Vesicle Kalinolistny Andre

Andre’s vesicle is a sprawling deciduous shrub of the Pink family, which is used to decorate private garden plots and parks. The variety has received wide distribution due to its decorative qualities, resistance to cold and unpretentiousness. The plant easily withstands low temperatures, which allows it to be grown in most of the territory of Our Country, and even a beginner can take care of it.

Description of the vesicle variety Andre

Andre’s vesicle (physocarpus opulifolius Andre) has a very spectacular appearance – it is a lush, rather dense shrub with a rounded crown, which approaches the shape of a ball. The height of adult plants does not exceed 3 m, however, usually this figure is lower – only 2-2,5 m.

The branches of the vesicle of this variety are sprawling, drooping. The leaves of the shrub in their shape resemble viburnum leaves, the color of the leaf plate is purple-red. With the onset of autumn, the color of the foliage of the Andre variety changes to bronze. The corrugated surface of the leaves gives decorativeness to the shrub.

Andre’s vesicle flowers are small with pinkish stamens. They form small spherical inflorescences of white color and up to 7 cm in diameter. The flowering of the variety is plentiful.

The life expectancy of a shrub is on average 25-30 years. The growth rate of the Andre variety is quite high – in a year, under favorable conditions, the plant adds from 30 to 40 cm. In order to maintain the decorative effect of the bush, it must be cut from time to time. Otherwise, the plant will take on a messy look.

Bubble Andre in landscape design

In landscape design, Andre’s vesicle is used primarily to create contrasting compositions, due to the unusual color of its leaves. Purple tones stand out favorably against the background of green mass, and fast growth rates allow you to experiment with the shape of the plant – in case of an error, the shrub will quickly increase the lost volume. In addition, the vesicle does not require special attention, which allows it to be planted in park areas.

Another advantage of the Andre variety is the extended decorative period – the plant retains an attractive appearance for a very long time.

The shrub is ideal for creating hedges and borders. Also, the Andre variety can be used with equal success not only for group, but also for single plantings. It goes well with creeping garden crops.

A photo of Andre’s vesicle at the beginning of flowering is presented below.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Andre

Conditions for growing vesicle Andre

Viburnum viburnum Andrea can be grown on a personal plot, in parks or as a decoration for other municipal areas. Among the main advantages of the variety include high resistance to cultivation in urban conditions – the plant is immune to air pollution, so it can be planted even directly on the roads. On the other hand, such an arrangement will damage the decorativeness of the bush for a different reason – in such conditions, dust will settle on its leaves and shoots, which will lead to a loss of color.

The best location for Andre’s vesicle is an open sunny area. In conditions of strong shading, the color of the foliage of the plant becomes completely faded. In extreme cases, you can plant a shrub in partial shade.

What else distinguishes the Andre variety from others is its resistance to drought. He is able to do without water for quite a long time, however, he still prefers moist soils. Strong winds do not pose a particular threat to the shrub; it is not afraid of drafts.

Important! Bubble Andre is one of the most winter-hardy varieties, however, young plants can freeze in winter. They need to be covered in the fall.

Planting and caring for Andre’s vesicle

Despite the fact that Andre’s vesicle is an extremely unpretentious plant, lush flowering of the bush is impossible without observing a number of basic growing conditions. In particular, it is necessary to properly prepare the site for planting the plant and planting pits. Caring for the vesicle involves periodic watering, pruning and top dressing. At will, the bushes are mulched, loosened and treated for pests and diseases.

Planting a culture of the Andre variety can be done at any time of the year, not counting winter.

Advice! Planting the vesicle by seed is not recommended. It is much more economical in time to purchase plant seedlings, and it is better to give preference to material with a closed root system.

Site preparation

Bubble Andre is undemanding to the composition of the soil, but it grows best in loose, fertile areas of moderate moisture. The only significant limitation is the presence of lime – the Andre variety develops very poorly on calcareous soils.

If the soil in the planting area is too scarce, you can dig it up on a shovel bayonet and apply organic fertilizers to the soil. The procedure is carried out 1-2 weeks before the planting of the vesicle.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Andre

Rules of landing

Andrea’s vesicle is planted according to the following scheme:

  1. Dig a planting hole in a pre-fertilized area. Its dimensions are determined based on the size of the seedling – it should fit freely in the hole, while the root neck of the plant should rise a couple of centimeters above ground level.
  2. A drainage layer of about 5-10 cm is placed at the bottom of the landing pit.
  3. A mixture of sand, soddy soil and peat, taken in equal proportions, is laid out on top.
  4. A seedling is placed on a hill formed from the soil mixture, and the earth is not removed from the root system so as not to injure the plants.
  5. The planting pit is filled to the top with earth, after which the vesicle seedling is abundantly watered. If the soil settles heavily after watering, a little more earth is poured on top.
  6. Planting is completed by creating a mulching layer. The trunk circle is sprinkled for this purpose with peat or humus.
Important! It is better not to put fertilizers in the hole before planting the vesicle. A young plant will not be able to absorb the nutrients contained in them.

