In European resorts, the velvet season begins, which means there is a reason to go on vacation. It would seem that it is difficult: everyone knows how to relax. We have prepared several life hacks that will turn any trip into a wellness program and help you stock up on strength for the whole winter.
Sleep without limits
Sleep does not have a very good image: the love of sleeping longer is associated with laziness. Yes, and there is no time to wallow in bed, because there are so many sights outside the window. Stop!
In order for the body to be able to recover from all the stresses and workloads suffered, sleep is not a luxury, but a medical prescription. If the next vacation is not waiting until the New Year, and upon returning there is still a lot to do, plan your vacation so that you have enough time to sleep. If the body asks to sleep until 10:00, so be it, until 13:00 is also excellent. On weekdays, you can’t get enough sleep, so this lack of sleep is important to compensate.
Travel to warm countries
For many, this is an obvious solution: if rest, then the sea, the sun, the beach. However, there are lovers of more extreme leisure: kayaking in Finland, cycling in Norway, hiking in the Subpolar Urals. These are great activities, but when the goal is wellness, it’s best to choose edges that are warmer than your lane.
In Chinese medicine, there is a concept of “accumulation of cold.” It is believed that the body can accumulate cold and keep it in itself. Against this background, inflammatory diseases easily develop or chronic ailments worsen. For residents of cool regions, warming up is indicated from a medical point of view. Of course, do not forget about sun protection.
Relaxing practices
During the holidays, we relax emotionally and physically. With the help of special practices, this effect can be developed and enhanced.
I will give an example from personal experience: I teach Xinshen (Sing Shen Juang) gymnastics – qigong for the spine. It aims to find deep relaxation of the back muscles and restore the health of the spine. Those who begin to practice it are often surprised to find that they have gained one or even two or three centimeters in height. Due to the fact that the muscles along the spinal column relax, the intervertebral spaces increase, and the person “grows”.
As a teacher who is in love with this practice, I study in Moscow every day, sometimes several times. But, having gone on vacation and doing exercises by the sea, I grew a few more centimeters. I brought a dress that needed to be hemmed, and a month later it was just right for me. If you are already doing healing practices aimed at relaxation, be sure to do the exercises on vacation. This will give a super effect and take you to a new level of practice. If not, then there is a reason to master them.
No Gadgets
I will share my impressions again: I help people to restore the correct posture. And on vacation, every time I enjoy watching how beautiful, free the postures of people on vacation become. They seem to be shaking off a few years thanks to the relaxation that a good rest gives.
But then the phone rings. Only that he was flexible and free. And suddenly the usual tension returns to the body: a stoop appears, the head goes into the shoulders:
– I’m on vacation, but I can answer, speak.
Relaxation has a cumulative effect. It takes time to straighten your shoulders, literally and figuratively. Leaving your phone on vacation gives you a resource that will help you work much better, happier, and more productive when you return. If there is no way to relax without gadgets, I recommend allocating special time for the phone. For example, one hour in the morning or in the evening. So you can enter a working state for a while, and then return to vacation again. And no one and nothing will spoil the rest!
Quality rest is directly related to health, and the more strength you accumulate now, the brighter, more energetic and productive the autumn-winter period will be.