Veles night in 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
In 2022, the Slavic day of transition from autumn to winter is celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1. We talk about the history and traditions of the holiday

For many, the night of October 31st to November 1st is associated with Halloween or Samhain, the Western holidays on All Saints’ Eve. But few people know that in the Slavic tradition this date has its own holiday – the night of Veles.

The night of All Saints’ Eve has always been considered a holiday in the west. The ancient Celts on Samhain burned bonfires and feasted, leaving offerings to their ancestors, today modern Americans carol, watch horror movies and have fun. Why, then, did our ancestors prefer not to leave the house on this night, not to talk to strangers and turn on as many lights as possible?

When is Veles night celebrated in 2022

As already mentioned, Veles night is the time from sunset October 31 to dawn November 1. It was believed that it was at this time that all living nature fell into a dream, the earth went to rest, in which it would remain until the first spring thaw woke it up. All work in the garden and field by this day should have been completed.

history of the holiday

The Slavs believed that in addition to our world, the world of Reveal, there is also the world of Navi – the world of spirits, evil and good. And on the night of the transition from autumn to winter, when Belobog passes the Kolo (wheel) of the year to his brother Chernobog, the border between the worlds becomes thinner and spirits can freely walk among people, and people can get into the world of spirits. The sorcerer god Veles, the patron of divination and livestock, was traditionally considered the guardian of the path between Yavu and Navu.

On this day, the Slavs preferred not to leave the house – they believed that every road on the Veles night changes and leads the careless traveler not to where he was going, but to the world of Navi. For the same reason, a new acquaintance at such a time was considered a bad omen. A person met on this day cannot bring anything good into your life, but troubles and misfortunes will come with him.

Holiday traditions

The night when the border between the worlds becomes thinner and spirits come to our world, the Slavs preferred to spend with their families. Festive candles were lit to protect from evil spirits, rowan branches were placed on the threshold and window sills, and a fire burned in the yard until the morning.

It was believed that along with evil spirits, dead ancestors also come on this day. Therefore, Veles night was traditionally considered a family holiday. At the table with a rich meal, at which the family gathered, there were extra table utensils for those relatives who decided to visit their descendants, quiet conversations were carried on.

Families who believed in the presence of a brownie in their house left him an offering that night – mash and sweets. The offerings had to stand all night, and in the morning they were poured onto the ground outside the threshold and fed to the birds.

Fortune telling on Veles night

Also, the tradition prescribed to make fortune-telling and conspiracies on Veles night. Since Veles was considered the patron of divination, our ancestors trusted all the fortune-telling performed on this holiday as if they were themselves. Here is an example of a few traditional divinations:

Help of ancestors

If you are in a difficult situation, you can ask for help from deceased ancestors. Before going to bed, imagine the last deceased relative and talk about your problem. If you see him in a dream, then this is a good sign – the ancestors heard the request and will help you in solving the problem.

Fulfillment of desires

Before going to bed on Veles night, you can make a wish. To fulfill it, put an apple under the pillow, and eat it in the morning. By the way, when peeling an apple, keep an eye on how long the chips are – the longer it is, the longer you will live.

Divination for fidelity

To test your spouse’s fidelity, thread his or her wedding ring through a red wool thread. If the ring sways, then your marriage is in jeopardy.


Light a candle and gaze into its flame. If you can see the outlines of objects and people in the fiery dance and understand what they mean, you can find out what fate is preparing for you.

Celebration traditions

Few people celebrate Veles Night in 2022, but if you decide to do it, then you should follow a few traditions.

Try, just like our ancestors, to spend it with your family. Light candles, the more the better. At the festive table, covered with a new tablecloth, remember all the departed friends and relatives, remember them with a kind word. Leave some of the treat on the windowsill, and in the morning give it to homeless animals. If the offering was eaten, this is a good sign.

The main thing is to try to enjoy life on Veles night, to feel all its delights. Delicious food, pleasant conversations, cozy atmosphere – all this should remind you that you are alive and the world of Navi will not meet you soon.

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