First of all, it is necessary to distinguish technical inspection from maintenance.
Maintenance – the procedure for the planned replacement of consumable parts of the car, as described and recommended by car manufacturers.
Maintenance can be carried out by authorized dealers, other car services or car owners themselves.
During maintenance, consumables and materials are replaced: engine oil, spark plugs, all kinds of filters, etc. In addition, during the technical inspection, the wear of the vehicle mechanisms and the level of technical fluids are monitored. Often the car is checked for diagnostic messages (errors) using specialized software.
Maintenance is optional. But if the owner of a new car does not pass it in a timely manner, he may be denied warranty repairs. Unless, of course, the dealer proves that the malfunction occurred due to untimely maintenance.
The cost of maintenance depends on the car model, dealer and other conditions. It can start from several thousand rubles to several tens.
Technical inspection (TO) – the procedure for checking the technical condition of the car, which is under the control of the state or organizations / persons authorized by it. Since exactly Mr. authorities are responsible for road safety, so they set strict requirements for the condition of cars.
Only accredited operators (specialized organizations) have the right to carry out the technical inspection procedure.
Changes in the rules for passing technical inspection in 2022
At the end of 2021 The State Duma exempted owners of passenger cars and motorcycles from passing technical inspection. An important nuance: transport should be used exclusively for personal purposes. Taxis and official vehicles are not exempt from technical inspection. The procedure will continue for cars, motorcycles over four years old when they are sold and registered.
The deputies provided that the owners of personal vehicles will not be fined for the lack of a diagnostic card. But since the technical inspection remained mandatory for taxis and official cars, it will have to be done on time, otherwise you can get a fine. From March 1, 2022, it will be 2000 rubles (it will be possible to fine no more than once a day). Gradually, fines will be issued according to the cameras.
As for the rules themselves, from October 1, 2021 (previously they wanted to do it from March 1, but postponed the deadlines), it is prescribed to photograph the inspection procedure. We need two pictures: before and after the diagnosis. Images must have coordinates. Photos are sent to the EAISTO unified automated information system for technical inspection.
During the inspection, the serviceability of such primary components and assemblies of the car is checked, such as:
- brake system;
- windshield washers and wipers;
- external lighting devices;
- alarm;
- engine;
- steering system.
The frequency of technical inspections is established by the state and is:
- Passenger cars, motorcycles, trucks up to 3,5 tons, semi-trailers and trailers purchased after April 1, 2020 and under four years old do not require technical inspection.
- The above vehicles and trailers from 4 to 10 years old must undergo technical inspection every two years.
- The above vehicles and trailers over 10 years old must pass every year.
- Buses, trucks from 3,5 tons, training cars – all under five years old – undergo inspection annually. If the specified transport is older than five years – technical inspection every six months.
The cost of technical inspection starts from 500 rubles and up to several thousand, depending on the category of the vehicle and the region where it is located.
In 2021, another TO reform took place. Previously, if the car did not pass the technical inspection, its owner could not purchase an OSAGO insurance policy. As of August 22, 2021, this rule is no longer valid. You can buy insurance without a completed MOT and a corresponding diagnostic card.
However, in the SDA there is still a ban on driving a car that has not passed inspection – clause 2.1.1. There are penalties in the Code of Administrative Offenses, in particular Part 2 of Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Federation. While it does not exceed 800 rubles. But from March 1, 2022, it will be 2000 rubles.
The inspection is carried out by maintenance operators accredited by the Union of Motor Insurers and the traffic police.
The fine for driving a car without an OSAGO policy is from 500 to 800 rubles. Moreover, recently cameras have appeared that can detect cars without an OSAGO policy, which means that “letters of happiness” with fines cannot be avoided as before. Such a fine can be issued no more than once a day.
From October 1, 2021, the procedure for obtaining a diagnostic card becomes more complicated. Often it was even faked by insurers or sold on the Internet. Now the document will be in electronic form, and it will bear the UKES (enhanced qualified electronic signature) of the expert who performed the diagnostics. The card can also be obtained on paper, but it is needed only for traveling abroad. In Our Country, they will not ask her.
It turns out that the situation with technical inspection was in an intermediate position. If you do not pass it on time, you will receive a fine. But the diagnostic card is excluded from the list of mandatory documents for the purchase of OSAGO.
Inspection procedure
Since May 4, 2018, changes have been made in Our Country to the procedure for passing vehicle inspection, the law on which was signed by President Vladimir Putin on April 23.
The new provisions tighten the requirements, making the course of the procedure more regulated. Inspection will affect not only cars, but also all kinds of trailers, motorcycles, buses and other vehicles.
The conditions for punishing unscrupulous technical inspection operators have also changed.
The previous version of the Law introduced responsibility for issuing diagnostic cards to owners of faulty vehicles only. It is now specifically noted that operators are subject to penalties for issuing a card with a permissive verdict, provided that the vehicle does not meet safety requirements.
The main requirements for transport and the verification procedure itself are spelled out:
- now a positive conclusion will not be received by car owners who have installed films on their headlights or applied drawings of any size. This also includes tinting on the optical structures of cars, blackout film, complete painting of the headlights with paint of any transparency.
