Viral hepatitis – a disease that causes long-term health problems

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About one third of the world’s population (or nearly two billion people) is infected with viral hepatitis (according to the WHO), compared with around 40 million people infected with HIV. Although an effective vaccine was developed against certain types of viral hepatitis (hepatitis) more than 20 years ago, the virus continues to kill around one million people each year.

Information on World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day is an annual event that draws the attention of the international community to people suffering from viral hepatitis and people infected with hepatitis B and C. This day is an opportunity to learn more about these diseases and make real changes in their prevention and access to diagnostic tests and treatment. The World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) announced the first World Hepatitis Day in 2008. Since then, over 600 events have been held around the world to celebrate the occasion, attracting a lot of attention from the general public and the media. WHA also receives support from governments around the world, renowned NGOs and supranational organizations such as Médecins Sans Frontieres. Following the World Health Assembly in May 2010, it was agreed that World Hepatitis Day will be held annually on 28 July.

Hepatitis B and C viruses, which cause the most severe and potentially life-threatening diseases, belong to the group of five major viruses known as types A, B, C, D and E, and they usually infect through contact with contaminated body fluids (e.g. during transfusion). blood, invasive medical procedures with contaminated equipment or as a result of sexual contact). Keep in mind that chronic hepatitis B or C infection is the most common risk factor for liver cancer. Statistics show that without proper treatment, every fourth HBV carrier dies from cirrhosis or liver cancer, which may be a long-term consequence of the infection.

Approximately two out of every three chronically infected have no idea what their health status is or what their risk of developing liver disease and cancer as a serious complication is.

‘Therefore, disseminating knowledge about this insidious relationship is essential,’ said Prof. Dr. Markus Peck Radosavljevic, Internal Medicine Specialist and Head of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna – Even if patients are aware of their infection and are treated properly since diagnosis, they remain at an increased risk of developing liver cancer. In addition, it is known that 80-90 percent of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma develop cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), which makes cancer treatment difficult because the organ is already compromised at this stage.

Stages of hepatitis B or C infection

Infection with hepatitis B or C virus can occur at several different stages of severity.

  1. Most people show no symptoms immediately after infection. Others may feel more tired than usual or have pseudo-flu symptoms such as fever, vague aches and pains, or nausea.
  2. Some people may also develop more severe symptoms of acute liver disease with liver failure.
  3. In addition, patients with chronic hepatitis C may experience joint pain or depression, for example.

While during the first six months after infection, the disease is described as “acute”, persistent infections become “chronic”. In general, younger people are at greater risk of developing the chronic form of the disease. While there is a chance that acute infections will resolve spontaneously, chronic infections require extensive treatment. Therefore, regular screening for liver damage and tumor growth, such as ultrasound every six months, is extremely important for chronically infected patients.

The innocent symptoms of tumors

Symptoms of viral hepatitis

Hepatitis B and C generally shows no warning symptoms during the early stages. Often, it may take two or three months after infection to develop symptoms such as:

  1. tiredness,
  2. fever,
  3. nausea,
  4. loss of appetite
  5. stomach pain,
  6. dark urine,
  7. yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

These symptoms can vary in severity, from mild to severe. Most infants and children with hepatitis B never develop these symptoms, as they do with some adults. Therefore, the disease can be extremely insidious and malicious.

Viral hepatitis – prevention

The best way to prevent hepatitis B infection is grafting. It usually involves giving a series of three injections over a six-month period. The vaccine can be given to just about anyone, including infants, elderly adults and people with a weak immune system. Since no vaccine against the hepatitis C virus has yet been invented, other measures should be taken to reduce the risk of infection. General caution is required when engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse, during surgical or dental procedures, tattooing or piercing. In addition, those undergoing medical procedures should always ensure that doctors use sterile medical and dental equipment.

60-70% of malignant liver tumors are caused by viral inflammation of this organ, the prevention of infection with this virus significantly reduces the risk of their development. Effective ways to reduce personal cancer risk factors include:

  1. follow a more balanced diet,
  2. regular physical activity,
  3. weight reduction,
  4. consuming less alcohol
  5. for patients at increased risk of disease, screening ultrasound examinations are recommended every six months.

Early and effective treatment is essential in people infected with the hepatitis virus.

Help yourself in case of viral hepatitis with natural anti-inflammatory and antiviral bee bee. If you want to support your liver and alleviate the course of hepatitis, also buy Baicalin – Baikal thyroid – Doctor Life dietary supplement.

Liver cancer is closely related to inflammation and cirrhosis of the liver

Statistics show that up to 90 percent of children infected with the hepatitis virus in the first years of life develop the chronic form of the disease and are at increased risk of dying from liver cancer. It is the fourth most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer death in the world. It has been shown that the incidence of this disease has increased in recent years due to the global increase in the number of infections with hepatitis B and C viruses. Moreover, the prevalence of obesity and diabetes, which can lead to fatty liver disease, is also increasing. are also often associated with an increased risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma.

Viral hepatitis – risk factors

About 90 percent of the primary malignant liver tumors are cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, which most often develops from cirrhosis or chronic organ inflammation. It begins in the liver itself. In recent years, the incidence rate for hepatocellular carcinoma has increased due to the increasing number of infections with hepatitis B and C viruses on a global scale, but also due to diagnostic progress. Both of these viruses can cause life-threatening late complications, such as cirrhosis, which is a known major precursor to malignant tumor growth and occurs in 80–90 percent of all liver cancer patients. Moreover, factors increasing the risk of this cancer may include: family history of liver disease, excessive alcohol consumption or long-term use of certain steroids. Besides, the so-called Civilization diseases, such as obesity, diabetes or fatty liver, which are often the result of unhealthy eating habits, increase the risk of developing liver cancer. It should also be mentioned that, according to the available statistics, the male sex is more likely to develop this disease.

Effect of Life-Extending Drugs on Viral Hepatitis

Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma depends on numerous factors such as the size, location, and stage of the tumor. Moreover, the level of basic liver function and the general condition of the patient influence the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. If the tumor is detected early and the remainder of the liver is healthy, surgery with or without an organ transplant may completely heal the patient. However, only about 15 percent of patients with cancer can be resected. There are three other treatment options besides surgery:

  1. radiotherapy, which uses high-energy X-rays or other types of radiation that are useful in killing cancer cells,
  2. general and local chemotherapy, which consists of administering drugs by mouth or by injection; chemoembolization is a method of treatment consisting in delivering chemotherapeutic agents directly to the area of ​​the liver where the tumor is located, which results in blocking its blood supply,
  3. percutaneous injection of ethanol, which is carried out using a special needle directly into the tumor for the local elimination of tumor cells.

Advances in systemic treatment with the use of molecularly targeted active substances

Not so long ago, it was not possible to extend the life of patients with liver cancer with the use of systemic drugs. However, the promising advances made with the use of molecularly targeted (so-called ‘targeted’) active substances offer patients the opportunity to obtain effective therapy. These modern drugs precisely fight cancer by simultaneously attacking multiple weaknesses in cancer cells. They block the signals that stimulate them to grow and prevent the formation of new blood vessels without which the tumor cannot survive. Advances made with the use of these drugs give patients hope. However, experts still believe that the patient’s individual attitude and knowledge about the disease play an equally important role. Therefore, early diagnosis and reduction of risk factors remain the most important elements in the fight against this deadly disease.

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