Velikosvetsky tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Velikosvetsky tomato is an indeterminate, early ripe hybrid created by breeders. It can be grown in all corners of Our Country, both in open beds and under film cover. To obtain the most saturated taste, the crop is removed only after full ripening and acquiring a bright red color.

Description of tomato Velikosvetsky

The Velikosvetsky tomato was bred by the breeders of the Partner company and in 2017 was officially entered into the State Register. The variety is early ripe, 100-110 days pass from germination to harvest. Tomato can be grown in the southern regions in open beds, in the middle lane – only under film cover.

Velikosvetsky tomato belongs to tall, indeterminate varieties. The height of the bush reaches 2 m, so they need to be tied up and regularly pinched.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the Velikosvetsky tomato variety are cuboid, weighing 110 g. At the stage of full maturity, they are painted in a bright scarlet color. The pulp is juicy, dense, low-seeded. To reveal the taste qualities of the variety, it is necessary to wait for full maturity. Early disruption is reflected in the taste and shelf life. Due to its dense but thin skin, the variety is not prone to cracking and tolerates long-term transportation well.

Tomatoes have a sweet taste, so they are used to make vegetable salads, adjika, juices, vegetable stews, sauces and whole canning.

Velikosvetsky tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Varietal characteristics

Velikosvetskie tomatoes are high-yielding varieties. Productivity is influenced not only by varietal characteristics, but also by climatic conditions. Fruiting decreases when the temperature drops to + 13 ° C, and at + 30 ° C and above, pollination does not occur, which also affects the yield.

To increase fruiting, tomatoes are recommended to be grown in 2 stems. The first flower brush appears above the 7th leaf, the next through every 3rd leaf. Up to 9 tomatoes are formed in the brush.

Attention! Subject to agrotechnical rules, more than 5 kg of fruits can be removed from the bush.

Velikosvetsky tomato variety has a strong immunity to many common tomato diseases: powdery mildew, fusorium wilt, root rot and late blight.

Before purchasing tomato seeds of the Velikosvetsky f1 variety, you need to view photos, videos, find out the advantages and disadvantages, and read the reviews.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any variety, the Velikosvetsky tomato has its strengths and weaknesses. The advantages include:

  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • good taste and commercial qualities;
  • early maturity and high yield;
  • immunity to diseases;
  • universality in application;
  • high keeping quality and transportability.

The disadvantages of many gardeners include:

  • intolerance to sudden changes in temperature and humidity;
  • obligatory garter and bush formation.

Growing rules

To obtain an early harvest, the Velikosvetsky tomato variety is recommended to be grown through seedlings. Properly grown seedlings are the key to a generous, friendly harvest.

Planting seeds for seedlings

When growing a tomato variety Velikosvetsky under a film cover, seeds are sown for seedlings in mid-March.

To grow a healthy plant, it is necessary to carry out pre-sowing preparation:

  1. Sorting – from heavy, large seeds grows a healthy and strong plant. For rejection, the seed is dipped into a saline solution. All seeds that have sunk to the bottom are ready for planting.
  2. Disinfection – for this, the seeds are soaked for half an hour in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are washed under running water and dried.
  3. Hardening – carried out to increase resistance to adverse conditions. To do this, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times.
Advice! To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, tomato seeds must be germinated.

Velikosvetsky tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Subject to the temperature regime, the seeds begin to germinate on the 5th day. All unsprouted seeds should not be sown, because even if they sprout, the plant will grow weak and painful.

For planting, they acquire universal soil and prepare containers (plastic or peat cups, boxes 10 cm high, peat tablets). The containers are filled with prepared, moistened soil. Seeds are deepened by 1-1,5 cm. To create greenhouse conditions, containers are covered with polyethylene and placed in the warmest place until germination.

Attention! This usually happens on the 7th day after sowing the seeds.

After seed germination, the container is removed to a bright place where the temperature will not be higher than + 18 ° C. To obtain high-quality seedlings, it is necessary to provide her with 12 hours of daylight. With a lack of lighting, the shoots are pulled out.

Important! Before picking, the plant is not fed, but only irrigated with a spray gun.

After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are carefully removed with a clod of earth and transplanted to cotyledon leaves in separate larger containers. After 10 days, the plant will begin to build up the root system, so it needs to be fed. The first is carried out immediately after picking, the second 14 days after the first. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizers, diluted strictly according to the instructions.

