When a Virgo man meets an Aquarius woman, attraction, sympathy and interest in each other arise. It seems to both that this is their soulmate. As time goes by, the passion fades a bit. However, not everything is so bad. These partners are completely different, but they can create a wonderful couple if they give warmth, care and support. They have a lot to learn from each other.
Virgo will charm her chosen one with calmness, tenderness, gentleness and kindness. The Aquarius woman cannot stand a rough attitude towards herself, therefore, she will have the brightest and most sincere love for her partner. She, in turn, will treat her chosen one with understanding, give her love and care. A man will give a woman the opportunity to realize herself in the profession and will not restrict her freedom, which is categorically not accepted in the relationship of an Aquarius woman. Aquarius woman is very sociable. She has many friends and she likes to be in different companies and at parties, but the Virgo man, on the contrary, loves a quiet, cozy atmosphere. Representatives of this sign value traditions, order in everything, coziness and comfort. Aquarians are rarely practical in everyday life, which cannot be said about Virgos.
Despite the cardinal difference between them, there are still points of contact. Women of this zodiac sign are beautiful and attractive. A man is as patient as possible with his chosen one, he closes his eyes to many things and will not torment her with fits of jealousy. For this calmness, Aquarius will give his partner a lot of new emotions and impressions. The main thing in these relations is mutual understanding and respect for each other.
The Aquarius woman will easily be able to conquer the Virgo if she turns on all her natural charm. The Virgo man does not like stupid, accessible and empty women. He is intelligent and thinks deeply. A woman can easily support the conversations that this man loves so much, because she is smart, educated and sociable. In order for Virgo to achieve the location of Aquarius, he will have to beat off a bunch of fans. This girl enjoys the attention of men. It will be very difficult for a modest Virgo to approach her. Aquarius has a rich inner world and she needs peace and tranquility. All this she can find in the Virgo man.
Love compatibility
These signs have good compatibility in love. It’s the successful one. There is no great passion in these relationships, but there is love, attraction and a warm attitude of each of the partners. There is understanding and the ability to establish contact, which is undoubtedly important for both. They are so different and not similar, and this attracts them. For their union to become successful and strong, a lot of effort will have to be made. In relationships, you will have to compromise and give in to each other, otherwise conflicts and quarrels cannot be avoided. If they are not ready to change, then alas, the union will not last long.
Their relationship sometimes resembles a swing. Yes, patience may not be enough and you will have to finish them. A comparison of this couple shows that love and long-term relationships are possible if Virgo does not criticize her chosen one and constantly points out her frivolity and lightness, and Aquarius takes life and her partner more seriously.
Virgo men do not like noisy companies and are rarely in society, which cannot be said about his partner. This may annoy him and make him worry, but this will not cause a break. The Aquarius woman is very caring towards her chosen one and does not let her doubt her love and fidelity. Women of this sign are impulsive, changeable, freedom-loving and tend to make spontaneous actions. Men, on the contrary, are soft, balanced and delicate. They can give reliability, stability and support. These qualities of Virgo are very valuable for Aquarius. Despite their different personalities and temperaments, they complement each other perfectly. It is very rare to meet friends between these signs. Friendly relations between them are rarely struck up, but if they start up, they turn out to be very interesting. Frequent disputes and proving their case will become an integral part of their friendship. Oddly enough, this does not interfere with their friendship. Virgo and Aquarius are friendly by nature and can become fast friends if they want to. Basically, they are connected by friendly or business relations.
Marriage compatibility
Virgo and Aquarius are in no hurry to formalize the relationship. They need to check their feelings and understand if they want to get married. If a man understands that he has fallen head over heels in love, he will very quickly make a marriage proposal. A woman may not be in a hurry to agree to accept it. Difficulties will begin in the conduct of a joint life. Virgo loves order in everything that can not be said about Aquarius. She also appreciates comfort and coziness in the house, but their approaches and views on creation are different. Therefore, more men than women deal with domestic issues. He doesn’t mind if you don’t dump absolutely all the responsibilities on him. A Virgo man will never humiliate, insult or use his beloved. He is always happy to help her, but he will not tolerate demands.
Representatives of these signs are not prone to treason. Virgo men are loyal. Virgo will not start an affair on the side if she is in a strong relationship. They are not thrill-seekers, and as a rule, in intimacy, he feels good with a regular partner.
The Aquarius woman is also constant in her relationship with a stable partner. But in no case should you limit the freedom of Aquarius. She won’t tolerate it. Revenge in response will be treason. Virgos are excellent husbands and fathers. They enjoy spending time with children. Among them are rarely fathers of many children. His family comes first. Even though the Aquarius woman is not very practical in everyday life, she knows how to take care of her family members, cooks well and brings a holiday to family life. Boredom does not threaten them.
With children, she develops a warm trusting relationship at any age, interacts on an equal footing. Gives them the right to choose and does not put pressure on them. She is more democratic than her partner. Virgos are strict with their children, constantly teaching them something. Against this background, there may be disagreements about the upbringing of children. In intimate life, passions do not boil between them, but sex is a strong point in this couple. Virgo does not differ in temperament, can be restrained and clamped, does not like experiments. Aquarius also does not feel a great need for them. In this they are similar. Many Aquarius women are wonderful lovers and are able to inflame the most closed man. Virgo and Aquarius know how to please and delight each other in bed. Here they have harmony.
Pros and cons of the union of a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman
This union is quite a place to be if there are strong, sincere, mutual feelings at the heart. They have something to fill each other. Together they improve and grow above themselves, gaining spirituality. The Virgo man will become more open to emotions and feelings, and the Aquarius woman will become more organized and practical. Aquarius has a great sense of humor. She is able to translate Virgo’s sharp criticism into a joke. In many cases, this saves from quarrels and disputes. Their communication in a pair is the main factor of interaction. This is great helps out in the union and the conduct of a joint life.
Positive aspects of the union of Virgo and Aquarius:
- reliable support for a woman;
- loyalty and devotion in relationships;
- thrift and accuracy;
- practicality in everyday life;
- the desire of both for prosperity;
- support for each other;
- a woman gives inspiration to a man;
- become good and caring parents;
- complement and complete each other;
- both are smart and talented;
- handle household chores together.
Let’s not talk about perfect compatibility in this pair. Different elements affect their characters. It is difficult to imagine people so different in character and temperament together. As for rest, it is better for them to rest separately. Virgo likes to relax at home, in a calm, cozy atmosphere, and his partner prefers different companies and outdoor activities.
The Virgo man is inclined to criticize his partner, but he cannot stand it. There is little difference of opinion regarding the upbringing of children. The impulsiveness of Aquarius can shock a calm and reasonable man. A woman in a union may try to suppress a man, control him, dump most household chores on him, which will negatively affect their relationship. Virgo will sometimes be shocked by the “antics” and behavior of her windy companion.
Cons of the union of a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman:
- criticism from a man;
- independence and love of freedom of a woman;
- stubbornness and captiousness of a man;
- due to the difference of interests, there is almost no joint rest;
- different approaches to housekeeping;
- different emotional background;
- different temperaments;
- impulsiveness and emotionality of a woman;
- different approach to spending the family budget;
- skepticism.
Virgo man and Aquarius woman have such different characters and habits, outlook on life, interests, housekeeping, temperament, but they can love and respect each other. Both of them will have to work on relationships so that their union becomes happy and strong. You will have to turn a blind eye to many things and put up with the character and behavior of your partner. If they are able to step over their pride, learn to give in, then they will be happy all their lives perfectly complementing each other. If they do not cope with this, then, alas, their union is doomed to failure. There are no ideal people, and if fate brought you together, then, probably, for a reason.