicating only with time-tested friends, the Libra woman needs to constantly replenish her social circle;
- difference in financial spending;
- the directness of a partner can greatly hurt a sensual lady;
- flirting with other men;
- even an outwardly perfect couple can be deeply unhappy mentally;
- in some cases, Libra perceives his soul mate as a father and loses all interest in him.
In general, the relationship between Libra women and Virgo men can develop in different ways. But more often than not, they make great partners, whether it’s love or friendship. The main thing is that she restrain her desire to flirt with other men, and he gives her romance.