Vesicle Kalinolistny Purpurea: photo and description

The viburnum viburnum was brought to Europe in the XNUMXth century. from the American continent. In the wild, the plant is found along river banks and in mixed forests. The Purpurea vesicle is one of the types of deciduous shrubs popular with gardeners because of its unpretentiousness and high decorative qualities.

Description of the vesicle Purpurea

Vesicle Kalinolistny Purpurea: photo and description

Botanists attribute the viburnum to the Rosaceae family. Purpurea is one of a dozen species of this beautiful shrub.

The bushes of the viburnum vesicle are sprawling. The drooping arrangement of branches at Purpurea makes the shape of the crown look like a ball, reaching a diameter of one and a half to two meters. This type of vesicle got its name for the reddish color of the foliage. The purple color of the leaves, consisting of three or five lobes, does not change all summer and autumn.

Relatively low (up to 2 m) shrub blooms in May-June. Small simple white or light pink flowers with many stamens are collected in inflorescences – scale insects.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Purpurea: photo and description

Purpurea seeds are no less decorative. The swollen leaflets of reddish color do not fall from the branches until late autumn.

Purpurea vesicle in landscape design

A fast-growing shrub, Purpurrea, with surprisingly beautiful foliage, is used in landscape design to create hedges.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Purpurea: photo and description

To create a contrast, different types of vesicle are planted. The combination of red, green and red colors allows you to create spectacular plantings. The Purpurea vesicle looks unusual in group plantings of shrubs and trees of different heights, shapes and colors.

Important! Seeds and fruits of the vesicle Purpurea should not be eaten.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Purpurea: photo and description

A low bright shrub is used as a border for garden zoning. An unpretentious plant lends itself well to shearing, which allows you to give the culture incredible shapes.

Conditions for growing the vesicle of the viburnum variety Purpurea

When choosing a place for planting the Purpurea vesicle, it should be noted that in the shade the leaves of the shrub turn pale and acquire a green color with a touch of purple. The shrub is not too picky about the soil. The shrub will show its decorative qualities completely on well-fertilized loam.

Important! Avoid stagnant moisture in the area where the vesicle is planned to be planted.

Planting and caring for the vesicle Kalinolistny Purpurea

Purpurea is best planted in the fall. However, if the seedling is purchased with a closed root system, then it can be planted in a permanent place at any time.

Site preparation

Pits for planting the vesicle must be prepared in advance. It is important that the root neck of the plant is at ground level. Approximately 2 weeks before the planned planting of the shrub, the pits must be filled with a mixture of peat and soddy soil. River sand and compost should be added to them. Coarse-grained drainage must be laid at the bottom of the pit. If the soil is acidic, then lime must be added. The vesicle grows well on neutral soil. By the time the vesicle is planted, the soil in the pit will settle, which will allow you to correctly calculate the installation depth of the seedling

Rules of landing

In the prepared hole, the seedling should be installed together with an earthen clod. The space must be filled with prepared soil mixture and moistened. Top with peat, compost or a special cloth.

The distance between plants should be about 2 m. If a curb or hedge is planned, then the pits should be prepared at a distance of about half a meter. With a two-line planting, 45 – 50 cm should be left between the rows.

Watering and top dressing

The soil in the near-trunk circle must be moist until the shrub takes root. In the future, watering should be done as it dries. The vesicle Purpurea does not tolerate drought. In summer, watering is recommended at least 2 times a week. An adult plant needs up to 40 liters of water.

When watering, you need to make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves, flowers and fruits. In bright sunlight, water droplets can cause burns. The vesicle should be watered in the evening or early in the morning.

Top dressing is carried out in the spring during the swelling of the kidneys and in early autumn. In April, you can use a nutrient solution consisting of mullein and urea or ammonium nitrate. For an adult plant, one and a half buckets of nutrient fluid is enough, which is prepared at the rate of 10 liters of water, 0,5 liters of fresh cow manure and 20 g of nitrogen fertilizer.

