Vegetables to eat as part of a diet: the example of zucchini

Vegetable of the sun par excellence, the zucchini is the vegetable of diet par excellence. Discover the nutritional benefits and slimming power of zucchini thanks to the advice of our dietitian!
Vegetables to eat as part of a diet: the example of zucchini
Did you know that the zucchini is part of the squash family? It is a vegetable very rich in water and fiber. Its satiating and satiating power is important, especially when it is consumed raw, in tagliatelle for example. This is why zucchini is recommended as part of summer diets. In addition, it is one of the vegetables with the lowest Glycemic Index (GI) with a GI of only 15. This means that this vegetable raises blood sugar very little and does not promote fat storage. It is also one of the vegetables which are the least caloric with only 17 kcal per 100 g.
In addition, it contains vitamin C which gives it antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. There is also potassium, trace elements which play an essential role in muscle functioning and which has a hypotensive role thanks to its vasodilator effect. You understood it: zucchini is a 100% slimming and 100% healthy food that you should not deprive yourself of during the summer!
To benefit from all its virtues, be sure to consume it quickly after harvest. You can keep it 4 to 5 days, but never more than a week, in the crisper of the refrigerator or protected from heat and light as in a cellar.
Ideally, eat the raw zucchini: cut both ends and cut it into thin slices with a fine-bladed knife or into tagliatelle using a peeler. You can also grate it or cut it into cubes to make verrines.