Viktor Frankl: “Happiness is like a butterfly”

Psychologist Viktor Frankl spent four years in the Theresien and Dachau concentration camps, where he secretly provided psychological assistance to other prisoners. In the year of liberation from the camp (1945), he wrote the book “Say Yes to Life”. Psychologist in a concentration camp. What he says about happiness can be trusted. We have selected Frankl’s most subtle and precise remarks about himself, others, and the world around him.

Victor Emil Frankl (1905-1997) – Austrian psychologist and neurologist, former prisoner of the Nazi concentration camp. Frankl is the creator of logotherapy, a method of existential psychoanalysis that became the basis of the Third Vienna School of Psychotherapy.

“A person is somewhat like an airplane. An airplane can also travel on the ground, but in order to prove that it is an airplane, it must take off into the air. It is the same with us: if we do not rise above ourselves, no one will guess that we will be able to fly.

“Success, like happiness, cannot be achieved. It comes later, only as an unplanned result of devotion to a cause greater than yourself.”

“If all people were perfect, then every person could always be replaced by any other.”

“Everyone has their own special calling. Each person is irreplaceable, and his life is unique. And therefore, the task of each person is as unique as his ability to perform this task is unique.

* Frankl V. Man’s Search for Meaning, Progress, 1990.

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