Vegetables and fruits with the lowest content – Dietetics – Articles |

Vegetable and fruit pesticides are harmful

When we begin to penetrate the ingredients of various products and analyze the possible dangers of them, it seems to us that we really shouldn’t eat anything. Even seemingly innocent fruits and vegetables become a chemical bomb due to their pesticide content. And we know perfectly well that even small doses of pesticides can affect the health of people, especially young children. On the other hand, vegetables and fruits are a treasury of vitamins and minerals and we cannot give up on them. So what to do? Eat vegetables and fruits, or maybe not?

Eat as much as possible, but avoid those with a lot of pesticides. Of course, not everyone can afford organic crops. So we have a solution: a list of the safest fruits and vegetables.

Clean Fifteen is a way to remove pesticide residues

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is an American environmental organization that we mentioned in our article about the dirty dozen food additives. She is also the creator of the ‘Clean Fifteen’, a list of fruits and vegetables with the lowest pesticide residue. Belong to it:

1. Avocados

The avocado turned out to be a real leader. Only 1 percent. samples showed any pesticide residues.

2. Corn

3. Pineapple

89 percent Pineapple samples showed no pesticide residues.

4. Cabbage

5. Frozen peas

6. Onion

7. Asparagus

8. Mango

Pesticides were only present in 12 percent. mango samples.

9. Papaya

In 20 percent pesticides were detected in papaya samples.

10. Kiwi 

82 percent kiwi samples were pesticide free.

11. Eggplant

12. Grapefruit

13. Kanalupa (sugar melon)

61 percent samples showed not contaminated with pesticides.

14. Cauliflower

15. Sweet potatoes

No single fruit sample from ‘Clean Fifteen’ contained more than 4 pesticides, and only 5,5 percent. listed vegetables had 2 or more types of pesticides.

It turns out that these fifteen people accumulate the smallest amount of pesticides. We should try to compose meals as often as possible using the above fruits and vegetables. It is especially about those that we can buy in Poland without any problem, e.g. onions, cabbage or cauliflower.

The title photo is from: dboy / Foter / CC BY-SA

The cauliflower photo is from: Monica Arellano-Ongpin / Foter / CC BY

Patata’s photo is from: Steve A Johnson / Foter / CC BY

The melon’s photo is from: Artist in doing nothing. / Foter / CC BY

The onion photo is from: richard_north / Foter / CC BY

The asparagus photo is from: Chun’s Pictures / Foter / CC BY

The mango photo is from: ramnath bhat / Foter / CC BY

The papaya photo is from: ninacoco / Foter / CC BY

The kiwi photo is from: jonycunha / Foter / CC BY-SA

Eggplant photo is from: Kazuhiro Keino / Foter / CC BY

The picture of the grapefruit is from: ms.Tea / Foter / CC BY

Avocado photo is from: HarmonyRae / Foter / CC BY

The corn photo is from: ozz13x / Foter / CC BY

Pineapple photo is from: Kyle McDonald / Foter / CC BY

The cabbage photo is from: alexbrn / Foter / CC BY

The photo of the pea is from: jules: stonesoup / Foter / CC BY

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