Vermox (leaflet) – dosage and side effects of the drug

Vermox is a drug used in the treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases, and its active substance is mebendazole. It has anthelmintic, antiparasitic and insecticidal properties. Vermox tablets are available on prescription.

Vermox, Producer: Gedeon Richter

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
pills; 100 mg; 6 pieces prescription drug mebendazole

Action of the drug Vermox

Vermox is a preparation whose active substance is mebendazole, the drug has an antiparasitic effect on roundworms. This agent inhibits the polymerization of tublkine, which in turn interferes with the absorption of glucose by the parasites. As a result, they die because they have no energetic compounds. After oral application, Vermox is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The main task of this drug is to fight parasites in the intestinal lumen.

Indications for the use of the drug Vermox

Vermox is prescribed to patients undergoing treatment for parasites:

  1. owski,
  2. human roundworm,
  3. whipworm,
  4. duodenal hookworm,
  5. American hookworm.

If you are concerned about parasites, you can choose to have your stool laboratory tested by mail. Especially if you notice disturbing symptoms.

Dosage of Vermox

Vermox is a tablet to be taken by mouth and should be used as prescribed. Patients should not consume more than the recommended dose, as this will not increase the effectiveness of the drug, and may only be harmful. In case of any doubts regarding the use of medication, consult a physician. Swallow the tablet whole with a drink of water (after a meal).

If you need a consultation or e-Prescription, you can use the online visit option. Make an appointment at a telemedicine clinic now and receive an e-prescription for the medications you need even in 5 minutes.

Dosage of Vermox – adults and children after 2 years of age:

  1. pinworm: 100 mg (1 tablet) once; after 2-4 weeks it is recommended to repeat the treatment;
  2. ascariasis, whipworm, hookworm and mixed infections: 200 mg daily in two divided doses (1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening) for 3 days.

Vermox and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of Vermox are:

  1. hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. do not use in children up to the age of 2, unless the doctor considers it absolutely necessary.

Vermox – warnings

1. Certain medical conditions may prevent you from taking Vermox.

2. Both during treatment and after its completion, remember to maintain personal hygiene. Thanks to this, the disease will not come back or infect other people.

3. Do not give the drug to children under 2 years of age. This is only possible if your doctor deems it necessary and the benefits outweigh the risks.

4. Administration of the preparation to children under 2 years of age may cause convulsions. You have to be careful and keep in touch with your doctor.

5. Patients who are intolerant to galactose, have lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine because it contains lactose.

6. There are no data on the influence of Vermox on the ability to drive vehicles and operate equipment / machines.

7. Before using any drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding, consult a physician.

8. If you are planning a pregnancy or you are pregnant, be sure to inform the prescribing doctor about it.

9. The use of Vermox is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

10. Liver dysfunction and even hepatitis have been noticed in patients taking the drug for a long time.

11. People who have liver problems and use this medicine may get their disease exacerbated.

12. Caution should also be exercised in people with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Vermox absorption and toxicity may be enhanced.

13. It is contraindicated to consume alcohol while taking the drug and one day after the end of the treatment.

Other Drugs and Vermox

Always inform your doctor about all medications you are taking, even those over the counter. Regarding Vermox: concomitant use of agents containing cimetidine with the preparation may increase the concentration of mebendazole in the blood. The doctor will adjust the dosage of the drug if necessary.

Vermox – side effects

Like all drugs, Vermox can also cause side effects. Usually it does not cause side effects, however, on rare occasions:

  1. diarrhea,
  2. abdominal pain,
  3. dizziness,
  4. allergic reactions (urticaria, rash, skin eruptions, angioedema).

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