For several centuries, everyone has known the beneficial properties of viburnum. It is actively used in cooking, in cosmetology and for medicinal purposes. In ancient times, the viburnum bush was considered a symbol of fidelity, love and girlish purity. The berries have a bright red color, a specific aroma and a bitter sweet and sour taste. Today, the pharmacy sells drugs, the main component of which is viburnum. Viburnum juice is a pleasant and healing drug that restores the functioning of the whole organism as quickly as possible.
Useful properties of viburnum juice
There are an incredible amount of useful properties of viburnum juice, let’s try to list the main ones. Viburnum juice contains a wide range of minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iodine), vitamins and ascorbic acid. Viburnum juice and juice helps to get rid of the symptoms of chemical and food poisoning, as the product enriches the body with natural sugars and pectins.
The product has anti-allergic, antimicrobial, choleretic effects. With regular use, it fills the body with energy, perfectly tones, invigorates and refreshes.
In case, for some reason, there is no appetite, it is recommended to drink approximately two hundred to two hundred and fifty milliliters of a berry drink before eating. Viburnum juice is excellent in the treatment of coughs, duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers, and liver diseases. The product perfectly relieves temperature, eliminates inflammation, normalizes blood pressure, restores blood quality, cleanses and strengthens blood vessels, and has a positive effect on the genitourinary and reproductive systems. In other words, this magnificent drink is able to rejuvenate, restore and support the work of the whole organism.
Contraindications and harm of viburnum juice
This product has not only useful properties, but also contraindications. Viburnum juice can harm people with high acidity of the stomach. For hypertensive patients, viburnum juice will be useful, and for hypotensive patients it is harmful. Enhances the work of the product honey, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before use. It is also contraindicated to add a viburnum drink to the diet of pregnant women and women during lactation, as it can provoke a miscarriage and stop lactation. It is also forbidden to take the product to people with increased blood clotting, with kidney disease, in the presence of gout, with elevated platelets. Yes, the product is anti-allergenic, but it can still cause rashes and itching, especially if fruit drinks and juice are drunk in large quantities and often. If you take into account contraindications, the beneficial properties will have a positive effect on the whole body.
Chemical composition
The product is low-calorie, therefore it is suitable for a dietary diet and for a diet during the recovery period after serious illnesses.
Caloric value | Twenty-six kilocalories per hundred grams |
Proteins | Zero grams |
Fats | Zero grams |
Carbohydrates | seven grams |
The composition of the viburnum drink includes a large amount of vitamins C and A, pectin, tannins. Pectins help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The composition of berry juice also includes phytoncides, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, iodine, copper, manganese. The drink also contains formic, oleic, valeric acids. Due to the rich mineral and vitamin composition, the product is useful for vitamin deficiency and loss of strength.
Viburnum juice at home
To prepare viburnum juice at home, you will need:
- ripe viburnum berries;
- sugar.
Wash the berries and dry well. During the drying process, it is not necessary to press hard on the berry peels, otherwise the juice will turn out bitter. Pour boiling water over the berries, rub the berries gently through a sieve. In equal parts, combine the resulting juice with sugar, and place in a tightly closed jar. Store juice in the refrigerator. From the duration of storage, the bitterness of the drink will decrease.
For long-term storage of the product, it is recommended to prepare it in the form of jelly, for this you need to take one kilogram of viburnum, one liter of water and two hundred grams of powdered sugar. Pour the fruits with water and put on a slow fire, cook until soft. Grind the berries through a sieve, add sugar to the puree, stir thoroughly until completely dissolved, heat a little and strain through cheesecloth. Keep refrigerated.
Viburnum juice for the winter – for cooking you need to take one liter of berry juice, one hundred and twenty-five grams of powdered sugar and one glass of water. To prepare berry juice, you need to separate each berry from the bunch, rinse, pour a small amount of water and boil for two hours. Grind softened viburnum through a sieve, then pass through gauze. Heat liquid, add sugar and water. Boil the liquid and place in sterilized jars, roll up.
Ways to use viburnum juice
Viburnum juice is actively used in cosmetology. With a berry drink, brittle nails, flaccidity of the skin of the hands and face, dark tan, freckles and acne are no longer a problem. It is this unique drink that has an antiseptic, rejuvenating, whitening effect. If you freeze the juice in the freezer and wipe your face with ice once a day, the skin will noticeably tighten, fine wrinkles will smooth out, freckles will become less noticeable, and acne will disappear completely.
The recipe for acne is to combine fat sour cream and viburnum juice in equal proportions, let it brew for twenty minutes, apply a mask on a previously cleansed face and leave for fifteen minutes. The mask should be washed off with cold water. If you still want to get a whitening effect, you need to combine the main ingredient with egg whites in equal proportions.
Kalina can be added to creams, lotions, masks, tonics.
For a tonic mask, you need to take three tablespoons of a berry drink, mix with five tablespoons of oatmeal, one tablespoon of liquid honey, one tablespoon of fat-free kefir, and one egg white. To prepare, first beat the protein with a mixer or blender, then add all the liquid ingredients, and only at the end add oatmeal. The mask is prepared immediately before use. Apply the mask to cleansed skin of the neck and face. Keep the mask on for fifteen to seventeen minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water only. After application, apply a moisturizing and soothing cream to the skin.
For an anti-inflammatory lotion, you need to take two hundred milliliters of viburnum juice, four tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of liquid honey, one tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil, one glass of water, two hundred milliliters of cream, two hundred milliliters of camphor alcohol. Mix all components, store only in glass at temperatures up to ten degrees Celsius.
To prepare a nourishing cream, you need to take three tablespoons of viburnum natural drink, three tablespoons of olive oil, and one yolk. Mix all the ingredients, store in the refrigerator, after soaking such a cream, you need to rinse the skin with a decoction of calendula, chamomile.
To strengthen the nails and moisturize the skin of the hands, you need to prepare nourishing and softening baths, for this, mix half a liter of warm water with two tablespoons of freshly squeezed viburnum natural drink, add one tablespoon of sea salt. Immerse your hands in the bath for twenty minutes. After three weeks of these procedures, the effect will be pronounced, the nails will be strong, the skin of the hands will be soft, bright and toned.
In cooking, viburnum berry juice is used to make jelly, impregnation for cakes, creams, puddings, jelly, ice cream, syrups, jams, etc.
Viburnum jelly – mix one glass of powdered sugar with 200 milliliters of berry juice and three tablespoons of starch. Mix vigorously and bring to a boil. Stir constantly and cook until a thick creamy consistency is obtained.
Viburnum juice with honey – mix freshly prepared viburnum natural juice (one hundred milliliters) with 50 grams of liquid honey. To better combine the ingredients, it needs to be slightly warmed up. The drink should be drunk at high temperature, high blood pressure, viral and respiratory diseases.
There are many viburnum bushes in our country, you need to remember the usefulness of this berry and use it to heal and rejuvenate the body. Before drinking a viburnum natural drink, be sure to consult a doctor.