Vera Brezhneva beauty secrets

The 34-year-old singer is one of those Russian stars whose beauty advice is followed by thousands of fans. The editorial staff of Woman’s Day collected 34 beauty secrets of the star about sports, nutrition, makeup, hair and other women’s tricks.

My morning begins with a smile, a glass of water at room temperature and exercise. I began to exercise after reading the book “The ancient secret of the source of youth.”

Yoga. I do it 2 times a week. A special condition and addition to my physical activity.

There is a personal setting – to walk at least 4 km per workout. I train on the orbit track, this is my favorite simulator, it does not load the joints.

Not satisfied with the stomach? The first is power control. Because all our excesses settle there and below – where the pelvis, hips. Nutritional control is not diet. This is regular proper nutrition. The second is global sports. Cardio “dries” the body best.

Is there a hunt late at night? You can nibble on the granite of science, for example!

If I don’t want to gain weight, I don’t eat 4 hours before bed! Sometimes it depends on what time I go to bed. If it’s 00:00, that is, midnight, then I finish dinner at 20:00! Not starting, but finishing! If I go to bed earlier, then I have dinner, of course, earlier, I go to bed later – accordingly. This applies to any food. Heavy, light, snacking. And also sugar in tea and something for tea. An important rule that gives good results!

In the evening, if I drink tea, it’s only mint – lemon balm. Calms, relaxes, warms. If possible, fresh mint is simply poured with boiling water, if not – brewed or packaged mint tea. In the evening – no sugar and honey!

I have a snack between breakfast and lunch. It is either a fruit or freshly squeezed juice.

Margarine, carbonated sugary drinks, pork, a variety of fatty sauces, batter, packaged juices, cream are excluded from the diet. These are products in which there is no benefit, but the harm to the body and figure from them is visible.

If you want to eat, drink!

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) and proper nutrition (PP) exclude diets. Proper nutrition is based on several rules.

It is important to eat!

You need to eat on time, healthy food, in small portions, do not skip meals.

No more than two servings per meal: salad + main course, or salad + soup, or soup + main course. In no case: salad + soup + main course + compote + dessert.

Wherever I go – car, train, plane, it doesn’t matter – there are two friends, besides passports and credit cards, which are always with me. These are moisturizers for lips and hands.

Our skin works day and night. And after the day and after the night, it needs to be cleaned. So in the morning, after brushing my teeth, I wash my face with a damp towel. I moisten a small towel with warm water, wring it out, and rub my face, lightly touching it. If I didn’t get enough sleep or don’t like the way I look, after a warm towel I do the same thing, only with cold water.

If I have ice cubes on hand, I can rub my face with them. Improving blood circulation gives visible results. If I have 10 minutes, I can make any mask – cleansing, moisturizing, refreshing or nourishing, depending on the needs of the skin and what it has gone through before.

I have mimic wrinkles, and it’s not scary! I am alive, I am emotional, I have rich facial expressions! And I love it! I have not done any plastic surgery on my face except for a beautician: care, masks, peeling. I only do mesotherapy with a vitamin cocktail.

Like my clothes, depending on the season and the weather, I change my skin care products.

Once a week I definitely use a scrub, I don’t have time to go to the salon or spa for this. Therefore, I do it myself at home. I take any scrub, my skin is sensitive, so I prefer finely dispersed ones. But if I’m not at home, I can do it myself – it can be sugar with honey, and ground coffee with honey, a few drops of oil, and so on.

Stretch marks, they are also striae, are tissue rupture. I ask you not to believe the means where it is written that they remove stretch marks! The cream cannot heal a tear in the tissue. And there are almost no such procedures. Exceptions are very expensive, aggressive, long-term, but they do not guarantee getting rid of the problem. The first thing to think about to avoid this situation is prevention! When I lost weight after giving birth, I used two products: Rilastil – cream or milk and Weleda – oil to prevent stretch marks. Thanks to these products, the skin is moisturized, nourished and more elastic, preparing for an increase in its own volume. I applied these funds not only to the stomach, but also to the sides, thighs, buttocks, and chest.

Sports and massage in the complex will also save you from stretch marks.

To get enough sleep on a regular basis, I need at least 6-8 hours. But I almost never have such a regularity, except for vacation, so I sleep as much as I can, from 1,5 to 10 hours. Sleep is my best medicine, my best doctor, my love. I’d rather be undernourished than underslept.

One of the rules of relaxation: a warm bath (note, not hot, it is harmful to the skin, blood vessels) with sea salt by candlelight (20 minutes) – you feel recovery. Salt restores bioenergetic balance, candles (I have already spoken about them and I love them very much) “burn” negative thoughts and negative energy. It is ideal to add another component – music.

I do not use cosmetics in my daily life. And most of the time, if, of course, I don’t need to go to work, I walk that way. In the morning I washed my face, applied the cream and went with a fresh clean face, but even such a clean face without makeup gets dirty in a day.

Any makeup is just a help to our face to be brighter. I prefer to have a minimum of makeup on my face. I only use the foundation for filming and concerts. If there is no need to use a corrector, then I immediately apply the powder. Loose powder is applied with a brush, crepe powder – with a sponge.

I don’t like gloss, I don’t use lipstick in daytime makeup. I put on hygienic lipstick and make a light contour with a lip color pencil. I shade it.

There is the most convenient, fastest styling. It takes me 15 minutes maximum. Base: clean, dry hair. I put on any protection, take a curling iron, put on thermal gloves. I heat the curling iron, take the hair in large strands and wrap it on the base. From above, I hold the strand not with a curling iron, but with my fingers in a glove. As soon as the fingers get hot, it means that the strand has warmed up, I let it go. So I wind all my hair. The result is beautiful curls.

I try to get my hair cut in the first ten days of the lunar month, maximum until the full moon – the 15th day. In general, you need to start any business on the growing moon.

Do not touch your hair with your hands. The hands have their own protective layer – water, grease, and when you often touch your hair with your hands, it all remains on them.

Self-tanning. If necessary, the skin can be slightly tinted with bronzes. Important! Do not take a very dark color, apply evenly and only after scrub, on smooth moisturized skin in a thin layer. Do not put on light-colored clothes at once and be sure to wash your hands after the procedure!

Tanning in a solarium. Everyone talks about the harmfulness of this event, but sometimes I resort to his help. I just prepare for this carefully: first, the scrub the day before the procedure. Before the procedure, I apply a special cream, which is sold in tanning salons, it moisturizes and protects. Plus nipple stickers and eyeglasses. In the solarium itself, no more than 5 minutes. I repeat the procedure two days later. This light shade lasts on average for a month.

I sunbathe under the sun until 11 am and after 1 pm. 2. This is a safe time. 3. Not too hot. 15. Uniform tan. I spend under the sun a maximum of an hour in the morning and the same in the evening. Sometimes only an hour. As time permits. At the same time, I change my body position every XNUMX minutes. The rest of the time I either spend in the shade, or generally do some other business.

I love naturalness and naturalness, this also applies to nails. The age of acrylic and gel-extended nails is over.

I do a combined manicure, changing only the colors. With tweezers – to a minimum, hardware manicure, I remove the length, apply gel polish, color according to my mood.

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