
In this phrase, solitude, detachment and detachment from the hustle and bustle and relevant (critical) judgments. It is important to remember: a certain isolation is necessary for a creative person, it keeps his freedom.


I return to this famous phrase quite often. When someone scolds too much what I write or do. I don’t feel like a king at all, and I don’t want to be. «You are the king» — in the sense that I myself hold judgment over myself. And I know what I’m doing right and what’s wrong. I somehow try to rise above the crowd of critics and those who talk about me, about my life, about my works. I don’t see this as arrogance. I see in this rather solitude, detachment and detachment, or something, from the hustle and bustle and some actual judgments that often collapse and then dissolve somewhere. Isolation is very important for a creative person, I try to protect it. And such a turn of the formula “You are the king: live alone” is very dear to me.

* A. Pushkin «To the Poet», in the collection «Lyrics». Eksmo, 2009.

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