Veterinarians would like you to know these 15 things about your pet

Bringing an animal home is just the beginning of a long journey. We must also be able to take care of him correctly. Just feeding and sometimes pouring water is not enough.

The popular social network Reddit once asked the question: veterinarians, what would they like people to know about their pets? The post instantly went viral with over 15 comments, most of which are useful information for pet owners. We have selected XNUMX of the most valuable of them.

1. Your cat cannot be vegan. This is against his nature and undermines his health. If you want your pet to eat vegetarian food because you are a vegetarian yourself, then get yourself a rabbit.

2. Removing a cat’s claws because it is tearing up a sofa or wallpaper is barbaric. There are always alternative methods: the claws can be trimmed, or you can put special attachments on them. And teach the cat to the scratching post.

3. Pets should not be given chocolate. Even a little bit. Not at all. Chocolate contains caffeine-like simulants that can cause an animal to vomit, diarrhea, hyperactivity, seizures, and arrhythmias.

4. Never let your pet even sniff alcohol. A very small amount of alcohol, literally a few drops, can be life-threatening for a pet.

5. Make time for your pet. You have friends, family, and colleagues. And he has only you.

6. Sterilization of an animal is right, it is more beneficial to the health of the animal than to harm. Your dog is not interested in the “joys of motherhood.” For her, this is a traumatic experience – she is forced to go through not only pregnancy and childbirth, but also the fact that the puppies will be taken away from her. If you are not going to breed dogs for sale, neuter them.

7. Don’t get a husky just because you like the way they look. They are active dogs, they need a lot of movement. If you cannot give them this, the husky will be unhappy, and from this it can become aggressive. Ask about the breed’s characteristics before adopting a dog.

8. Don’t complain about your dog’s lack of upbringing if you feed him from the table. You yourself are to blame – 100 percent.

9. Teach children to understand the body language of animals and to handle them correctly. The child must understand when the animal does not like the way they are “played”, otherwise injuries cannot be avoided, for which the pet will pay.

10. Feeding your cat obese is not cute. These are problems with the heart and joints, torment for the animal. Stop showing love through feeding.

11. If the cat has started nasty, it means that something is bothering her: either the environment, or health problems. Cats don’t do nasty things just to get revenge or get attention.

12. Neutering will not make your cat fat and lazy. After surgery, they really need fewer calories – just cut back on the portion. Cats become less energetic as they age. But even very adult cats will liven up if you decide to play with them.

13. See your veterinarian on time. How many times have specialists come across cases when a dog’s tumor has grown to incredible sizes, and a cat has lost so much weight due to advanced kidney disease that it can no longer be cured.

14. To diagnose and treat a pet according to the advice from the Internet is irresponsible and stupid. The animal can’t even explain that it hurts. If a child suddenly has a stomach ache, you won’t perform an operation to remove an appendix at home, will you?

15. A pet is not a toy for your children, it is not fun. This is a living creature that cannot be simply taken and thrown away when you or your children get tired of it.

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