Viral infection in a child: how to cure? Video
A viral infection in a child most often manifests itself in the form of a high fever, cough and runny nose. If the fragile children’s immunity does not cope with the disease, it can be complicated by angina, bacterial pneumonia, otitis media and other serious diseases. That is why ARVI in a baby needs to be treated systemically.
Viral infection in a child
Most often, during the treatment of a viral infection, pediatricians recommend bed rest, warm copious drinks and symptomatic therapy. This means that medications are taken not to fight the virus itself, but only to eliminate certain symptoms of the disease. At a temperature, the baby is prescribed an antipyretic or cooling compresses are applied to the body. For sore throat – prescribe sprays, lozenges and other products containing antiseptic components. A runny nose is treated with vasoconstrictor drops, and a cough is treated with expectorant syrups or inhalation. All these measures help to improve the well-being of the baby. However, the virus often lurks in the body and makes itself felt only in the form of residual effects: coughing, nasal congestion, hoarseness, or simply weakness. In this state, the baby can stay for weeks or even months, but you should not rely on the weakened immune system of the baby and wait for a spontaneous recovery. A fragile child’s body not only can, but also needs to be helped.
Systemic treatment of ARVI in a child
Systemic treatment of a viral infection consists in taking antiviral drugs, which not only help to defeat the virus, but also almost completely restore the body after an illness. This group includes “Viferon”, “Genferon”, “Interferon”, “Grippferon” and the like. Among the expensive drugs, one should highlight “Polylxidonium” and similar drugs. They not only eliminate the signs of the disease, but also strengthen the immune system.
General strengthening therapy is of great importance in the fight against viral infection. During the recovery period, you can choose multivitamins for the child with the help of a pediatrician. They should be taken for at least a month, and then take a break for 2-3 weeks and completely repeat the course of treatment.
With a recovering child, you need to be in the fresh air more often: long walks contribute to both improving well-being and strengthening immunity. It is also important to provide him with good nutrition, containing all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.
After recovery, it is useful to lean on fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables and lean meats. With their help, the body will quickly fill up what is missing, and the child will quickly get stronger.
You can also strengthen immunity with the help of homemade fruit drinks and decoctions. Fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, as well as dried fruit compote and rosehip decoction have a good effect. All these drinks are rich in ascorbic acid, which means that the body will quickly make up for the lack of essential trace elements and nutrients. It is important to drink teas and decoctions at least once an hour by sip – only in this case you can hope that the result will meet your expectations.
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