Vegetative neurosis – causes, symptoms and treatment

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The vegetative neurosis is a psychological disorder. As a result of vegetative neurosis, almost the entire human body is affected by negative ailments. Heart palpitations, hyperhidrosis and dry mouth are just a few of the symptoms of vegetative neurosis. How to recognize vegetative neurosis and how to deal with it?

What is a vegetative neurosis?

Vegetative neurosis is a mental disease that is classified in the group of neuroses. This type of neurosis is also often called organ neurosis, because it causes disturbances in the work of other human organs, including the brain, heart, stomach, intestines, bones or joints. Vegetative neurosis is a condition that affects a large part of the human population. Its symptoms can show up at virtually any age, both in adolescents and the elderly. Most often, however, this disease is diagnosed in middle-aged women. Unfortunately, the incidence of this disease does not go hand in hand with the frequency of its diagnosis. Many patients struggle with various ailments for years, undergo countless tests, and yet the disease is not diagnosed. Characteristic for vegetative neurosis is that the tests do not show any significant deviations from the norms, and the treatment of specific ailments does not bring any effect.

What are the causes of vegetative neurosis?

The vegetative neurosis is a disease in which the main triggering factor is stress and the inability to recognize and cope with emotions. Specialists, the factors that cause vegetative neurosis, divided into three groups:

  1. biological – in this case, the emergence of vegetative neurosis is determined by the speed of stimulating and calming down the nervous system. If the nervous system activates quickly and extinguishes relatively slowly, there is a risk of developing vegetative neurosis.
  2. educational – people who grew up in a safe environment are not at risk of developing vegetative neurosis. However, if childhood was full of a sense of danger, threat or own weakness, the risk of developing the disease increases significantly.
  3. traumatic experiences – vegetative neurosis can also become active as a result of a personal or loved one’s sudden accident, loss of a loved one, a history of a serious illness or a breakthrough, difficult experience.

Vegetative neurosis – symptoms

The symptoms of vegetative neurosis are very bothersome for the patient as they may affect many parts of the body and organs. Very often, the symptoms of vegetative neurosis are confused with pre-infarcts or other cardiovascular diseases. It is related to the main symptoms of this disease, namely:

  1. strong pressure in the chest,
  2. palpitations,
  3. dry mouth
  4. throat tightness
  5. shortness of breath and dizziness,
  6. numbness of the fingers and limbs,
  7. nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
  8. pouring hot or cold sweat on yourself,
  9. blushing
  10. mood disorders such as anxiety, restlessness, agitation, irritability, explosiveness and aggression.

Treatment of vegetative neurosis

The difficulty of treating vegetative neurosis is related to the fact that this disease is diagnosed very late in patients. The most effective in the treatment of vegetative neurosis is psychotherapy enhanced with pharmacological agents. People suffering from vegetative neurosis are mainly administered anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs.

If you suffer from neurosis, use Neurosis as an aid – a mixture of herbs with a calming effect.

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