Vija Artmane: biography, children, facts, photos, video

😉 Greetings to my dear readers! In the article “Vija Artmane: biography, children, facts, photos, videos” – about the main stages of the life of the Latvian theater and film actress.

Actress Via Artmane

Birth name: Alida Fritsevna Artmane. Born on August 21, 1929 in Kaive, Tukums district, Latvia. She died on October 11, 2008 (79 years old). People’s Artist of the Latvian SSR, People’s Artist of the USSR. She converted to Orthodoxy, taking the name Elizabeth. – A lion.

Glory Artmane knew no bounds! But here we will not talk about her work and filmography. Let’s see how her extraordinary fate developed.

She is rightfully considered one of the most sophisticated artists of Russian cinema, she especially succeeded on the screen both aristocratic natures and sincere lyrical heroines.

Those who knew the actress personally speak of her delicacy in communication. Who would have thought that she was by no means “blue bloods”. Let’s open the curtain …

The real name of the actress is Alida. She was born in a village in a family of peasants. Mother – Anna, Polish. Father – Fritz, from the Baltic Germans. When he was 19 years old, he died of an accident 4 months before the birth of his daughter.

A mother with a baby, Alida, wandered in different corners, then worked for wealthy peasants. At the age of 10, her mother gave Alida to be a shepherdess, for five years she worked as a shepherd.

When Alida was in school, she wanted to become a lawyer, “To punish evil people and justify the good,” but the magic of cinema and theater attracted her more.

When the girl was 15 years old, she and her mother settled in Riga. Here her mother got a job as a cleaner on the radio, and Alida became her assistant. How difficult it was to live on these pennies: buying food, clothes and books. In Riga they lived in a tiny room with a low ceiling, like an attic.

Vija Artmane: biography, children, facts, photos, video

The suitcase served as a desk. In one of the Riga dance schools, Alida studied dance. Then she was fascinated by the theater and in spite of everything she entered the drama studio at the Art Academic Theater. J. Rainisa (here she will work for 50 years!) She changed her name to a more sonorous one – Vija and began a new life.

Via Fritsevna Artmane


  • husband – Arthur Dimiters (1915-1986), theater actor;
  • son – Kaspar Dimiters (1957), musician;
  • daughter – Christiana Dimitere (1965), artist.

Vija Artmane: biography, children, facts, photos, video

Vija Artmane’s family: husband Arthur Dimiters, son and daughter

Unfortunately, unlike the theater, her personal life was not happy. Viya Fritsevna reports: “My husband – we played with him in the same theater – was very jealous.

Because he was very sinful, by the way. Even before me. I was many years younger than him. He was not what I dreamed of and whom I would like to have by my side, but I resigned myself.

Yes … My fate was generally successful. But I never felt completely happy. Maybe because I have never had good female happiness. Nobody spared me. Except for mom. And the man was not there. There was an actor. The father of my children.

But there was no beloved, gentle man next to me. I can say this quite frankly. God will forgive”.

Viya wanted to leave her husband, so hard life seemed to her together. And yet Viya lived with Arthur Dimeters for 27 years. Be that as it may, without her husband, she would not have become such a great actress. When he was gone, she gave up badly.

Yevgeny Matveyev

Artmane made her film debut in 1956 in After the Storm. But the film “Native Blood”, in which she starred with Evgeny Matveyev, made the Latvian actress a real star of the all-Union scale.

The husband threw a terrible scandal due to the fact that she played love with the actor Matveyev too believably. Artmane patiently endured swearing and beatings. However, the husband was not far from the truth. She loved Matveev not only on the screen.

Vija Artmane: biography, children, facts, photos, video

Via Artmane and Evgeny Matveev in the film “Native Blood”

Viya Fritsevna told about her crazy romance with him only many years later. All this time, the actress hid a terrible secret from her daughter Christiane. Only when she was thirty years old did her mother admit that Matveyev was her real father.

Vija Artmane: biography, children, facts, photos, video

With daughter Christian

At that time, Evgeny Matveev was also not easy, he wanted to leave the family. But Viya and Eugene agreed – they will not destroy their families, she – for the sake of her son, and he – for the sake of his two children. Already in old age, when her husband was gone, Viya met Matveyev in Moscow.

He suggested that she move to the capital of Russia. He said that she could live at his dacha if she wanted to. But she didn’t agree.

Children of Wii Artmane

Vija Artmane: biography, children, facts, photos, video

Children of Vija Artmane: son Kaspar Dimiters and daughter Christian Dimitere

Queen’s life

Over the years, the actress was forgotten. Having buried her husband, she dreamed of quietly living out her life. But fate had its own plans. The Latvian authorities, after the adoption of the law on restitution in the 90s, took away her apartment in the center of Riga. She was forced to move to her dacha and live in a modest house in the suburbs of the capital.

Then an old illness made itself felt: terrible trophic ulcers began to appear on the legs. The doctors threw up their hands, they did not know how to treat them. She was tormented by such terrible pains that she even fainted from them. In the last years of her life, the actress experienced great financial difficulties.

Vija Artmane: biography, children, facts, photos, video

But she never complained about fate, remaining a strong woman. After retirement, she lived so modestly that this existence could be called poverty.

The rent was twice the pension of one of the most popular actresses in Soviet cinema. In 2002, the actress starred as Empress Catherine II in the film by Russian director Khotinenko “The Golden Age”. This was one of her last films.

Vija Artmane died on October 11, 2008 in Strenci (Latvia) at the age of 80. Shortly before her death, she was baptized into the Orthodox faith under the name ElizabethIt turns out that she was born in poverty, lived like a queen, known to the whole world, and died again in poverty!

The documentary films “Conversation with the Queen” (1980), “Offend the Queen. Via Artmane ”(2007) and“ Via Artmane. Queen in Exile ”(2008).

Vija Artmane: biography (video)

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  1. kā var melot!!

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