Vigna is an asparagus bean. The plant has three forms: bush, semi-bush, climbing. In the people, cowpeas are called cowpeas. It is not very common among gardeners, but buying seeds is no longer a problem. Gradually, the plant is gaining popularity and begins to appear in many areas. It is most popular in Africa, where it comes from. Vigna loves heat very much, so it grows in warm areas. The length of the plant reaches 5 meters, and its fruits are 1 meter, while the pods are narrow and elongated, have a light color. If the beans have not reached their ripeness, they are called “shoulders”.
Cowpea beans are a very valuable dietary product. This is due to the high content of protein and starch. In addition, cowpea preparations are made for the whole year.
Benefit and harm
It is worth considering the benefits and harms of the plant. There are a lot of useful properties of cowpea. Due to the fact that the pods of asparagus beans contain the optimal ratio of sodium and potassium, this makes it possible to use cowpea for edema. The beans of the plant contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body. In addition, cowpea is used for disorders of the cardiovascular system. The use of this bean helps to restore and normalize the work of the heart.
It is also very useful in dietary nutrition. With its help, you can get rid of annoying kilograms and regain your ideal shape. It is most effective to use cowpea for obesity.
The benefits of the plant are due to the richest composition. Cowpea beans are also used in folk medicine. In diabetes, it is recommended to take a decoction of the leaves and seeds. The result from taking the decoction appears due to the fact that the vegetable contains a sufficient amount of arginine, which can be compared with insulin. A decoction of cowpea flowers can save a person from kidney stones. In addition, cowpea is useful in diseases of the bladder. It is recommended to use cowpea for inflammation of the kidneys, rheumatism and gout. From boiled seeds, you can make mashed potatoes, which is indispensable for dietary nutrition and gastritis.
Harm of cowpea is possible only if it is consumed raw and in very large quantities. It contains some toxic substances that, when raw, can harm the body. To avoid such a nuisance, cowpea should be consumed only after heat treatment. It is also contraindicated in case of personal intolerance and allergic reactions.
Growing Vigna
The cowpea has a wide variety of varieties. Vegetable varieties of plants have two subspecies: cowpeas and asparagus beans. The first subspecies is grown for small and tasty seeds. They are also called black-eyed peas. The beans of this variety are very tender, their length reaches 10-20 centimeters. They are often used for freezing.
There are also three varieties of cowpea:
- Japanese
- Chinese;
- bush.
Japanese and Chinese beans are curly. They also differ in seed color and pod width. The Japanese cowpea has black seeds and wide pods. In Chinese, the seeds are brown and there is no coarse fibrous layer on the wings of the beans, which makes it possible to eat whole beans. Therefore, these types of plants are called asparagus cowpea. Bush cowpea has rough shoulder blade shapes and is not eaten. The plant is planted in the ground only in warm weather. In the middle lane, cowpea is grown only by seedlings.
In order to expand the geography of cowpea cultivation, some of its varieties were specially bred: “macaretti” and “olesya”.
Macaretti is a variety of cowpea, the ripening period of which is medium. That is, the beans become ripe after about 2 months from germination. The length of the stem of the plant can reach 3 meters, the beans themselves are slightly curved, green, 30 centimeters long and 1 centimeter wide. They do not contain fibers and parchment layer, their taste is very delicate and juicy. On one square meter of the garden, you can collect about two kilograms of pods. The seeds are brown in color and kidney-shaped. The weight of 1000 pieces is approximately equal to 150 grams.
Olesya is a variety that was included in the state register of breeding achievements. The plant is quite unpretentious and perfectly tolerates heat and drought, so this variety can be grown in any region.
Planting of Asparagus Beans
The timing of sowing cowpeas depends on the region. For example, in more southern regions, the optimal sowing time is after May 10. In the northern regions – after May 20-23.
Vigna bush varieties are sown in two ways:
- wide-row;
- tape.
Seeds are laid to a depth of five centimeters. To make the seedlings even, the area allotted for planting cowpeas can be slightly rolled. Climbing varieties need to create supports. For this, both pegs and homemade trellises are suitable.
Usually 2-3 seeds are sown per hole, and as soon as the stem appears, a support is established to the plant. Externally, this design may resemble a tent. It is very resistant to strong winds and is efficient in producing crops.
