Once virginity is lost, it can never be replaced – but modern medicine now offers women a near-perfect physical simulation of their lost innocence.
Hymenoplasty, the surgical reconstruction of the hymen disrupted during women’s first sexual intercourse or, increasingly, during exercise or as a result of a collision or fall of women who have never had sex, has prompted an increasing number of young women who want to have this surgery to avoid the humiliation, renunciation, and possibly violence that husbands and families may discover that their wedding night was not their first sexual experience.
Thanks to new developments and treatments, it is possible to restore health and even prevent the development of various dangerous diseases. In recent years, the demand for a procedure such as hymen reconstruction surgery has skyrocketed. Reviews of gynecologists about this small operation are extremely positive.
People call hymenoplasty the restoration of virginity. The term “hymenoplasty” is more clear to the medical community and therefore most women prefer to use this name.
Hymenoplasty is the surgical reconstruction of a woman’s hymen to return it back to its virgin state after a rupture. The hymen is a ring, like the skin membrane in a girl’s vagina, and breaking it means the end of her virginity. Virginity is a valuable possession in several countries around the world. The honor of a girl, her family and even her community depends on her hymen being intact until marriage. And her rupture, followed by a little bleeding, is proof of her virginity. Otherwise, it is considered unfit and sinful. There are several races and communities for whom virginity is a valuable possession that can only be lost through marriage and the sexual act thereafter.
Hymen: thin vaginal membrane. Between 7 and 12 weeks of embryo development during pregnancy, the sex of the fetus is determined. In a boy, the genital walls fuse to form the scrotum, while in a girl, the labia and minors (inner and outer labia) form. The mucous membrane in the hole that remains in the middle is the hymen.
There is wide variation in shape and opening in the hymen, which is also associated with age. The hymen is a membrane placed in the vagina. It consists of fibrous and elastic tissue, and only partially covers the inside of the vagina. In young women, the vascularization of the hymen is very good. In menopausal women, this membrane is very thin due to the aging process. The actual function of the hymen has not yet been explained. Some scientists believe that it protects girls from infections. Since the closure of the vagina is not complete, menstrual blood can be released without any problems.
In many cultures and religions, the social significance of the hymen is striking. It is assumed that women remain unchanged until marriage. During the first intercourse, the hymen is torn and the woman bleeds. The amount of blood varies greatly, and some women may experience pain. The presence of blood on the sheet confirms that the woman was not harmed before marriage. In case this woman has had intercourse before marriage, she will not bleed during the wedding night. This is why some women undergo hymen restoration. In recent years, this operation has become very popular.
Interesting facts about the hymen
In women who lead an active sex life, the remnants of the hymen are described as “carunculae myrtiformis”.
In 99,9%, the hymen is formed in the embryo: this means that 1 out of 1000 women are born without a hymen.
With 44% of women without blood loss during their first vaginal penetration, there is a growing demand for hymen reconstruction surgery in our multicultural society.
Studies show that many men from the Mediterranean countries attach great importance to the presence of virginity in their future wife.
40% of the girls involved believe that it is unfair that this only applies to women.
25% agree to have sex before entering into a stable relationship.
89% want to “bleed” on their wedding night because of the honor of their parents or fear of punishment or rejection.
50% of women would like their own daughters to respect this tradition.
Types of operations
This operation may be performed months or years after women have lost their virginity. A specialized gynecologist performs hymenoplasty.
The goal of hymenoplasty is to restore the hymen. Usually done for moral, cultural, or social reasons.
Hymenoplasty includes minor surgeries. In general, it can be done in less than an hour, depending on the degree of difficulty. It is usually performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia if needed, and can be done as an outpatient or day treatment.
There are several types of hymenoplasty surgeries viz.
Restoration of the hymen for a short-term result is done 7-10 days before marriage. The first hymen repair surgery is based on a suture approximation of the remnants of the hymen, which breaks through with a penetrating force causing some bleeding.
The stitches dissolve after 2-3 weeks, and the remnants of the hymen become separate again, as before the operation. For this purpose, use a biodegradable thread that does not need to be removed. Usually, the recovery operation lasts from 20 to 60 minutes. According to reviews of this type of reconstruction surgery, a positive result lasts a maximum of a week. The simulated “virginity” immediately disappears as soon as the threads on the seams dissolve.
A simple repair can be easily accomplished by closing the vaginal opening with the remnants of the hymen. This can be done in patients with hymen remnants. After surgery, a woman may experience tightening of the vaginal walls. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
Three-layer hymenoplasty. The method is characterized by the fact that it is a long-term restoration of the hymen. From short-term long-term three-layer hymenoplasty, first of all, it differs in that it involves multiple loss of “virginity” and the price of this procedure is somewhat higher.
This is a rather complicated operation. During hymenoplasty, the natural appearance of the hymen is completely recreated. This intervention is done before the onset of menstruation, using local or general anesthesia. The stitches are removed in the second week after the operation, it will take about 1 month for the hymen to heal. The result of this method lasts up to 3 years, and there is even more bleeding than the loss of the “natural hymen”. After that, a properly repaired hymen looks, feels, and behaves like a natural hymen (meaning it ruptures and bleeds during penetration without signs of surgery).
It is a common misconception that the hymen never heals, it heals well with proper hymenoplasty surgery and with proper time and care.