14 days before planting seedlings in a permanent place, it is necessary to harden it. To do this, the containers are taken out to fresh air, daily increasing the residence time.

Seedling transplant

If the Velikosvetskie tomatoes are grown correctly, by the time they are transplanted to a permanent place, they should have a trunk 1 cm thick, the presence of 8-9 leaves and 1 flower brush.

Important! Transplantation is carried out on a cloudy day, after the threat of frost has passed, and the soil warms up to + 15 ° C.

On the prepared bed, holes are made 12 cm deep, at a distance of half a meter from each other, the row spacing should not be less than 70 cm. Add 1 tbsp to each planting hole. l. wood ash and spilled with warm water. Cotyledonous, damaged, yellowed leaves are removed from the seedlings and set in the center. The plant is sprinkled with earth, rammed, the earth is mulched. Mulch will save moisture, stop the growth of weeds, and will be an additional organic top dressing.

According to reviews and photos, it can be seen that the Velikosvetsky tomato is a tall variety, so it needs a garter. It is carried out immediately after landing in a permanent place.

Velikosvetsky tomato: reviews, photos, yield


In order for the plant to grow strong, healthy and bring a generous harvest, you must follow simple agrotechnical rules.

Watering. The first irrigation is carried out 10 days after planting. Watering is carried out in the morning or evening hours, strictly under the root, with warm water. Subsequently, before flowering, the bushes are irrigated as the soil dries out, up to 1 liters of water are consumed per 4 m². During flowering, 10 liters per 1 m² are consumed. Reduce watering during fruit ripening. After watering, the earth is loosened and mulched.

Top dressing. To get a generous harvest, you need to feed tomato bushes according to a certain pattern:

  1. 20 days after planting seedlings – nitrogenous fertilizers, diluted strictly according to the instructions. Under each plant spend 1 liter of the finished solution.
  2. After 2 weeks, re-feeding is carried out – for this, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used.
  3. During the formation of fruits – complex mineral fertilizers.
Important! Each top dressing is applied after watering with an interval of 14 days.

Stealing. If the Velikosvetsky tomato variety is grown in 2 stems, then it is necessary to leave a healthy, strong stepson that has grown over 1 flower ovary. All other stepchildren are removed, leaving a small stump. It is recommended to do this in the morning, on a sunny day. If you do not carry out pinching, the plant will grow, and all the forces will begin to give to the development of new trunks. They will also prevent the penetration of sunlight, which will affect the yield and lead to the addition of various diseases.

Airing. To increase the yield in the greenhouse, it is necessary to regularly ventilate. This is especially necessary after watering to dry pollen and reduce air humidity.

Pollination. When growing tomatoes of the Velikosvetsky variety in greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to carry out artificial pollination. To do this, in sunny weather, flower brushes are gently shaken so that pollen gets on the pistil. You can fix the result by spraying and airing. Often experienced gardeners attract pollinating insects. To do this, flower brushes are sprayed with a sweet solution, and fragrant flowering plants are planted next to the bushes.

Garter. So that the plant does not break from the severity of the fruit, it warms up and ventilates better, it is necessary to tie the bushes. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  • wire frame;
  • pegs;
  • horizontal or vertical trellis;
  • mesh or wire fence.
Velikosvetsky tomato. Amazing Harvest. Visiting Agrofirma Partner.


Velikosvetsky tomato is an indeterminate, early ripe variety intended for erection in open ground and under film cover. Growing tomatoes is not an easy task and requires a competent approach. But, observing simple agrotechnical rules, you can get a rich harvest even for an inexperienced gardener.

Reviews about the tomato Velikosvetskiy F1

Sokolova Marina Ivanovna, 66 years old, Bryansk
I grow high society tomatoes in a greenhouse. The variety was liked for its high yield, early fruiting and good taste. I grow a bush in 2 stems, I take off the fruits until mid-September. The variety is universal, suitable for whole canning, salads, juices, sauces and vegetable stews. Decent variety, I will plant more.
Pavlov Pavel Petrovich, 59 years old, Novokuznetsk
I grow high society tomatoes through seedlings. Seeds have high germination, seedlings grow strong and healthy. I plant under the film in mid-May. Tomatoes bloom quickly, the first fruits ripen in mid-July. I liked the variety for its good taste, a large number of fruits in the brush and long-term storage. Tomatoes, which did not have time to process, calmly lay until winter.

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