When growing climbing varieties, it is necessary to constantly correct the main stem and side shoots. You also need to pinch the empty side stems of the cowpea. To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, you need to use agrofibre. After the emergence of shoots, it must be removed.
In addition, to improve the water, air and gas balance, row spacing mulching is used. For this, straw, peat, sawdust are used. It is worth noting that for bush varieties, mulching is a mandatory method of caring for cowpea. You can harvest until the first cold weather.
landing care
Vigna is quite tolerant of drought and heat. Reviews of many gardeners say that this plant is very unpretentious. The seeds of the plant begin to germinate at an ambient temperature of 12 degrees Celsius. The optimum temperature is 15-17 degrees. The most acceptable temperature for cowpea vegetation is 25 degrees Celsius and above. At the same time, the plant does not tolerate frost; at the slightest frost, seedlings stop growing. Vigna does not need constant watering. Watering is possible only during severe droughts. According to the rules, the planting of cowpea begins after root crops, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and onions. At the same time, planting cowpeas after peas and other legumes in the open field is not recommended.
How to deal with cowpea pests
Cowpea diseases are similar to diseases of other legumes. To avoid them, preventive measures should be taken. Key preventive methods for controlling diseases and pests include:
- timely and rational removal of plant residues;
- seed preparation.
There are popular agrotechnical methods to combat this problem. They are aimed at the timely cultivation of the soil, weed control, the application of the necessary fertilizers and the creation of optimal conditions for the proper growth and development of cowpea. In severe droughts, the spider mite is very active, so it is necessary to carry out the sprinkling procedure. This will increase the humidity in the air.
Dishes from cowpea
There are many recipes for making cowpea, it is used in many countries. Both beans and pods can be eaten. Raw beans can be added to various salads and main dishes. It can also be boiled, stewed and processed in many other ways. Cowpea dishes are very tasty and healthy. It’s easy to cook them.
Basically, only young cowpea fruits are used in cooking. Milk beans are often added to first courses, stews and casseroles. With cowpea pods, you can make preparations for the winter: preserve and freeze. You can also pickle and dry the fruits.
Almost all beans are edible and very tasty. They are used to prepare a variety of dishes.
A great option for breakfast can be battered cowpea. For its preparation you will need:
- vigna;
- eggs;
- greenery;
- vegetable oil;
- flour.
The amount of ingredients depends on the number of people. First you need to boil the beans in pre-salted water, cool and allow excess liquid to drain. Next, you need to beat the eggs, add herbs, salt, pepper and other favorite spices to them. Each cowpea pod should be dipped in the egg mixture, then rolled in flour and fried on all sides in a pan.
Vigna salad for the winter
To prepare the salad will need the following ingredients:
- 600 grams of tomatoes;
- 300 РіСЂР ° РјРјРѕРІ Р »СѓРєР °;
- 300 grams of carrots;
- 50 milliliters of sunflower oil;
- 500 grams of cowpea;
- 2 teaspoons of sugar;
- 1 teaspoon salt;
- 2 pcs. allspice;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 40 milliliters of vinegar.
All ingredients must be washed well. In tomatoes, an incision should be made on the skin. After that, they need to be poured with boiling water for one minute. Thus, the skin from the tomatoes can be easily removed. Ready tomatoes need to be cut into slices. Onions and carrots need to be peeled and cut into circles. Prepared vegetables should be put in a pan, add oil and simmer over medium heat for about 7 minutes. At this time, you need to do cowpea. Beans should be dried and cut into small pieces. It is very important to cut off all the tips of the pods. Next, these beans should be added to the vegetables in the pan, mix well and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes. In almost ready vegetables, add sugar, salt, pepper and garlic. Stew the salad for another 5 minutes, then add the vinegar and mix. Ready salad should be laid out in jars. You need to pour water into the pan, cover the bottom with a towel, put jars of salad on it, which are important to cover with lids. Bring the water to a boil and sterilize everything for about 7-10 minutes. Then you need to roll up the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket until the salad cools. This salad can be stored in a cool dark place for about 10 months.
Vigna is a tasty, unusual and very healthy vegetable crop. In addition, it is great used as a decor. Asparagus beans are gradually becoming known to more and more people, allowing you to diversify your diet, making it not only tasty, but also very healthy.