Watering and top dressing

The frequency of watering the vesicle varies depending on local climatic conditions. If the year turned out to be hot, the bushes are watered on average 2 times a week, while each adult plant has 30 to 40 liters of water. It is not recommended to flood plantings – excessive soil moisture can provoke the growth of fungi and powdery mildew.

If it often rains in the region, watering is reduced to 1 time per week.

Advice! It is necessary to water Andre’s vesicle strictly under the root, preferably in the evening hours.

Bushes are fed with nitrogen fertilizers in spring and mineral compounds in autumn. In particular, in the spring months, the variety responds well to top dressing with the following mixture:

  • 10 L of water;
  • 0,5 l cow’s milk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. urea;
  • 1 st. l. ammonium nitrate.

In the fall, use the following composition: 1 tbsp. l. nitroammofoski dissolve in 10 liters of water.


The vesicle is cut off in the spring for sanitary purposes. Shoots broken during the winter are removed, as well as frozen branches. Formative pruning is done in autumn. In order to get a lush round bush, it is necessary to cut the branches to a height of 40-50 cm. All thin shoots at the base of the bush are also removed.

Preparation for winter

Andre’s vesicle is a frost-resistant plant, however, this fully applies only to adult bushes. The shoots of young plants in especially severe winters can freeze slightly, so the seedlings are covered in the fall. For these purposes, the vesicle is mulched and sprinkled at the base with spruce branches, after which the shoots are pulled together with twine and covered with a roofing material cone. Additionally, you can wrap the bush with lutrasil.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Andre


The culture of the Andre variety is usually propagated by cuttings and layering. In the first case, the breeding process is as follows:

  1. In early spring, as soon as the threat of return frosts has passed, a healthy and strong shoot growing outward is chosen on the shrub. It is impossible to delay the preparation of layering – they must have time to take root before the onset of autumn frosts.
  2. The selected branch is cleaned, removing all leaves from it, except for those located at the very end.
  3. The layer is gently bent to the ground and placed in a hole about 15-20 cm deep. To prevent the shoot from straightening, it is pinned to the ground with special wooden brackets or pressed down with a heavy object.
  4. Until autumn, the layers are moderately watered, after which the shoot is finally separated from the mother bush. In November, rooted cuttings are covered for the winter.

Another popular method of propagation of the viburnum vesicle is cuttings. It is produced in the following order:

  1. In the spring before flowering, the green shoots that have grown in the current year are carefully cut with secateurs. The length of the cut branches should be 15-20 cm, no more.
  2. Almost all leaves are removed from the shoots. Leave only 2-3 leaves at the very top, while each of them is cut in half.
  3. After that, the lower part of the cuttings is soaked in any root formation stimulator. Kornevin is well suited for this.
  4. Then the planting material is planted in fine-grained river sand or a mixture of peat and sand.
  5. Immediately after planting, the cuttings are covered with plastic wrap. Cut plastic bottles are also suitable as shelters.
  6. Before winter, the cuttings are sometimes ventilated and watered. In winter, watering is stopped.
  7. In the spring, the shoots of the vesicle can be planted in open ground.
Important! Before cutting the shoots for cuttings, it is important to thoroughly disinfect the clippers so as not to bring the infection through the cut.

Diseases and pests

The vesicle is very rarely sick. The Andre variety is especially resistant to diseases typical of this family. The only exception to the rule is chlorosis, which develops with a lack of nutrients and is expressed in the rapid yellowing of the leaves and the drying of the shoots. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to introduce iron into the soil – for this, a solution of “Ferovit”, “Ferrilen” or “Antichlorosis” is poured under the root of the bush.


Bubble Andre has found wide application in landscape design. It is often used to create contrasting hedges and lush borders. In addition, shrubs are planted in group compositions along with creeping crops. The Andre variety gained popularity in home gardens due to its unpretentiousness. The plant is perfect for those who do not want to spend a lot of time caring for the garden.

You can learn more about the features of growing a vesicle in the video below:

Varieties of the vesicle of the viburnum. Overview of varieties, planting and care.

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