Vesicle Kalinolistny Little Devil: photo and description

Unpretentious plants are always appreciated by gardeners, especially if they are unusual and versatile. The Little Devil vesicle can become a real “highlight” of the garden on its own or in tandem with other plants.

Description of the vesicle Little Devil

Genus Vesicles (in Latin Physocarpus) is a plant of the Rosaceae family, originally from North America. In our latitudes, it has been grown since 1793. The name comes from the shape of the fruit “physo” – “bubble”, “carpos” – “fruit”.

A deciduous shrub of miniature size, the viburnum viburnum Little Devil (Physocarpus opulifolius Little Devil) is one of the undersized varieties of the species. An adult plant in height can be 80 cm, maximum – 1 m. Spreading branches grow in a vertical direction, look up. They create a spherical crown, the diameter of which reaches from 70 to 90 cm.

The neat bush of the vesicle Little Devil has graceful, narrow leaves with 3 – 5 serrated lobes of maroon color, with the next arrangement. The unusual color of the culture does not change throughout the season. If planted in a shady spot, they will turn green instead of maroon, with a slight purple tint.

Small pinkish-white flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences with a diameter of about 3 – 4 cm. There are many of them, they appear in June. The Little Devil vesicle blooms for 2 to 3 weeks. Its fruits appear in September-October and are swollen purple leaflets.

What the flowering vesicle of Little Devil looks like can be seen in the photo:

Vesicle Kalinolistny Little Devil: photo and description

Vesicle Little Devil in landscape design

Standing out in a group next to other shrubs, the culture is often used to decorate the edge of flower beds and flower beds, as well as in compositions with various coniferous and herbaceous plants.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Little Devil: photo and description

Important! The Little Devil vesicle feels great in urban gas pollution, therefore it is suitable for landscaping streets, squares, flower beds near residential buildings.

Bushes of several varieties with multi-colored leaves – yellow, green and red look very impressive. The Little Devil vesicle is also used as geometric borders 40–50 cm high, as well as low hedges.

Conditions for growing the vesicle Little Devil

The conditions for growing such an unpretentious plant as the Little Devil’s vesicle are rather modest:

  1. He feels comfortable in conditions of gas contamination, for example, grows quietly along the roads.
  2. Refers to light-loving. It also develops well in shaded areas, but the leaves lose their bright color and turn green.
  3. Grows in almost any type of soil with good drainage and moderate moisture. It is preferable for the Little Devil vesicle to be fertile sandy and loamy soils without lime, with an acidic or neutral alkaline environment. On them, the plant will look richer.
Important! When growing a vesicle, it is important to prevent moisture stagnation.

Planting and caring for the Little Devil vesicle

The Little Devil bubble is unpretentious, but it is better to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology, and then this perennial bush (whose age reaches 20-25 years) will grow quickly and retain its unusual color. Providing proper care is not difficult, it consists in timely watering, fertilizing, and pruning.

Site preparation

The prepared place for the Little Devil vesicle should be free from trees or other objects that can create a shadow. The unusual color of the leaves will remain only with direct access to sunlight.

Planting of several bushes is carried out, based on the norm of 10 – 25 pieces per 1 m2. The distance between plants is left 0,8 m, so that the crown grows freely.

Rules of landing

A container plant can be planted throughout the growing season. A bush with a bare root is planted only before the leaves appear in spring or early autumn. The roots of the Little Devil vesicle are previously recommended to be soaked in water for several hours (2-5), and only then planted in the ground.

The main stages of landing:

  1. The depth of the planting pit should be about 50 – 60 cm. Peat soil or humus is poured into it on 1/3 of a hill, the roots are straightened, without deepening the root collar.
  2. Then the bush is covered with soil, slightly pressing it down. This is necessary so that the dormant buds in the lower part of the plant wake up and give additional shoots.
  3. The planted bush is watered abundantly.
  4. After all the manipulations, it remains only to mulch the root circle with straw, needles or dry grass. Mulching prevents the formation of crusts on the surface, thereby ensuring constant aeration of the roots. In addition, mulch retains water and nutrients.

Watering and top dressing

Attention! Top dressing of the Little Devil vesicle with mineral fertilizers must be carried out 2 times – in spring and autumn.