Are there any risks
Hymenoplasty is a relatively safe procedure that tends to carry few risks and side effects. However, any operation carries a small risk of infection and prolonged bleeding, as well as anesthesia-related complications.
Any complication from hymen repair surgery is very rare. Sometimes there is a resulting problem of “stricture” or overcorrection of the hymen. This is where the opening narrows, meaning that the next intercourse will be difficult. However, this very rarely causes problems in the long run.
Who needs surgery
The decision to carry out this procedure is made for various reasons. This desire can be attributed to religious beliefs. In some cases, reconstructive surgery is resorted to, women with medical conditions and as a result of a depraved hymen, as well as those who may have ever been abused.
Sometimes they want to restore the hymen of a woman who is already married. They want to perform this operation in order to diversify and renew their sexual relationship with a partner.
Hymenoplasty before and after
Before performing hymenoplasty it is recommended:
- undergo a comprehensive examination, consult a doctor and other specialists to identify shortcomings and disorders in the body;
- make an electrocardiogram and x-ray;
- be sure to undergo an in-depth examination by a gynecologist, pass a urine test, blood test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis, blood clotting, determine the Rh factor and blood groups, you also need to pass a smear on the flora.
- do a video colposcopy.
The doctor makes a decision on the possibility of surgery only after studying the results of such an examination. Reconstruction surgery is performed fairly quickly, however, in order to obtain the desired effect and prevent any complications, it is important to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor. After the operation, a few days is not recommended:
- take a bath (only a shower is allowed);
- avoid close relationships;
- bathing in saunas, baths, open water;
- avoid the formation of gas in the intestines, in the early days you can only eat liquid food.
Contraindications to the procedure
Contraindications for hymenoplasty:
- diseases of the cervix;
- genital herpes;
- vulvitis (pathology of the external genital organs of an inflammatory nature);
- thrush, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- endometritis;
- angina pectoris;
- colds;
- oncological pathology;
- bleeding;
- mental disorders, fever.
Restoration of the hymen is not performed during menstruation (the procedure is available for any other day of the cycle).
Rehabilitation and recovery
The operation is simple and the recovery period does not last long in order to completely eliminate any complications and side effects. The following conditions may occur as side effects: the appearance of small bleeding, bruising, discomfort when walking, numbness in the perineum.
However, these signs are considered a completely normal reaction of the body of women. These days it is recommended to avoid bloating and constipation, avoid the use of spices, fruits, vegetables and black bread.
It is also necessary to get rid of heavy physical exertion for a while, especially after a three-layer reconstruction surgery, in order to avoid sudden movements and eat only liquid food.
Social aspects
Health care figures, which do not include data on individuals’ religion or marital status, appear to reflect a trend reported by private clinics that are seeing a huge increase in demand for the procedure in Muslim women. Doctors say patients are under pressure from future husbands or relatives who insist they be virgins on their wedding night. Critics, including moderate Muslim groups, have denounced the trend as a sign of the spread of Islamic fundamentalism in the West.
In a hymenoplasty procedure, considered by some to be invasive, the hymen is stitched or reconstructed so that it ruptures and bleeds again on the woman’s wedding night. In some cases, vaginal tissue can be used to create a false hymen. The blood capsule can then be inserted into the lining to allow for realistic bleeding when the membrane is broken.
In many cultures, it is considered that if the bride is not a virgin and does not bleed on her wedding night, this is a great shame for the family. In extreme cases, there have been honor killings. A simple operation takes only half an hour. They can do this at lunchtime and do not have to give their real names and addresses.
Imam Dr. Taj Hargay, chairman of the Muslim Education Center in Oxford, urged the Muslim community to try to reverse the trend.
He said: “The situation is very common in the Middle East, where there is a huge scandal that can lead to divorce or even honor killings if there are no bloody bedding left after the wedding night. It is very disappointing that Muslim women in this country feel they have to lead a double life by resorting to subterfuge. This does not contribute to their psychological or spiritual health, and this is hypocrisy and double standards, because Muslims do what they like with women.”
The New York Times quotes one of the doctors as saying he does the procedure two to four times a week. This is 100-200 women per year in one practice. The latest protest against this operation erupted in France, where the court annulled a Muslim marriage because the bride distorted and concealed the fact of losing her virginity by resorting to this operation. According to the Wall Street Journal, doctors who restore virginity are accused of “reinforcing gender bias” and “misleading family members of patients.” The chief ethicist of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics reports that “some physicians perform hymenoplasty on minors without parental consent, which is required by law.”
Faith objections. Giving virginity such a huge value that these women tolerate is sexist, hypocritical and completely unrealistic. The pressure exerted by families and communities to enforce it is obscene. The restoration of the hymen does not make a woman a virgin. “Giving so much importance to the hymen is a regression, a submission to the intolerance of the past,” protests the head of the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians.
But fetishism makes it easier to experience intolerance. The technical requirement – an intact hymen – offers a technical solution. In many cultures, the hymen is considered a sign of virginity, and cultural and religious reasons can be an important factor in a new marriage. In many cases, marriages are even annulled if the hymen breaks. Now that hymen repair is an affordable and relatively safe procedure, many women and families are opting for this solution.
Thanks Dan allah ina akeyin tiyatar
Assalomu alaykum men fargona viloyatidanman men gemenoplastika qildirmoqchi edim