- leakage of working fluid in the power steering system is not allowed. The old rules allowed fluids to leak “from the engine, gearbox, final drives, rear axle, clutch, battery and cooling and air conditioning systems and additional hydraulic devices installed on vehicles” at an interval of no more than 20 drops per minute. Now no one will count drops: any noticeable leakage of liquids from these systems is prohibited.
- in addition to the warning triangle, the presence and composition of the first-aid kit must be checked, and vehicles of category “D” must have three first-aid kits.
- design changes that are not provided by the manufacturer may also become an obstacle to passing the technical inspection. This includes any design inconsistencies, both missing and redundant. Even the absence of a windshield wiper or washer reservoir can serve as a reason for failure.
- now tires with anti-skid studs, if used, must be installed on all wheels of the vehicle
- cars with unregistered gas-balloon equipment will not pass MOT.
- the very design of the diagnostic card has changed. Until 2018, it contained a 21-digit number, and from January 1, the number of characters in the code is reduced to 15. Cards issued earlier are valid until the expiration date.
- Now 2 types of technical inspection diagnostic cards are allowed – paper and electronic.
Previously, the conduct and control of technical inspection was entrusted to the Union of Motor Insurers (RSA). Now control over maintenance has been transferred under the control of Rostransnadzor. It is its bodies that will conduct periodic inspections of points providing the service of technical inspection.
The price of the inspection will be determined by the operator, that is, the service that carries out the procedure. However, he does not take the cost out of his head, but on the basis of the methodology. It is being developed by the Antimonopoly Service. The previous prices – up to 800 rubles for a passenger car – will cease to operate. However, significant growth is not expected.
Where and how are
The good news for all vehicle owners is that it is now possible to pass a technical inspection not only at the place of registration of the car. The procedure can be performed in any region of the Federation.
In order to make sure that the procedure was carried out properly, the inspection process will be recorded using video recording on digital media.
The following must be recorded on the video:
- state number of the vehicle;
- date (day, month, year);
- point of technical inspection (point address, certificate of accreditation);
- check progress.
What to take with you
First, the documentation is verified at the TO station. First of all, the documents for the car are checked. To do this, you need a PTS or STS, which describes the main characteristics of the technical tool (TS).
After finding out the information about the car, the employee of the maintenance point examines the information about the driver of the car.
He is interested in the following questions:
- whether he is the owner of the presented property;
- if not, does he have the right to drive a car;
- whether there are rights, whether they are overdue;
- whether the category of the driver’s license corresponds to the type of transport presented;
- if so, is there a power of attorney from the owner that allows you to transport the car to the place of inspection and back.
Thus, the list of documents required for presentation to the car inspection company for individuals, looks like that:
- technical equipment passport or registration certificate (PTS or STS).
- a passport of a citizen of the Federation, a passport of a foreign citizen, a temporary identity card issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service, the police or the migration service.
- Power of attorney for a driver who is not the owner.
For legal entities:
- certificate of registration of the institution.
- balance statement, which indicates the number of cars in the park.
- a copy of the company’s charter.
- enterprise card, which lists the main details of the company such as TIN, OKPO, current account.
Sanctions against those who illegally trade in diagnostic cards have also been aggravated:
- if an expert has generated a map and allowed a car that has not passed inspection to move, he will be issued a fine of up to 10 rubles;
- if it turns out that the employee deliberately passed false information to the central database, then he can be held criminally liable: forced labor for up to four years.
- if the act is committed by a “group of persons by prior agreement”, a prison term of up to two years may be imposed. Relevant norms will be introduced into the Criminal Code;
- the fine for owners of points that have committed such offenses rises to 100 rubles;
- together with penalties – deprivation of the accreditation certificate. And the violator will no longer be able to engage in this type of activity.
The driver of the above categories of vehicles, for which the inspectors have the right to check the presence of a MOT card, will not be able to drive the vehicle further if it is missing or expired. His car will most likely be sent to a fine parking lot. The inspector will not allow the movement of a potentially defective vehicle on the road. If the violation is repeated, the guilty person will be fined 5 thousand rubles and may additionally be deprived of the right to drive a car for up to 3 months.
If the car has just been bought, then the driver is given ten days to register it. This also includes the passage of MOT, if it is not there, the purchase of OSAGO and registration of the car. All three procedures are interconnected.
According to the current legislation, the absence of OSAGO is punishable by the following fines:
If the car owner does not have insurance at all, a fine of 800 rubles is imposed on him. For timely payment within 20 days, a 50% discount is provided, and the fine in this case is 400 rubles.
If the driver has an expired OSAGO policy with him or presents a document drawn up without taking into account legislative norms, a sanction in the amount of 500 rubles is imposed on him.
If the car owner cannot present the declared document right on the spot, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed on him. Another option provided by law is an official warning.
If the driver is not included in OSAGO, a sanction in the amount of 500 rubles is imposed on him.
Popular questions and answers
After how many years does the first inspection of a new car take?
• passenger cars;
• trucks up to 3,5 tons;
• trailers and semi-trailers (with the exception of those owned by individuals, they do not need to be driven into maintenance at all;
• motor vehicles.