Two representatives of the elements Earth are absolutely similar in temperament, habits and hobbies. Most often they understand each other by sight. Problems will begin if they see their own shortcomings in the second half. Whether two representatives of the Virgo sign will be able to come to terms with this is a difficult question. She has a mind and ingenuity, always monitors her appearance, and there are always a lot of fans. What is the paradox? Most of the girls born with this zodiac sign are unmarried. Such women demand a lot from their partners, strive to educate them.
Sometimes it is difficult for Virgos to find their ideal, so first of all you should pay attention to people with the same sign.
If the life of the Virgo man did not work out and is unsuccessful, then he can become a real little tyrant who will be capricious like a child and criticize everyone. But he will not tolerate criticism and bold words addressed to him. The representative of the elements Earth has a high responsibility, punctuality. He always competently makes decisions, weighing all the pros and cons. There are usually no scandals between them, everything is resolved peacefully. If disagreements arise, representatives of these zodiac signs do not go to complain to their friends. They try to work things out among themselves.
Love compatibility
Astrologers say that love affairs in a pair of two Virgos are in a favorable way. This is the best combination among all couples of the same zodiac sign. Every person can envy their love compatibility. At first, both the man and the girl carefully look at their partner. They need a lot of time to get to know a person and understand that he is really worthy. Partners get to know each other gradually, without rushing. Most importantly, it suits both of them. Both partners are not impatient. To some extent, Virgos are romantics. But usually they hide it, showing such feelings with caution in order to see the reaction of their partner.
Two Virgos in families are a sign of cleanliness in the house, moral principles and order. The excellent compatibility of the Virgo man and the Virgo woman is also explained by the fact that, under the influence of tender and charming feelings, partners accept each other for who they are, not paying attention to shortcomings.
Despite the fact that Virgos often visit noisy companies and like to have fun, they are more of a loner by nature. The problem is that the Virgo woman is trying to bring her partner to the ideal that she needs, but this is not always possible, and the girl is disappointed. When it comes to a dispute in a relationship, it is resolved calmly – without screaming and broken dishes. They sit down together and each in turn gives his arguments, and only in a calm tone.
Exactly the same property helps them build relationships that will be beneficial for them materially. Probably for this reason, according to statistics, there are many people among Virgos who enter into relationships not out of love, but out of convenience. Hoping that such people will become best friends is not worth it, since both of them are not used to revealing their feelings to each other. What you can count on is a little dialogue on the way home, help with repairs if asked. And to tell about everything that is going on in the soul, drink tea together and cry into the vest – so here it is better to turn to a person with a different zodiac sign.
As they say, friendship between a man and a woman ends when it gets dark outside and night falls. But this does not apply to the representatives of the Devs. They can communicate for days on end and know how to make friends without any intimate overtones. But such communication is not always beneficial, since Virgos, by their temperament, consider themselves “the smartest”, do not really like to listen to the interlocutor, but they love to give advice. For this reason, it is difficult for many to communicate with them. If the Virgo man and the Virgo woman begin to appreciate and respect each other for their merits, and not pay all attention to the shortcomings, then it will be much more pleasant to be friends. But usually Virgos can hardly retreat from their principles and give in to an argument, they go to the end. It is believed that the problems that have appeared in life only temper their character and make them stronger in the face of difficulties.
Marriage compatibility
The family life of a man and a woman born under the sign of the zodiac Virgo is going pretty well. They have a common love of order, so there will be no problems with cleanliness. Pitfalls can be hidden in the fact that Virgos are terrible grumblers by their nature. By doing this, they can at any time offend their partner with a careless word. On the other hand, they are well versed in people, so they can easily determine when they are lying, which is very important in a relationship between two people. Quarrels cannot be avoided in family life, and although Virgos know how to smooth out conflicts, resolve issues peacefully, they can still hide resentment against their partner for a long time in the depths of their souls.
If a man and a woman have achieved a good understanding, then their family life will be excellent. They know how to take care of each other, to be real helpers in any trouble.
What is the best thing about Virgos? The fact that they are neat, insightful, reasonable and decent. This allows people to realize the dream of an ideal marriage with full understanding and support. Now such relationships are very rare, but it is much easier for Virgos to achieve them. By the time people are confident in choosing their partner and the matter goes to the wedding, their relationship is already especially strong. It is believed that Virgo is a fickle sign, but at the same time a person will be faithful to his partner.
Children born in the union of two Virgos will be under increased care and attention, which may affect the behavior of a child in adolescence. He will begin to turn into a rebel, as overprotectiveness and lectures about what to do and what not to do will start to piss him off. They will make good parents who will not lose sight of a single moment. Papa-Virgo can be put as a model – he will always help mom take care of the child, take some of the worries on himself, is not afraid to change diapers, walks with a stroller with pleasure. Mom-Virgo always monitors the appearance of children so that they are clean and tidy. She teaches children the right behavior with the people around them.
And how are things in intimate life between a Virgo man and a woman under the sign of Virgo? They relate to sex not quite the same as people with other signs of the zodiac. For them, this is a process of continuation of a kind. But on the other hand, if you know what Virgos are creative and inventive, they can put on an incredible show in bed. Virgo women, just like men, are not used to divulging their intimate life to their friends. They don’t brag or tell anyone the details. Everything that happens in the bedroom between a Virgo man and a woman remains only between them. At first, the partners will try to somehow surprise in an intimate way, but over time, the passion will subside if they stop continuing to come up with new and interesting things.
Pros and cons of the union Virgo man – Virgo woman
They are similar in outlook, have common topics of conversation and love to discuss highly intellectual topics. To others, such hours of conversation may seem boring. Both incorrigible pedants maintain perfect order in the house. Therefore, at the household level, they will have an ideal union. Benefits of the union of a Virgo man and a Virgo woman:
- punctuality and attentiveness on the part of both;
- the main goal of both is to build a family;
- love for order in all spheres of life;
- are not looking for short-term entertainment, but want to build long-term relationships;
- they are happy to compromise, therefore, in a couple, the settlement of conflicts is resolved peacefully;
- the similarity of temperaments will facilitate their life together;
- well educated, rational, intelligent.
The life of a Virgo man and a Virgo woman is usually planned several years in advance. They want to achieve perfection in everything – in relationships with each other, at work, at home. Throughout the relationship, Virgos watch their partner, looking closely at what he likes and what not. They earn their financial fortune through hard work. Therefore, it is safe to say that they deserve it. Perhaps their relationship cannot be called passionate and burning, since for them mutual understanding and support are in the first place, on which the strongest relationships are built. In most cases, various problems bypass their home. But there are always and everywhere flaws, and in the relationship of these two people they will be found. Cons of the union of a Virgo man and a Virgo woman:
- the similarity of shortcomings with which it may be difficult for them to come to terms;
- the indecision of each can lead the relationship to a dead end;
- lack of passion and monotony in a long-term union;
- the secrecy of each partner can result in the appearance of distrust between them;
- mutual chicanery and stubbornness.
Usually, flaws can appear only at the very beginning of relationships between people with this sign. If the feelings between people are not deep, then they can diligently find fault with each other, point out shortcomings. This may offend the person. Such relationships will not last long, and they will not reach family life at all. If the union was born on a good note and at a young age, then it is likely that it will become truly strong and long, and the partners will live in perfect harmony.
When people meet each other already at an older age, most likely they will not be able to build a relationship. As they grow older, Virgos begin to look out for negative character traits in people. This is the reason why the relationship may not work out. People will begin to look for only bad sides in each other and will not be ready to continue if something does not suit them. As a result, the union promises to be perfect if the partners stop criticizing each other. In family life, everything will turn out well.