
A vertebrologist is a doctor who deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine and the musculoskeletal system.

Vertebroneurology is a science that deals with establishing links between diseases and neurological symptoms. This branch of science also has a close relationship with neurology, orthopedics, rehabilitation, manual therapy, etc. However, each of these branches is independent.

It detects and treats diseases of the spinal column that have a degenerative-dystrophic character, including:

  • Scoliosis;

  • Hernia;

  • Osteochondrosis, etc.

It is important to consult a vertebrologist for those patients who are to undergo surgery on the spinal column, as this will allow choosing the most optimal way to perform a neurosurgical technique in each specific case.

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What diseases does a vertebrologist treat?

Consultation with a specialist is necessary for the following diseases:

  • Curvature of the spine – scoliosis, kyphosis, etc.;

  • radicular syndrome;

  • Lumbago;

  • Osteochondrosis;

  • disc herniation;

  • Osteoporosis;

  • Lumboishalgia;

  • Migraine;

  • Circulatory failure or VBN;

  • Narrowing of the spinal canal and protrusion of its discs;

  • Any violation of posture;

  • Pain in the region of the spine;

  • Difficulties in limb mobility;

  • Dizziness that occurs when turning the head;

  • Muscle pain.

Sometimes a gynecologist, gastroenterologist, therapist and other doctors redirect their patient to a consultation with a vertebrologist. This is done when there is a suspicion of the existence of a relationship between the disease of a particular organ and the violation of its neural connections with the nerves of the spinal cord.

How is the appointment with the vertebrologist?

To begin with, the doctor will find out from the patient the reason for his visit, interrogate for existing complaints. It is important not to hide from the specialist where even minor pains occur, it is imperative to inform him about the existing limitations in movements, about the facts of pathological muscle tension. The doctor will find out the time of onset of the first symptoms, study the history of the disease and the available examination results, if any. Previously received injuries of the spinal column, operations performed on it – all this information must be provided to the vertebrologist.

Examination is the next stage of the appointment with the vertebrologist. The specialist has a certain technique for diagnosing diseases, which combines a neurological and orthopedic point. The doctor will carefully assess the patient’s posture, his gait, sitting posture, and will give an opinion on the degree of development of the muscular frame of the back.

The next stage of examination is palpation of the spine and areas located around it. To do this, the doctor will press on the points along the spinal column, to determine the extent of the spread of the pathological process. The patient will need to be in different positions – sitting, lying, standing. The doctor determines the degree of mobility of all joints, muscle tone and strength, range of motion in various parts of the spine. In addition, the patient will need to make some movements that the vertebrologist will ask – bend over, sit down, raise arms and legs, etc.

When the examination is completed, the doctor will make a diagnosis, on the basis of which treatment will be prescribed. However, to clarify it, the vertebrologist may need other data.

Of the additional methods of examination, the patient may be recommended:

  • X-ray of the spine. To obtain maximum information, the procedure is performed in several projections, including the lateral projection.

  • Computed tomography, which provides the most detailed information about the state of the bone structures of the spine.

  • MRI, which allows you to judge the condition of the discs, joints, ligaments, spinal cord.

  • Electromyography, the purpose of which is to study the state of muscles and neuromuscular reactions.

  • Less commonly, vertebrologists refer patients for myelography, discography, and lumbar puncture of the spine.

When all the data about the patient’s health is collected, he needs to come back to see a specialist. The doctor will get acquainted with them and clarify the diagnosis. After that, the patient will be given recommendations regarding lifestyle, nutrition, restrictions, and acceptable physical activity.

As for the therapy itself, most often it comes down to the use of methods of treatment from manual therapy in addition to complexes of massage, reflexology and exercise therapy. All recommendations are based on individual data about a particular patient, because the priority task of treating a vertebrologist is to give a person the opportunity to avoid surgical intervention, increase his performance, and improve the quality of life without surgery. When the ongoing therapy gives the desired results, then visits to the vertebrologist should be on a regular basis, which allows you to consolidate the effect obtained and monitor the patient’s condition in dynamics.

When should you contact a vertebrologist?

When a person even occasionally feels anxiety about pain in the spinal column, he should come for a consultation with a vertebrologist. In addition, this must be done with dizziness, headaches, (read also: causes, signs and symptoms of headache, consequences) pain in the neck and back in the thoracic region, in the lower back.

Symptoms that should not be ignored:

  • Strengthening and increasing pain in the back.

  • Irradiation of painful sensations from the spine to other parts of the body and organs.

  • The appearance of a feeling of weakness, increased fatigue.

  • Tingling sensations in the region of the upper and lower extremities.

  • A decrease in motor activity, which is reduced due to pain, a feeling of stiffness in the spinal column.

  • Pain in the area of ​​the heart. At the same time, the results of the examination of this organ are satisfactory and do not reveal pathologies.

  • Jumps in blood pressure, accompanied by dizziness, pain in the head and increased heart rate.

  • Violation of posture and curvature of the spine.

Making an appointment with a vertebrologist


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