Veneers: what will change, how to install, how to deal with complexes

The editor of tells why crooked teeth make it difficult to find a job and a beloved man, and whether it is possible to get rid of complexes.

I remember this picture from my childhood: I am 12 years old, and my mother literally drags me by the hand to the dentist. In order for everything to work out perfectly in your head, you cannot do without a remark: I was almost the most obedient child in the world, I rarely contradicted my parents and was generally afraid to upset them. Of course, going to speech therapists or orthopedists was not a holiday for me, but I always humbly accepted everything. And I was no more afraid of dentists than others, I did not refuse to pull out teeth or insert fillings. But on that very day, I knew that we had come for braces, and this categorically did not suit me.

It is clear that this is all very stupid: Well, how can a seventh-grader’s life be ruined by a pair of thin glands in her mouth? But my relationship with my new classmates was not going well anyway, there were no friends and, of course, I was sure that braces would only aggravate the situation.

Of course, I saw that I had a clear problem with a smile, and on all fronts: both the crooked fence from the front teeth, and the fangs. So I quickly realized that you can smile and laugh while covering your mouth with your hand. And then scientists will probably come up with something that suits me.

I grew up, and along with me the problem. When I graduated from school, my complexes took on a literal planetary scale. It became obvious to me that I would not get my dream job, I would not become the soul of the company, and indeed all paths were closed to me. But here’s another thing: I realized that I would not have all this not because of crooked teeth, but because of self-acceptance. At the university, I began to work and save money. Not on travel, new dresses or a phone, but on teeth.

I already voluntarily went to the orthodontist, who told me that for braces I would have to remove at least one tooth (so that the rest had somewhere to move), and I would have to wear “pieces of iron” from two years. In addition, everyone knows that after their removal, the teeth can easily return to their places. So I saw the word “veneers” on the clinic’s advertisement in a wonderful light halo and to the accompaniment of romantic music (everything is just like in films).

I was immediately warned that there would be no perfect Hollywood smile. In addition, one of the canines could not be corrected with veneers, and the doctor worked with it longer. They grinded my teeth (a long and unpleasant process), took an impression, and then installed them. Three weeks later (naturally, I was there on raids, and not lived) I left the clinic as the happiest person on the planet. Who knew for sure that now life will turn 180 degrees. The dentist, who in these three weeks learned all my intentions, laughed ironically and was wrong.

My acquaintances did not notice that I made my teeth. No one approached me with questions about where I was doing my fangs, with delight and compliments. And I, having got rid of the most important and caustic complex, really felt lighter. She began to joke and laugh more, no longer hiding behind her hand. Naturally, people were drawn to me, because I became more open and smiling. In the photographs, by the way, I literally shone. What can I say about the men around: everyone has long known that the stronger sex is drawn to positive girls without complexes.

Having saved up more money, I boldly left for Moscow. She came to every interview with a smile. I just can’t imagine how I would get to know a future employer with the thoughts: “Do whatever you want so that he doesn’t see your teeth. Are you smiling? What a fool! ” So, they never refused me.

I suddenly appeared in photographs from travels. And not with a pseudo-model “strongface” expression (“Stand pensively, make a serious expression, no one should guess that you are just embarrassed to smile”), but with that very smile in all 32 and bright lipsticks. I became involved in modeling and even appeared in the media.

Now I live in the city of dreams with my beloved man, I work where I dreamed, and I’m not afraid to try anything. As I already wrote, it was not straight teeth that changed my life, but getting rid of the biggest complex in life. No matter how it sounds, I would never be myself without veneers.

My opinion about the complexes is, perhaps, a little controversial. I love and accept myself along with all my shortcomings. At the same time when I saw that my body had lost its tone, I went to dance and fitness, and if I notice that my skin has become worse, I go on a diet. We must work on ourselves, but strive not for a picture on Instagram, but for harmony in ourselves. And if she can’t be without plastics, hyaluronic acid or veneers, then why not? The main thing is not to deceive yourself.

Expert Commentary

Olga Vyacheslavovna Soboleva, dentist-therapist:

– Veneers are aesthetic onlays on the front teeth. The indications for their installation are:

· Numerous fillings and restorations on the front teeth that do not meet the aesthetic requirements of the patient;

· Congenital defects of the enamel and violations of the color of the enamel;

· The patient’s insane desire for very white “Hollywood” teeth.

As a rule, veneers are placed on living teeth without removing the nerve. Less often “dead”, since the grayish color of the enamel of such a tooth is not always possible to cover with a veneer. To install the veneer, it is necessary to level the enamel surface, remove all fillings, create a ledge in the gum area to improve the mechanical fixation of the veneer. In general, a thin layer of enamel is removed in order to improve the fixation of the veneer – these are fractions of a millimeter, but perceptible for the tooth. As a result, the patient gets a beautiful smile.

Veneers are made in the laboratory, where the casts taken from the prepared teeth are sent. In the clinic, the teeth are treated with special adhesives and on a special material – “glue” is fixed on the teeth, after which it is polymerized using a special lamp, the excess is removed, veneers are corrected and polished.

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