Many of us are quite indulgent about rudeness, rude shouting and offensive jokes. Meanwhile, prolonged verbal abuse often causes serious personality disorders.
Many do not fully understand how serious the consequences of psychological violence are, and yet it is no less dangerous than physical aggression. Words do not leave wounds and bruises, but shouting, insults and a dismissive tone can cause unbearable pain. Chronic stress and mental trauma lead to numerous psychological problems, one of which is anxiety disorder.
“Compared to physical assault and moral bullying, verbal abuse looks relatively harmless, so it is often turned a blind eye,” explains anti-bullying expert Sherri Gordon. “Nevertheless, it exists. As a rule, it means a special form of verbal influence that causes emotional suffering to a person. It manifests itself in nit-picking, rudeness, rude shouting, caustic phrases, manipulation and hurtful jokes.
Anyone who tolerates such an attitude begins to doubt himself. Victims of verbal aggression often lose their self-esteem and believe that they are really flawed, stupid and mediocre. But in fact, these labels were hung by the one who insulted them.
The rude abuse that sounded during the courtship period is especially shocking: how can it be, because usually the partner behaves differently! But then he catches himself and tries to make amends with tenderness, and the victim is ready to forget about everything and forgive misbehavior. “In the end, everything ends up with insults becoming the norm,” says Gordon. “The injured party ignores such antics or finds an excuse for them, reassuring themselves that the partner just exploded or it’s already hard for him now.”
Types of verbal abuse
1. Mood Killer
Moral sadists cannot stand it when someone feels good, and therefore they will look for a convenient excuse to spoil your mood, each time enjoying the fact that they brought you to tears.
2. Offensive nicknames
Aggressors love to give out “accurate” nicknames, because this is a great way to manipulate people and hurt them.
3. Unconditional rightness
Verbal aggressors never apologize: they are sure that they are right by default.
4. Hail of accusations
Moral sadists will always find something to reproach others for, so that they feel guilty and worthless.
5. Evil irony
The aggressors have a talent for finding the most vulnerable places, and their sophisticated jokes hurt more than a knife.
6. Infringement on interests
They often make fun of other people’s hobbies and hobbies, which makes people embarrassed and even ashamed of their favorite activities.
7. Depreciation
Aggressors devalue the work of others and speak with contempt of any achievements, forcing us to give up and think that no one needs our efforts.
8. Disguised baseness
Verbal terror often takes place behind closed doors so that no one can interfere. The victim is secretly bullied at school, at work, or at home, and gradually driven to an extreme degree of desperation.
Those who are subjected to verbal abuse often withdraw into themselves and begin to avoid communication: this is how they try to protect themselves from attacks. Among people, they are seized by anxiety and feelings of inferiority. If you meet such a person, try to do everything possible to help him.