Virgo man – Aries woman: horoscope compatibility

Virgo man and Aries woman is an extremely difficult union, in which frequent quarrels will occur. There is no spiritual growth in this couple, since each of the partners is selfish and fixated only on their own personality. Aries woman is emotional, sociable, used to being the center of attention, has a fairly persistent and bright character. She does not like to think long before taking any action. But at the same time, it is distinguished by a fine mental organization, love for romance and tender feelings.

Aries is looking for exactly that true love that he wants to carry through his whole life. And the Virgo man can help her with this. He is very decent, kind by nature, used to analyzing all his actions and the consequences to which they can lead.

Virgo easily sees the shortcomings of everyone, therefore, evaluates a person fairly, even if the interlocutor does not like his opinion. Therefore, most often others are offended by the direct statements of the Virgo man. The Aries girl can have exactly the same reaction, she is not used to constant reproaches addressed to her. The “fiery” lady loves courageous and active men, which, together with other features of the Virgo man, can negatively affect their love relationships. But this does not mean that there is no place for such an alliance. Their relationship can exist, but it will take a lot of effort.

Love compatibility

The Virgo man is emotionally calm. Prefers rational decisions, dislikes surprises. Aries woman is too aggressive for him. Of course, he is attracted to her sexuality, but such a partner could do with less. It is too difficult for a Virgo man to endure an Aries woman who is used to being the center of attention. She has a passionate nature and does not like neglect of herself. The partner needs a softer girl who will give him tenderness and will not require excessive attention. Only then can he give it in full. As for the Aries woman, she is not used to waiting for any action from the male. If she lacks something, then she takes it herself.

Therefore, in such a love union there will be a constant struggle between the pressure of a woman and the disobedience of a man. If, nevertheless, the latter decides to bend under the second half, then it will not be enough for a long time.

Since in most cases, Aries tries to subdue his man. If they still want to be together, then they will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain the union. As for friendship between these signs, it can be. The Aries woman will energize the Virgo man, and he, in turn, will be able to give her rational answers to some questions. The absence of a love relationship in this pair has only a positive result. Thanks to this, they will not have to resolve conflict situations, and they will avoid unjustified expectations. It is worth considering that the representative of the earth element should not impose his help on the “fiery” lady when she absolutely does not need it. And the Aries woman should be restrained in her jokes and not make fun of the pedantic character of a friend.

Marriage compatibility

The Aries woman will occasionally have to push her conservative spouse to do something. What will not always please the wayward man Virgo. But if the result justifies itself, then he will appreciate such help. The “fiery” sheep is ambitious and optimistic, the “earthly” maiden is stubborn and hardworking. By uniting such a marriage union can reach incredible heights. Sometimes it may seem to the wife that the husband does not pay attention to her at all or treats her with disdain, but this is not so. It’s just that the Virgo man needs some time to psychoanalyze his actions. He can often be thoughtful, which perplexes his partner.

In intimate relationships, an Aries woman can remain mysterious to her partner. Since, despite all the emotionality, in sex they may simply not be suitable for each other. Lady Aries prefers intimate relationships filled with colors, variety. Every time she wants to try something new and her desire grows more and more. She can open up if she has complete confidence in him. But even here an unpleasant surprise in the form of unjustified hopes can await the partner. Since the Virgo man is used to being reserved and intimately, he prefers calm, measured sexual relationships, without frills.

Spouses can become ideal lovers if they try to learn from each other’s experience, show understanding. Then the “fiery” passion of Aries is enough for two. It is she who will be able to ignite that spark in Virgo, after which he will become an ideal lover.

As for spiritual intimacy, they are similar in this, since already at an advanced age they feel like children in their souls. A big role will be played by the honesty of the Virgo man, and the directness of the Aries woman in the fulfillment of everyone’s sexual desires. Partners approach intimacy responsibly, as they will not waste time on short-term relationships. The family will be extremely strong if the marriage was concluded by calculation, and not because of platonic feelings. Only a common goal that will be beneficial to each spouse will unite this couple and make the marriage strong and lasting. If, nevertheless, they enter into official relations only because of a love impulse. That very soon it will pass and then quarrels and disappointments will come to replace it. The Virgo man will not stand the desire of the Aries woman to be the head of the family. And constant conflicts will affect not only the emotional mood of the spouses, but also their children or other household members.

In order for the marriage to be strong, the wife should listen to her husband, not make rash spending and constantly consult with him about plans for the future. He also needs to constantly feed her confidence that she is loved and desired. To do this, you will need to remember to show signs of attention, surround your partner with love, tenderness, caress and care, arrange pleasant surprises for her, kiss and hug as often as possible. The age of partners can play a big role. If a man is much older than a woman, then such a union is likely to fall apart. Since a young and emotional girl will not like to listen to constant moralizing from her husband. He will seem to her too demanding and tedious, and his frugality will be perceived as greed and unwillingness to spend extra money on the family.

Pros and cons of the union Virgo man and Aries woman

Although the characters of the representatives of two different elements differ, they can still bring various positive aspects to each other. As mentioned above, the partner will be able to make his beloved more calm, teach her to make informed and rational decisions. A woman will help a man look at his life from a more optimistic side, add new bright colors to it, which will be filled with emotionality. But only on condition that each of the partners will do it gradually. In everyday matters, the Virgo man will appreciate the Aries woman only if she is accustomed to keep the house in proper condition. The union can be strong if Virgo allows her partner to lead the family. Positive aspects of the union:

  • partners will try to take care of each other;
  • they will be able to complement each other and balance the nature of the partner;
  • Virgo will positively influence the personal growth of Aries;
  • the partner will become softer and more obedient under the influence of the representative of the earth element;
  • having united the family will achieve financial well-being;
  • each of them does not like to exchange for trifles, so long-term relationships will be a priority.

As for the minuses of the pair, there are a lot of them. Since the Aries woman is used to acting decisively and impulsively. And the Virgo man needs time to make decisions that he must carefully consider. She loves to be in noisy companies, make new acquaintances, make a large number of friends and be in the spotlight. He just might get tired of such a dynamic life. But all these difficulties will arise in the first year of the relationship, as soon as the candy-bouquet period ends, and the partners begin to look at each other with a sober look. But if they have enough endurance and patience to constructively resolve conflicts, then after two years of living together, partners will begin to notice the real advantages of their union. Union cons:

  • lack of mutual support;
  • lack of trust and honesty in a couple;
  • inconsistency of temperaments;
  • pedantry of the Virgo man;
  • his unwillingness to enter into official relations;
  • temperament difference;
  • mismatch of habits and interests;
  • egoism of partners.

Of course, the union of an Aries woman and a Virgo man is very complicated and will shake the nervous system of both partners. They will spend too much energy on overcoming existing conflicts. As a result, one of the partners will not stand it and leave. But it may also happen that the couple will try to maintain a relationship and for this everyone will begin to look for reasonable compromises. Also, excellent family relations can develop between them if the partners are united by any benefit. It can be not only material, but also spiritual. Therefore, such a union has a place to be.

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