Viburnum vulgaris: ornamental trees and shrubs
Viburnum is quite often used to decorate gardens and city parks and squares. Although it would be more correct to call this plant – extraordinary viburnum. The harmonious combination of decorative and beneficial qualities for the human body translates viburnum into the category of unique crops that are recommended to be grown in each area.
Description of common red viburnum
Previously, the red viburnum was attributed to the honeysuckle family, but in the modern classification, the culture is attributed to the adox family. The height of the shrub is on average 2 to 4 m. The life span of a plant can be 50 or more years. The crown is lush, the flowering period lasts from May to June inclusive. Due to the external attractiveness, the bushes of the common viburnum are classified as ornamental trees and shrubs.
Flowers are collected in inflorescences, the diameter of which can reach 15 cm. It is noteworthy that the berries are formed only in the place of small flowers in the middle of the inflorescence. And the beautiful and large ones, which are located at the edges of the brush, are sterile, they are necessary only to attract insects.
The fruits of the shrub are round or slightly oval drupes. Inside the berry there is a wide-heart-shaped bone. In the period of full maturity, the berries take on a bright red color. The taste of the fruit gives off a little bitterness, which disappears after freezing the berries. Fruit ripening ends in September.
Features of care for viburnum
Caring for the red viburnum does not cause much trouble to the owners. Watering shrubs is required only in hot dry weather. An annual inspection of the shoots will allow you to timely identify the presence of damage by garden pests and take measures to improve the bush.
The main stages of caring for viburnum:
- periodic weeding and loosening of the trunk circle;
- autumn digging of soil around the bush;
- mulching of the near-trunk zone;
- top dressing with complex fertilizers – every 3 years;
- annual pruning to remove old and damaged shoots and thin out shrubs.
By following simple guidelines for caring for viburnum, you will grow not only a beautiful and healthy shrub that will decorate your garden. Viburnum is also extremely healthy berries containing a lot of vitamins and other useful elements. Beauty and good health – the common viburnum will give you all this!