Venotrex – indications, dosage, contraindications, side effects of the drug for circulatory failure

Venotrex is used in the insufficiency of the venous and lymphatic circulation, especially in the lower limbs (feeling of heaviness in the legs, pain, night cramps, varicose veins) and the intensification of ailments related to haemorrhoids. It is a preparation that reduces the permeability of capillaries. The drug in the form of capsules is dispensed at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Venotrex 200, Venotrex 300 (Pliva Krakow)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
caps. 0,2 g (64 caps.) S1,2OTC (over-the-counter) S1,2trokserutyna (troxerutin)
caps. 0,3 g (50 caps.)


Venotrex is a drug that reduces the permeability of capillaries, a derivative of rutin.

Venotrex – indications and dosage

Indications of the drug Venotrex: insufficiency of the venous and lymphatic circulation, especially in the lower limbs (feeling of heaviness in the legs, pain, night cramps, varicose veins). The worsening of ailments related to haemorrhoids.

Dosage: orally with a meal, usually 400 mg three times / day for 3-7 days or 10 mg four times / day for 300-4 weeks, then 2 mg twice / day or 4 mg three times / day for 400-2 weeks .

Venotrex and contraindications for taking

Contraindications to the use of Venotrex are:

  1. allergy to any of the ingredients or hydroxyethylutosides,
  2. intolerance to certain sugars,
  3. use in children.

Venotrex – warnings

  1. Venotrex should not be used in the presence of ankle swelling due to heart, liver or kidney problems.
  2. Venotrex is not recommended for use in children.
  3. Before using the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding, consult your doctor.
  4. Venotrex contains lactose; in the case of intolerance to certain sugars, consult a doctor before taking the preparation.
  5. There is no information on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery / machines.

Venotrex – interactions

The interaction of Venotrex with other drugs is not known.

Venotrex – side effects

There may be:

  1. flatulence
  2. stomach pain,
  3. indigestion,
  4. nausea,
  5. vomiting,
  6. arthralgia,
  7. headaches,
  8. tiredness,
  9. dizziness,
  10. hot flushes,
  11. rash,
  12. itching
  13. hives
  14. sensitivity to light,
  15. alopecia.
  16. Very rare: anaphylactic shock.

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