For autumn top dressing, it is recommended to use nitroammofoska and in the proportion of 50 g per 10 liters of water. This amount is enough to fertilize two vesicle bushes.

Important! You can not feed the shrub immediately after planting.


The formation of the bush is carried out after flowering is completed. In this case, excess shoots should be removed at a height of half a meter.

In the spring, it is necessary to carry out a sanitary haircut of the vesicle. To do this, it is recommended to remove all frostbitten or diseased branches with a pruner or a sharp knife.

The older the plant, the more often rejuvenating pruning is required. To do this, you must completely remove the old shoots. And cut the rest to a side branch.

Shaping hedge trims from Purpurea should be done at least 2 times a month. The first can be done before the buds swell around the beginning of April.

Preparation for winter

The vesicle Purpurea tolerates winter cold well. But young branches can suffer without shelter. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare shrub seedlings for hibernation.

First of all, it is necessary to insulate the near-trunk circle. To do this, in the fall, a thick layer of mulch from mature compost or peat is laid around the bush: it should be about 10 cm.

  1. Trim overgrown branches.
  2. Tie the bush with twine.
  3. Cover with a cover of lutrasil or roofing felt.

Young seedlings of Purpurea can be covered with pine spruce branches, after tying them, along with adult bushes.


To propagate the vesicle in the garden, mature seeds can be germinated. This process is rather complicated. For germination, it is necessary to carry out stratification (cold treatment). But this method has a significant drawback. After its use, the Purpurea vesicle rarely retains the color of the leaves, because of which it is valuable.

Experienced gardeners are advised to propagate ornamental shrubs vegetatively.


Cuttings are harvested before the flowering of the shrub. Fresh shoots are cut, making sure that each has up to three internodes. The height of the cutting can be 15 – 25 cm. It is necessary to remove all the lower leaves and shorten the upper ones by half.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Purpurea: photo and description

For the fastest rooting, it is necessary to withstand the prepared planting material in a solution of a root former (Kornevin or the like).

To get healthy seedlings, cuttings are planted in a mixture of sand and peat for the whole season. It is advisable to use small film shelters. Throughout the summer, rooted cuttings must be ventilated and monitor soil moisture.

For the winter, young bushes cover. And the plant should be planted on a permanent site in the spring of next year.

Reproduction by layers

The method of propagation by layering is suitable even for beginners. It is important to clean the healthy young branch of the vesicle from foliage, leaving only the topmost leaves. After that you need:

Vesicle Kalinolistny Purpurea: photo and description

  1. Prepare a trench 10-15 cm deep and a branch long in height.
  2. Insert into groove.
  3. Fasten with a wooden pin.
  4. Sprinkle with nutrient soil.

During the summer, you should regularly water the area with the dug branch. By autumn, young sprouts of the Purpurea vesicle will appear, as shown in the photo. They can be separated from the honeycomb of the mother part and planted in place. For the winter, young seedlings must be covered.

Division of the bush

You can propagate the Purpurea vesicle by separating part of the root along with the shoots with a sharp spatula or knife. At the same time, it is very important to carry out the procedure in a short time. If the root system of a new seedling dries out, the plant may die. You can divide the bush both in spring and autumn.

Diseases and pests

The vesicle Purpurea is almost not susceptible to disease. With improper care and a lack of trace elements, it can suffer from chlorosis. But this problem is easy to deal with. If the leaves began to change color, light spots appeared on them, then it is enough to feed the shrub with iron-containing preparations.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Purpurea: photo and description

To process a bush, a teaspoon of iron chelate per 5 liters of solution is enough. The preparation can be sprayed on the shrub on the foliage or carry out root dressing.


The vesicle Purpurea deservedly enjoys the love of gardeners. Bright foliage, delicate flowers that change color during the season, interesting fruits allow the shrub to be used to create beautiful garden compositions.

Trimming shrubs Trimming the vesicle

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