Venotonin for venous insufficiency. How to dose the drug?

Venotonin is used to treat the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency of various origins (edema, calf cramps, itching, pain and a feeling of heaviness in the legs), in the early stage of post-thrombotic syndrome, varicose leg ulcers and haemorrhoids. In addition, in post-traumatic and postoperative soft tissue edema.

Venoton’s (Phytopharm Klęka)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
caps. 0,125 g (65 caps.) OTC (over-the-counter) standardized horse chestnut extract (hippocastani extract (standardized))


Venotonin is a drug that reduces the permeability of capillaries, triterpene saponin.

Venotonin – indications and dosage

Venotonin is a capsule medicine that contains horse chestnut extract. It is used to treat the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency different origins:

  1. swelling
  2. calf cramps
  3. itching
  4. pain and a feeling of heaviness in the legs,
  5. early post-thrombotic syndrome,
  6. varicose leg ulcers and anal varices,
  7. post-traumatic and postoperative swelling of soft tissues.

Dosage: orally, 1–3 capsules 2 × / day

Venotonin and contraindications

A contraindication to the use of Venotonin is allergy to any of its ingredients.

Venotonin – warnings

  1. Venotonin contains lactose; people with an intolerance to certain sugars should consult a doctor before taking the preparation.
  2. Before taking Venotonin during pregnancy or breastfeeding, consult your doctor.
  3. There is no information on the influence of the preparation on the ability to drive vehicles and operate equipment / machines.

Venotonin – interactions

There are no known interactions of Venotonin with other drugs.

Venotonin – side effects

Gastrointestinal disturbances or allergic reactions may occur.

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