Verbal “Marie Kondo”: how to organize information to say things better
The same words do not sound the same in one order as in another. In fact, the latter is perceived as more important than the former.

Marie Kondo She is known as the “Guru of order.” In 2015 she was recognized as one of the 100 most powerful people according to the magazine “Times” after turning her book “The Magic of Order” into a best-selling phenomenon. Tools to organize your house… and your life! » (Aguilar, 2014).
The Japanese is convinced that the order of things it has an emotional impact on people. Marie Kondo came to put order in our life, what if we also put it in our numbers and letters?
“The paella was delicious, but it was fattening”, “the paella was fattening, but it was delicious” … They are two sentences composed of exactly the same five words, but which, nevertheless, do not leave the same taste in the mouth, or whoever says them nor who listens to them. And it is that as far as the order is concerned, this is a bit like what Jesus said: “the last shall be the first” because the last thing said is perceived as more important than the last.
It is not the same to say, “We are market leaders, but we have lowered sales by 10%” than “We have lowered sales by 10%, but we are market leaders.” The same words do not sound the same in one order as in another.
Therefore, when describing a statistics We have to be very aware that the way we verbalize it is going to generate an impact, and therefore we have to choose very well which information is most relevant to give it the place where unconsciously we are going to give it greater importance, because presentation order influences reaction.
Now this works both ways: to pat on the back, saving the best for last, or to kick ass, leaving the worst last, because no one wants to fix the unbroken. .
By the way, we are exercising more and more at home (especially after the coronavirus) and many people autoentrena. Well here a trick: it is better to count backwards. If you have to do repetitions of an exercise, you have a better chance of finishing it if you count down than the other way around, because the lower the number, the less the effort left in the brain is associated, so if you do it like this the end of the series is a little easier.
So yes: the order does alter the product, so let’s alter it in our favor …