Venomous spiders in Poland – species, threat, photos

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Spiders in Poland are not among the giants that we can meet, for example, in Australia or America. In Poland, however, contrary to appearances, we can meet poisonous spiders. Do spiders in Poland pose a threat to our health and life? What venomous spiders can we find in Poland? What symptoms appear after the bite of a poisonous spider in Poland?

Spiders in Poland – a threat

Arachnophobia is a panicky fear of spiders. A person suffering from arachnophobia, after meeting even a not very large spider, may feel so much panic that, as a consequence, a heart attack occurs. For her, any spider will be hideous and will pose a monstrous threat.

The appearance of the spider itself may be controversial, but in most cases we are concerned about its venom. Should we be afraid of them? The State Forests, on their Facebook profile, calm down: no house spider will hurt us. On the contrary, most species are in great demand. Why? Spiders feed on mosquitoes, flies and bedbugs, i.e. insects that we do not like.

Spiders in Poland, if they bite, can lead to a severe allergic reaction. If the person is allergic, the consequence may even be anaphylactic shock. We are talking about spider species that live in Poland in natural conditions, and not about exotic species imported from abroad.

Only 3 percent. species of spiders in the world have venom that is dangerous for humans.

In most cases venom of spiders living in Poland it is not dangerous, and there is not even a trace of it after the bite. Worldwide, only 3 percent. species of spiders have venom that is dangerous to humans. There are three types of spider venoms. We are talking here about neurotoxic venom, hemolytic venom i cytotoxic venom. The first causes paralysis, the second damages blood vessels, and the third causes difficult-to-heal wounds that require a skin graft. There are spiders in the world that have venom that combines all of the above features. None of the spiders in Poland has such super powers in the natural environment. According to the State Forests, there are only three species in Poland that can be feared, and among them the most dangerous is cave climber.

Spiders in Poland – a bite

If it comes to bites by a poisonous spider, go to the hospital as soon as possible, where the anti-venomous serum should be administered. Time is the main factor here. The emergency call is essential. Then place the bitten person on the ground, and if it is impossible to reach the doctor within two hours, put a tourniquet above the bite and secure the spider or take a picture of it – if of course it is possible. If we are not an expert, we are not sure which spider with which venom has bitten us. This knowledge may be necessary for clinicians to administer the correct serum.

Is it possible to be bitten by a poisonous spider that is dangerous to health and life in Poland? We can never be sure that any exotic spider he did not come to our country in bunches of bananas or in any other container. Such situations are extremely rare, and there are species in Poland that we encounter every day. Do we have anything to fear?

Spiders in Poland – cave nether

The cave netter is the most venomous spider naturally living in Poland. Its venom is not fatal, but it can be very unpleasant and painful. By comparison, the venom of a cave nether may be comparable to that of a hornet.

The cave netting is about 5 cm, and the abdomen itself is about 1,5 cm. It feeds on snails and other arthropods. It lives in cellars, caves and sewerage wells. Therefore, he likes dark and damp rooms.

Spiders in Poland – striped cruciferous

A striped argiope is a spider whose venom causes similar symptoms to a wasp. After the bite, there may be swelling and pain at the site of the puncture of the venomous teeth, and sometimes only local redness and itching. The argiope, striped with its colors, resembles a tiger, inhabits meadows, gardens, cereals, fruit bushes, as well as the shores of water reservoirs. It most often feeds on butterflies, flies and other insects.

Spiders in Poland – military spike

Armed colchin has a poison that is deadly to insects. If this spider bites a person, it causes burning pain, weakness, chills, and inflammation. The above symptoms may persist for up to two weeks after being bitten by an armed spike.


The Armed Colchin is the only spider living in Poland, whose venom can cause symptoms of poisoning.

Pająki w Polsce – garden crosspiece

The garden spider is probably the most famous, poisonous spider in Poland. It lives in forests, meadows, parks and gardens, basically throughout the country. After his bite, there is swelling.

Spiders in Poland – a cellar sidlisz

A large, black spider that can be found in the cellars is a cellar snare. He also likes to be under stones and in caves. After his bite, local painful and itchy redness appears.

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