Vietnamese rum: review of 4 brands

The Vietnamese rum market is very small, literally 3-4 well-known brands. In terms of consumption, Rhum Chauvet dominates the market thanks to its low prices.

Chahn Rhum

It costs very little, at the exchange rate for March 2020 it is 136 rubles per bottle. The taste is specific, not everyone will like it. Alcohol content 29%. During the manufacturing process, numerous extracts from fruits and berries are added to it. Suitable for cocktails, combined with carbonated drinks. Coca-Cola, for example. Can be diluted with freshly squeezed fruit juices.

Chauvet Rum

It is produced by a company from France Slaur Chauvet. The main ingredient is fermented sugar cane. It has been known in France for about a century, in Vietnam for 15 years. However, it is more popular in Asian countries.

The birthplace of this rum is Martinique, an island in the Caribbean Sea, which is called the “rum heart” of this region. It was poured into containers in French Le Havre. Toward the end of the XNUMXth century, exports to the Asian market began, dominated by the Thai Sang Som.

To reduce cost and increase sales, the company established factories in Vietnam. The main component, reed, was found in abundance there, and the labor force cost a penny. Today, for a bottle you will be asked from 480 to 540 Russian rubles.

Виды Rum Chauvet

  1. White Stamp, 40% – standard white rum. Seemingly transparent. Smells like fruit.

  2. Red Stamp, 40% – dark golden color. Combines the sweetness of caramel and savory flavors. It is considered ideal for ladies.

How to distinguish an original Rhum Chauvet from a fake

The replicas are of very high quality in terms of packaging and labels. Buyers are caught in inattention. Read the title a few times to see if it’s Rhum Chanviet.


Exclusively Vietnamese rum, you will not find it in other countries. Produced by Atlantic International Spirits Corporation. Although it is not advertised, it is in high demand among consumers.

ISC stands for International Spirits Corporation. It was created in the image and likeness of Chauvet. Data on all components, except for molasses, are classified.

Types of ISC Rum

  1. White, 39% – transparent rum with fruity hints in the aroma.

  2. Gold (Red), 39% – straw amber. You can taste the caramel.

  3. Dark, 39% – chocolate color. Spicy notes are woven into the aroma.

Rhum Belami

Almost no chemicals, while most competitors add 6-10% chemicals (eg glycerin).

The drink is positioned as a premium, conceived as something fruity and spicy, at the same time natural. Therefore, herbs are used in the composition. This rum is close to a cocktail.

Species of Rhum Belami

  1. Legacy Edition, 55% – fruity and spicy. Ideal for any event.

  2. Premium, 55% – made with organic coconut, Kopi Luwak coffee beans, roasted chocolate, Bande tree. Its sweetness is perfect for dessert (for example, from red fruits).

  3. White, 55% – an unusual rum with the addition of lemongrass and basil.

Relevance: 22.04.2020

Tags: Rum, Roma brands

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