1. If you want to be the master of your life, start with your body. Become its owner so that you can control the body, not you. Self-control, self-discipline is great strength. Sport should become a way of life, not a temporary phenomenon.
2… In order to lose weight without money, you need to eat less. Reduce serving size and number of meals. But remember, you need to eat vegetables, cereals, proteins, fruits.
3. Find an example to follow. I want to look good even at 60. I have a good example – my mother, who is 62! Four children, seven grandchildren! And she still plays sports! And if she had this information at 20, she would have applied it to herself even earlier.
4… Take food with you. Of course, people look at me strangely when I walk around with my bags and plates. But this is salvation for the body and help to yourself – to take food with you. If possible, you need to take food for the whole day, so as not to eat “somewhere” and “something.”
5… Some foods, for various reasons, need to be excluded from your diet. For example, I excluded margarine, carbonated sugary drinks, pork, a variety of fatty sauces, packaged juices, cream. These are products in which there is no benefit, but the harm to the body and figure from them is visible.
6… You rarely want to drink water, so you have to remind yourself that it is necessary and healthy to drink it. On average, I drink from 1,5 liters per day. In the morning I drink a glass of water at room temperature on an empty stomach. And I try to drink a glass of water without gas before each meal, the rest – during the day, between meals. I don’t drink water while eating! Either before or 20-30 minutes after.
7… You can only allow yourself to walk around eating at lunchtime. All the most nutritious of the day I eat at this time. I don’t feel like eating a lot for breakfast yet; I don’t need to eat a lot for dinner! But I also eat two dishes for lunch, not three, not four. If we put lunch on the shelves, then this is a salad, the first, main course, dessert. So out of these four positions, I choose two! Anyone!