Viral meningitis is attacking in Białystok

In June, a record number of cases of meningitis was registered in and around Białystok. About 90 people fell ill, while in the rest of the country there were only 14 from the beginning of the year.

Meningitis can have several causes. Usually it is an infection with viruses and bacteria, but it also happens that protozoa and parasites are responsible for the disease. It has been established that the inflammation that is spreading in Białystok is caused by viruses. The first symptoms of the disease are fever, headache and photophobia. Symptoms appear a few hours after the development of inflammation.

The disease can have serious complications, but fortunately they have been avoided so far and the hospitalized patients quickly return home.

The source of the infection is currently being determined. There are many children among the sick, and it is possible that the disease broke out in one of the kindergartens or schools in Białystok.

Based on: Rzeczpospolita

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