Villa Viola

Sambuca Villa Viola can most often be found in Cash & Carry supermarkets. Karlheinz Hous GMBH, the producer of this liqueur, has signed a contract with a large German supermarket chain Metro Group, operating in many countries of Europe, Asia and Africa.

Sambuca Villa Viola is a colorless transparent liqueur with a strength of 38%. The drink has a clean, but slightly sharp aniseed taste, made in Germany.

Historical reference. In 1958, the German entrepreneur Karlheinz Haus founded a company that specialized exclusively in the sale of alcoholic beverages in the German domestic market. The head office of Karlheinz Hous was located in Saarbrücken, a city located on the very border with France. Haus quickly realized the benefits of logistics: from Saarbrücken it is convenient to deliver goods throughout Europe.

Villa Viola

Karlheinz House has carefully studied all the features of the alcohol market. The entrepreneur came to the conclusion that it is more profitable to produce alcoholic beverages than simply import them, but on one condition: the range of products must be wide enough. If, for example, vodka becomes more popular than gin, then a successful company must meet the sudden consumer demand as quickly as possible.

Mr. House devoted the next few decades to the realization of this principle. Gradually, the company headed by him grew into a whole group of companies capable of competing on equal terms with large European producers of alcohol. By the end of the XNUMXth century, Karlheinz Hous produced more than a hundred types of wines and spirits: from cognac and calvados to vodka.

One of the original ideas of Mr. House was the creation of the “Italian series” Villa Viola, which included traditional liqueurs: sambuca, limoncello and amaretto. The entrepreneur chose not to enter into an agreement for the production of drinks with any well-known Italian company, but to establish the production of liqueurs at his own enterprise in Saarbrücken.

Experienced Italian mixologists made recipes for sambuca and other liqueurs. The entire product line of Villa Viola is still very popular both in Germany and outside the country.

Karlheinz Hous GMBH is now managed by the third generation of the Haus family. But the company’s policy has remained unchanged: the use of only natural raw materials and strict control over product quality.

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