Vintage beer Athanasius: history, types, awards + interesting facts

Athanasius is a Russian manufacturer of vintage beer, which has been operating since 1994. In addition to Russia, products are supplied to the CIS countries and neighboring countries. The company has its own artesian well with water, which is filtered in 4 stages.

Selected varieties of barley are purchased in the Central Black Earth economic region. Malt of own production. The wort is filtered in a filter vat according to the classical method.

The history of Afanasy beer

XIX century: In Tver, on the banks of the Tvertsa River, a native of Austria founded the Tverskaya Bavaria brewery. This is associated with the age-old traditions of making Tver beer. The enterprise produced both alcohol and kvass, fruit waters and fruit drinks.

1941-1945: Factory buildings were destroyed, but by the end of hostilities, the sale of drinks was again established.

1976 A new “Kalinin” plant was launched.

1992 The enterprise was transformed into a joint-stock company. The beer was named “Afanasy” in honor of the Tver resident, traveler and author of the notorious works “Journey Beyond the Three Seas” Afanasy Nikitin.

2011 The brand expanded its product range, began entering new production markets.

2020 Alcohol is not the only thing the holding produces. This brand also has dairy products, meat, fish, snacks and soft drinks.

Types of vintage beer Athanasius

  1. Light, 4,5%

    Amber camp. Harmonious taste with obvious hop bitterness. The aroma is soft, malty. Drinks nice. Almost half of the hops used are “Shpal-select”. It creates unobtrusive fruity and minty tones.

  2. Dark, 4,5%

    The color is dark, dense. Dark hop beer with 6% roasted malt, but the taste remains mild. It reveals coffee and chocolate. Smells like roasted malt.

  3. Unfiltered, 4,1%

    Light, moderately bitter. Yeast in the composition gives a velvety taste and a bright aroma.

  4. Wheat, 4,9%

    Brewed with top-fermented wheat yeast and must with orange peel and coriander extract. 49% of the malt is light, the rest is wheat. The taste is soft, slightly sour. The tart aroma combines sweet banana and spicy cloves.

  5. Non-alcoholic, 0,5%

    Light. Sweetish with a pleasant hop bitterness. The beer is based on three hop varieties and light malt, so it does not differ from ordinary beer. In addition, shades of burnt caramel are felt.


  1. In 2000, light beer received a gold medal at the Moscow International Professional Competition for Beer, Soft Drinks and Mineral Waters.

  2. In 2017, light and non-alcoholic took silver awards at the same competition.


  1. The bottle is closed not with an ordinary metal cork, but with a toggle with a special lock-clip.

  2. Each bottle has a thermomark with the optimal serving temperature.

  3. 15,5 rubles from each sold unit of goods goes to the state treasury, and 5 rubles – to ensure law enforcement agencies.

Interesting Facts

  1. Most often, vintage beer is bought in a volume of 0,5 liters.

  2. In 2018, Russia hosted the World Cup, 1 bottles of the drink went to different cities.

  3. The company’s products are exported to 10 countries around the world.

Relevance: 29.05.2020

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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