In the first case, 1 kg of mullein or bird droppings are taken for 0,5 bucket of water and 1 liter of weed infusion / 2 tbsp. l. urea and saltpeter. Other nitrogen fertilizers can also be used to encourage plant growth.

In autumn, the purpose of feeding is different – feeding the plant. To do this, insist 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. wood ash or use alternative mineral fertilizers, for example, 1 tbsp. l. Nitroammofoski, which is added to 1 bucket of water.

Watered with fertilizer solutions at the rate of 15 liters per plant (a pair of buckets).

Little Devil’s vesicle, growing on light sandstone, sandstone or loam, must be watered regularly in dry and hot summers. An adult plant will need 4 to 5 buckets of water 2 or 3 times a week.

If the type of soil is completely opposite (heavy clay) or the bush is on the lawn, it is important to observe the measure. An excess of water should not be allowed, otherwise it will lead to powdery mildew and the death of the shrub.


If the Little Devil’s vesicle is located in a sunny area and has a maroon leaf color, you need to remove the emerging green sprouts.

Shoots of young plants will branch better if they are pruned regularly. In addition, if the Little Devil’s vesicle is not cut at all, it will resemble a fountain in shape. To get a wide multi-stemmed bush, its maximum height should be no more than 50 cm. To form a vertically growing vesicle, thin stems growing from the base are cut out. Leave a maximum of 5 of the strongest branches. They are also pruned to stimulate growth after reaching a height of 1,5 m. This should be done in early spring (before the first leaves appear), and then again at the end of the growing season in the fall.

The vesicle Little Devil tolerates the annual haircut and pruning quite calmly, young shoots immediately appear near the bush.

Attention! Pruning is carried out not only to give the bush one form or another, but also for sanitary purposes.

Every spring, it is necessary to remove dried, broken or frozen branches.

Preparation for winter

In winter, it is recommended to mulch the root circle. The Little Devil vesicle endures frosts, it is not necessary to cover an adult bush, but at low temperatures, freezing of shoots, especially young ones, is possible.

Reproduction of the vesicle of the viburnum Little Devil

Viburnum viburnum Little Devil propagates with the help of seeds, cuttings, layering or by dividing the bush.

Seeds are sown after their collection in October-November. It will not be superfluous to stratify them for 2 months at a temperature of 5 oC. Gardeners rarely use this method, because not every seedling results in an unusual foliage color.

The division of the overgrown bush of the viburnum vesicle is recommended to be carried out in spring or autumn. In the summer, only experienced gardeners will be able to competently perform the procedure.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Little Devil: photo and description

The main method of propagation of culture is considered to be vegetative.


Beautiful and healthy young branches are selected, all leaves are cut from them, except for 2-3 at the top. Near the bush, small grooves are made in the ground with a depth of no more than 15 cm. The layers are bent, placed in prepared recesses and fixed with wooden brackets in several places.

The best time is early spring. During the vegetative period, layering will have time to take root. If the summer turns out to be dry, the soil must be constantly moistened. In autumn, young bushes are separated from the mother. In the first year of wintering, young plants must be covered.


Green cuttings 20 cm long are cut from the bush in the second half of summer. Each should have at least 4 – 5 buds (from two, roots form later, and from the other two or three – above-ground shoots).

Previously, the cuttings are placed for several hours in a solution with a root growth stimulator, and then in a soil of sand and peat. Instead of peat, you can use river sand. It is important to create a favorable microclimate. To do this, the cuttings are covered with a film or each is covered with a plastic bottle with a cut off neck.

Attention! Shoots need to be watered and ventilated.

Then there are two options – keep it indoors until spring and wait for the new season. The second way is to immediately plant in a shaded place in the garden. In winter, shoots that have not yet grown strong should be covered. The young vesicle of Little Devil, who survived the frost, can already be planted on the site in a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

The vesicle Kalinolistny Little Devil is resistant to diseases, as well as to the effects of pests. Powdery mildew can attack a bush only if it is over-watered.


The Little Devil vesicle is a charming “little devil” that is not demanding and resistant to diseases and adverse factors. A neat bush will add color and is great for low purple hedges, as well as borders and contrasting groups.

Planting vesicle viburnum – 7 dachas

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