Violation of cerebral circulation in adults
Violation of cerebral circulation is a disease very dangerous for human life. We will tell you what it is, how it manifests itself and when you need to urgently call an ambulance

What is cerebrovascular accident

– Violation of cerebral circulation is the case when the flow of blood to part of the brain decreases. As a result of this, hypoxia occurs – oxygen starvation, and part of the brain dies without nutrition. More often this pathology is called a stroke. neurologist Gulnara Akhmadeeva.

The doctor distinguishes two types of circulatory disorders:

Ischemic – when the vessel is clogged. Most often it is a detached atherosclerotic plaque or a blood clot from the heart. The lumen of the vessel closes, blood does not flow further, part of the brain dies without receiving nutrition.

Hemorrhagic – rupture of the vessel, resulting in a hemorrhage, which also causes the death of part of the brain.

In both cases, the disease is dangerous, you should immediately consult a doctor, call an ambulance.

Causes of cerebrovascular accident in adults

There can be many reasons for this dangerous disease, and people with certain problems are at risk:

  • hypertension;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • overweight.

Also, stress, which the patient regularly experiences, can be a big provocateur of cerebrovascular accident.

Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident in adults

The doctor identifies two groups of symptoms:

Cerebral. This includes a severe headache.

Neurological. In this case, paresis (loss of muscle strength due to damage to the nervous system) may already be observed. Most often, the right or left side of the face is affected. A person may have impaired coordination, he cannot raise his arm, bend it, sometimes he does not understand speech or speaks poorly if the right side is affected. If we see that the patient has become sharply ill, his head hurts, the symptoms are strange – he cannot say something, his mouth, face are twisted, then urgently call a doctor or go to the hospital yourself. Most often this happens against the background of high blood pressure. The pressure must be reduced very carefully. Under no circumstances should it be reduced!

Treatment of cerebrovascular accident in adults

– Violation of cerebral circulation is treated strictly in the hospital! It is important to get to the doctors in the first 3-6 hours, then the doctors have a chance to help the patient as much as possible without consequences. There are chances to do thrombolysis – to dissolve the clot that clogged the vessel. If within 5 to 6 hours the blood supply is restored, the brain tissue will not die. The symptoms won’t stay forever. If all the deadlines have passed (the patient was brought later than 3-6 hours later), then you will have to treat the consequences: normalize blood pressure, blood sugar, if it is problematic, lower the temperature, relieve headaches. From the very first day, the patient is assigned rehabilitation: he needs to move the affected limbs, walk, talk, – said neurologist Gulnara Akhmadeeva.

Treatment is carried out in several stages – you need:

  • normalize blood circulation;
  • correct blood pressure;
  • prevent cerebral edema.

All these manipulations are carried out only in a hospital. Also often used drugs that improve blood flow and restore blood vessels.


– In diagnostics, the main tool is neuroimaging (CT, MRI). In emergency cases, they resort to computed tomography, which will distinguish ischemic from hemorrhagic stroke, which is very important. You can also do an MRI, but it is not so good at diagnosing cerebrovascular accident, explains neurologist Gulnara Akhmadeeva.

Modern treatments

– After the rendered prompt assistance and rescue of the patient, rehabilitation immediately begins. Recovery lasts six months – it is important to start it on the same day, then it will be more difficult or even impossible to recover. These are massages, gymnastics, speech therapy classes, the return of skills. A person after a stroke will learn to get up, walk, eat like a baby, says neurologist Gulnara Akhmadeeva.

Prevention of cerebrovascular accident in adults at home

Prevention in this case is very commonplace. Patients at risk need to control blood pressure, take antihypertensive drugs – they reduce the risk of stroke by at least 50%, take antiplatelet agents to thin the blood, especially if the patient has already experienced a stroke or a pre-stroke condition.

It is also important to control cholesterol levels. If the patient has diabetes, he needs to monitor his blood sugar – follow a diet or take hypoglycemic pills.

Popular questions and answers

She also answered popular questions from readers about cerebrovascular accident neurologist Gulnara Akhmadeeva.

What are the consequences of cerebrovascular accident?

The most common consequences are limitation of functions, paralysis, paresis. In other words, all the symptoms that developed in the first hours may, in the worst case, remain if the pathology is not treated. And against the background of this, depression can already develop, memory worsens.

When to call a doctor in violation of cerebral circulation?

Immediately, it is important to help in the first hours! If we see that the patient has become sharply ill, his head hurts a lot, strange symptoms have appeared, when he cannot say something, his mouth and face are twisted, then urgently call a doctor or go to the hospital yourself.

Is it possible to cure a violation of cerebral circulation with folk remedies?

In no case! Violation of cerebral circulation is treated strictly in a hospital. Further, the patient is waiting for rehabilitation – also under the supervision of specialists.

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