Vintage in the interior. Retro design. Interior ideas, photo

Vintage in the interior. Retro design. Interior ideas, photo

Vignette is a combination of retro or vintage style with a modern twist. Woman’s Day learned from the designers of Crate and Barrel how to decorate or update the interior without much cost and labor.

Hearing the mention of “vignette”, many remember the artistic composition that opens and closes the book, or the element of framing pictures and photo frames. From a design point of view, “vignette” means small interior compositions in a certain style.

Elements for creating a modern retro interior can be half-judged by both pieces of furniture and decorative elements (aroma candles, photo frames, vases, etc.).

The convenience of this design lies in the fact that you can change and rearrange the components of your composition at any time, according to your mood.

However, for a vignette to be particularly stylish, there are a few key principles to follow.

Vary the height of objects

Use small pedestals to elevate the elements of your vignette. Try laying out a pedestal from books that will serve as a foundation for smaller objects. You can also add photographs, artwork and other accessories here by placing them on a horizontal surface so that there are larger objects in the back and smaller ones in the front.

Don’t forget about the important role of lighting: if your composition is in a dark corner, it risks being overlooked. Always try to line up your vignette around a light source such as a window or lamp.

Use an odd number of items

Place objects of the same shape, size and color in an odd number, this will create the greatest visual impact. Groups of three or five elements look much better than groups of two or four.

It is also important to remember that the ideal and at the same time the simplest starting point for creating a vignette is choosing the key anchor object. It can be a lamp, a candle or a bouquet of flowers – something that will unconditionally solo in your composition, on the basis of which you will select the rest of the items.

Mix delicate handcrafted accessories with rougher, natural pieces. By using weathered wood or massive iron elements, you can get a very unexpected combination of textures.

Pay attention to the smallest parts of the composition – let every detail reflect your personality. Play with color – try shades that resonate with the dominant tone of the space.

But most importantly, carried away by experiments, do not forget about the classics – like your wardrobe, the house needs its timeless decor items. Invest in timeless values ​​- they never go out of style.

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