Vinegar tree: description, planting, care
The vinegar tree is also called the deer-horned sumac. One of its main advantages is its beautiful appearance not only during the growing season, but also in the winter months. But in order for the tree to decorate the site, you will have to work hard and provide it with good care.
Description of the vinegar tree
This small deciduous tree grows strongly in breadth, becoming like a large shrub. The maximum height is 4−5 m. The plant is dioecious: it blooms in early summer with large panicles, from which fruits are formed on females. In winter, they become bird food.
In the fall, the foliage of the vinegar tree looks very beautiful.
The main characteristics of the plant:
- light thick brownish shoots;
- petioles covered with velvety down;
- complex feathery leaves with a whitish underside, resembling palm branches;
- small flowers, collected in pyramidal inflorescences 20 cm long;
- drupes covered with red bristles.
In autumn, the foliage takes on a bright red hue. The beautiful pattern of branches and fruits makes sumac one of the best winter garden decorations.
Planting and caring for a vinegar tree
Since sumac does not like close proximity to other plants, it needs to provide sufficient space. Trees of this species are best planted as tapeworms on lawns or in compositions with low-growing conifers. Sumac grows well on sandy or sandy-clayey soils and even tolerates soil salinity.
The main thing is not to plant a tree in areas with high groundwater levels.
For planting in a permanent place, seedlings that have reached the age of three are suitable. The substrate is prepared from humus, sand and leafy earth. When planting, the root collar must be deepened by 4 cm. Freshly planted plants must be well watered for 3-4 days.
Care as such does not exist. The tree is not afraid of drought, does not require watering and fertilizing, does not get sick and does not attract pests. Dry or damaged branches and numerous root shoots should be removed periodically. If the shoots are not removed, then the site will soon turn into a real grove. For the same reason, it is easiest to propagate sumac with root shoots.
In the middle lane, the tree may freeze slightly, but this is not scary, since the shoots are quickly restored. Therefore, no additional protection is needed for the winter.
Due to the decorative foliage and crown, this plant is often used in landscape design. The tree tolerates air pollution and gas pollution, so it is often planted in cities and along busy highways.
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