vein tone
The health of the veins begins with their tone. A sedentary lifestyle, a passion for fatty foods contributes to the weakening of the venous walls, which can cause varicose veins and other diseases. We will tell you how to strengthen the veins and increase their tone at home

How to increase the tone of the veins at home

No one is immune from varicose veins. The risk group includes both pregnant women and women over 40 years old, and those who spend a lot of time at the computer, and those who spend the whole day on their feet. That is why you need to take care of increasing the tone of the veins in advance, and not when you have already noticed ugly spider veins and bulging veins on your legs (this already indicates an advanced stage of the disease). To increase the tone of the veins at home is simple, it is enough to regularly perform some exercises and change your lifestyle.

Lead an active lifestyle

The most effective way to maintain the health of the veins, increase their tone at home is to lead an active lifestyle. Move more – this is the main advice of all phlebologists!

This does not mean that you need to urgently run and buy a gym membership, especially if you were not particularly friends with sports before. This can lead to even more health problems. Take up Nordic walking, fitness, walk more (at least 3 kilometers a day) and sign up for a pool. Swimming perfectly tones the veins and blood vessels, while the risk of injury is minimal here. Alternate dynamic loads with static ones. Also, experts advise to exclude those sports that involve lifting weights, sharp jerks of the limbs (football, basketball) and simply traumatic.

Watch your body weight and diet

Excess body weight is another serious factor contributing to the weakening of the tone of the veins and the development of varicose veins. Therefore, it is very important to put your weight in order if there are problems with it, and to review your diet. Eliminate all fatty high-calorie foods, unhealthy smoked meats and fast food and replace them with fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Instead of sweets, choose berries or dried fruits. All this contains fiber, from which fibrous fibers are synthesized in the body, which are necessary to strengthen the venous wall.

– They contain special substances – flavonoids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent inflammation, improve blood circulation. Vegetables are better to choose green – broccoli, onions, spinach. Bulgarian pepper will help to increase the tone of the veins and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Of the fruits, citrus fruits are preferable – oranges, lemons, pomelo, as well as green apples and grapes, the phlebologist advises.

Salty and smoked foods should be avoided as they provoke thirst. And if you drink a lot of fluids (especially at night), swelling and difficulty in the outflow of venous blood may occur, which weakens the walls of the veins.

Wear comfortable shoes

To keep your veins in good shape and keep your feet nice and healthy, wear comfortable shoes. Avoid high heels, which put pressure on the calf muscles and veins in the calf. It is better if the heel does not exceed four centimeters. Also, shoes should never be tight, if necessary, use orthopedic insoles. The same rule applies to clothing – do not wear too tight tight jeans, stockings and knee-highs with an elastic band that squeezes the veins, etc.

Cold and hot shower

Another good way to improve the tone of the veins at home is a contrast shower with special attention to the legs. Make sure that the water is not too cold or hot, since a sharp narrowing or expansion of the bloodstream does not positively affect the elasticity of the veins and their tone. Alternate streams of cool and warm water for 10-15 minutes, then gently pat your feet dry with a towel and apply the gels or creams prescribed by your doctor. They need to be rubbed into the calf muscles with light massaging circular movements. It is after a contrast shower that the effectiveness of local preparations increases significantly.

– Thanks to the contrast shower, the work of the nervous, circulatory and endocrine systems is stimulated. A contrast shower increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels, the elasticity of the connective tissue, normalizes blood microcirculation, lymph outflow and prevents the development of thrombophlebitis, the doctor clarifies.


An effective way to improve the tone of the veins and prevent varicose veins is therapeutic exercises, the exercises of which are very easy to perform on your own at home.

  • Lying on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees and, without lowering your legs, do 5-6 vigorous flexion and extension in the ankle joint and rotational movements of the feet.
  • Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Raise up and spread your legs, pulling your socks, perform rotations in the ankle joints to the right and left. Repeat 5-6 times on each side.
  • While watching TV or doing housework, roll a tennis ball with your foot.
  • Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Bent at the knees, place your feet on the wall. “Step” up and then down the wall 5 times.
  • Standing, roll from heel to toe.

Finding a list of therapeutic exercises is not difficult on the Internet. The main thing is to perform them regularly, preferably in the evening, and at least 15 minutes a day. Then your veins will always be in good shape.

By the way, during rest and sleep, try to keep your legs in an elevated position. So you will improve the outflow of venous blood, due to which the tone of the veins will also improve.

Compression garments and topical preparations

Elastic compression underwear and local medications are usually prescribed by a phlebologist, and it is not necessary that the disease has already passed into a serious stage. Moreover, many local ointments and gels really help relieve swelling, fatigue in the legs, improve the condition of the veins and blood vessels. Modern venotonics are available in the form of ointments, creams, gels, as well as balms and tablets. They improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the veins, prevent the formation of blood clots, have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce tissue swelling and improve lymphatic drainage. Natural venotonics include blueberry and blackcurrant juice, grape and chokeberry juice, red wine.

Prevention of constipation

Yes, constipation also negatively impacts vein health. Therefore, in all leaflets on the prevention of varicose veins and increasing the tone of the veins, it is specified that difficulties with emptying the intestines lead to a constant increase in pressure in the veins and aggravate venous insufficiency. So, if you have problems with stool, see a doctor.

Popular questions and answers

Are creams, ointments and gels effective in relieving fatigue in the legs and increasing the tone of the veins?

Topical preparations help in the treatment and prevention of vein diseases because they can penetrate the skin. A quick effect occurs due to the evaporation of the drug during application (cooling), as well as massage movements. The use of local preparations is recommended in complex therapy. The effect of local forms (gels, creams) which include heparin, NSAIDs, phleboprotectors are suitable for quick relief of complaints – pain, feelings of heaviness and heat, local edema. When choosing a local drug, preference is given to the combined composition. But remember that all gels and ointments are contraindicated for damaged skin, dermatitis, eczema, an open trophic ulcer, says vascular surgeon, phlebologist Denis Ibragimov.

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