Veterinarian: all you need to know about the animal doctor
What is the profession of veterinarian?
Veterinary medicine is the medical discipline concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, detection and treatment of abnormalities, diseases, injuries or animal health problems.
Veterinarians are specialists in animal health and intervene in three main areas1 :
- animal health and protection;
- food safety and public health;
- preservation of wildlife and the environment.
Thus the practical roles of the veterinarian are varied1, depending on the sector he has chosen. These include:
- protect and care for animals;
- secure drug prescriptions;
- ensure food safety;
- guarantee public health;
- to preserve the environment ;
- develop research and training.
The veterinarian can choose many specialties and practice as:
- canine veterinarian;
- equine;
- rural;
- advice on animal production;
- veterinary public health inspector;
- director of a laboratory;
- the pharmaceutical industry;
- armies ;
- agrifood;
- or civil servant (and work for example in a ministry).
In which cases to consult a veterinarian?
Since the veterinarian can practice in various fields, the reasons for consulting him are just as much. But take the example of a consultation for a pet.
It is advisable to see a veterinarian:
- after adopting a pet;
- for its vaccines;
- in the event of changes in behavior, habits or the appearance of symptoms:
- diarrhea
- cough;
- vomiting;
- if he stops eating;
- itches;
- drinks and / or urinates often;
- cannot urinate;
- has a swollen belly;
- has difficulty breathing;
- if he bleeds;
- or of course if he has swallowed a toxic / inedible product or has been the victim of an accident.
Where to consult a veterinarian?
Still in the case of a pet, there are several places to consult a veterinarian:
- a veterinary practice;
- a veterinary clinic.
Is the visit to a veterinarian reimbursed?
There is pet insurance in France and Quebec that covers a variable portion of veterinary costs.
Studies to become a veterinarian
In France, to become a veterinarian2, you must follow 7 years of studies after obtaining the baccalaureate:
- first two years of study (in preparatory classes, at the university, in BTS or DUT)
- then, once the national entrance examination has been passed, five years of theoretical and clinical training (four years of initial training and one year of in-depth training) in one of the following four higher education establishments:
- the National Veterinary School of Alfort;
- the National Veterinary School of Toulouse;
- the Nantes Atlantique National Veterinary, Agri-food and Food School – ONIRIS;
- the National Veterinary School of Lyon – VetAgro Sup.
Note that the first veterinary school in the world was created in Lyon in 1761, under the leadership of Claude Bourgelat (director of the Lyon riding academy).
In Quebec, to become a veterinarian3, it is necessary to undergo a five-year training course which leads to obtaining a doctorate in veterinary medicine.
The faculty of veterinary medicine at the University of Montreal, in Saint-Hyacinthe, is the only university to offer this training.
Integrate training after obtaining a college diploma (DEC), equivalent to the baccalaureate in France.
Role and studies of the veterinary assistant
The person who assists the veterinarian is called a specialized veterinary assistant / qualified veterinary assistant / animal health technician. He / She is the veterinarian’s right hand:
- receives clients;
- maintains the animal, can participate in the blood samples to be taken, prepares the animal for the radiology sessions, places dressings;
- assists the veterinarian during surgical procedures;
- also manages the secretariat.
To achieve this :
- in France :
- the student must obtain a diploma of qualified veterinary assistant (1 year training);
- or a specialist veterinary assistant diploma (2 years training);
- in Quebec : the student must obtain a college diploma (DEC) in animal health, which lasts 3 years.