Viburnum picking: berry picking time
The healing properties of viburnum have been known for a long time. Timely collection of viburnum allows you to save more nutrients in the berries. But in folk medicine, not only the fruits of the shrub are used – the bark and flowers of the plant are also used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and other diseases.
When is the time to pick viburnum berries?
The timing of harvesting the fruits of the bush depends on the local climatic conditions. In the southern regions, the technical ripeness of berries begins in August, and in central Russia it is recommended to start harvesting medicinal raw materials in the second half of September. The collection period lasts until the first frost.
It is recommended to collect viburnum after the first frost
After the onset of frost, the taste of viburnum improves by reducing the bitterness in the berries. It should be noted that frost does not affect the concentration of nutrients in viburnum fruits.
The ripeness of the viburnum can be determined by the presence of a uniform bright red color. The berries should not have green streaks or yellow spots. To keep the fruits as long as possible, it is recommended to collect them whole with brushes or together with twigs. For easier collection, it is best to use a garden pruner.
Store crops in the refrigerator or cool cellar. It is very convenient to store branches with berries tied in a bunch in a suspended state. The method of storing frozen berries in a freezer is also widely used, while all their healing properties are preserved in full.
Viburnum picking time: when is it time to pick the bark and flowers of the shrub
As already mentioned, such parts of the shrub as bark and viburnum flowers also have useful properties. And if the berries are eaten whole, then decoctions and tinctures are made on the basis of the bark and inflorescences. There are also certain deadlines for collecting them:
- The bark of the plant is harvested in early spring, when active sap flow begins inside the trunks of the shrub. On the cut branches, circular cuts are made at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Then they are connected together with a vertical incision, which makes it easy to remove the bark.
- Viburnum flowers are harvested during mass flowering. The inflorescences are torn off completely and are quickly dried.
Regardless of the method of storage, viburnum throughout the winter will help you restore the reserves of vitamins in the body. Only heat treatment of berries can affect their content. Therefore, it is recommended to use viburnum fresh, dried or frozen. By planting one viburnum bush on your site, you can provide the whole family with useful vitamins.