Vegetable fat

The most ingrained myth of nutrition is that fat is bad. Every second “nutrition guru” builds on this their own nutrition programs, which are sold quite well on the market. But times are changing, and not every pseudo-business can withstand the competition and the influence of scientific knowledge. Humanity is at the stage of debunking myths, especially in the food industry. The craze for healthy eating and a rational lifestyle will prolong the life of our generation and make it much easier for our followers. Let’s figure it out: what is fat, how is it related to the reproductive system, weight loss and all human life?

What is fat

Fats (lipids) are organic substances that are the most important sources of energy. Up to 95% of all lipids are simple neutral lipids (glycerides). Fats are esters formed as a result of the interaction of a trihydric alcohol – glycerol and higher fatty carboxylic acids. Fats are necessary for every living organism to provide structural and energy functions. Fats are one of the most important structural components of the cell membrane. Without fat and membrane protection, any living cell will die, because it will not be able to withstand the external environment and feed on its own. Moreover, directly in fat cells contains the most important element – energy. We extract fat from food of animal or vegetable origin. Tissues can use fat for fuel (such as muscle) or to store it (adipose tissue). After a meal, chylomicrons gradually increase in the blood, which begin to be captured by an enzyme attached to the wall of the capillaries associated with the cell – lipoprotein lipase (LPL). Chylomicrons are a complex of lipids with proteins that are synthesized in the body to transport lipids from the blood to tissues, and since lipids are water insoluble substances, lipid-protein complexes – lipoproteins are used for their transport. Chylomicrons (HM) are formed in intestinal cells, their function is the transfer of exogenous fat from the intestine to tissues (mainly adipose tissue), as well as the transport of exogenous cholesterol from the intestine to the liver. Depending on the degree of tissue activity, lipoprotein lipase can be active in muscle tissue (during work or during the recovery period after work), and also can be active in adipose tissue (at low activity, most of the chylomicrons and free fatty acids are stored to the fat depot). LPL hydrates the triglycerides in the chylomicron to produce a triglyceride-free particle, the chylomicron residue. Cholesterol is also converted into chylomicron, but is not used and transported to muscle tissue, but remains in the form of a chylomicron residue and is sent to the liver. During the period of hunger, adipose tissue begins to release fatty acids into the blood, where they are used as energy in muscle tissue and in organ cells. Also, fatty acids are sent to the liver, where triglycerides are formed from them. Complete rejection of fat leads to a decrease in energy reserves. A person feels apathy, fatigue and often pain – that is why the rejection of fats is dangerous.

The concept of vegetable fat is not entirely correct. In science, it is customary to classify a group as “vegetable oils”.

Plant foods contain less fat than animals, but this does not diminish their benefits to the human body. In some natural foods, it can concentrate up to 50% fat (as an oil), which is a tremendously high figure.

Component varieties

As a rule, fats are divided into neutral (triglycerides – 95% of the total fat intake in the diet) and fat-like substances (phospholipids, sterols). Neutral fats consist of the trihydric alcohol glycerol (CH)3H2-(OH)3) and fatty acids (R-COOH).

There are 3 types of fats: saturated, unsaturated and trans fats. Let’s analyze each of them in more detail.

The saturation of a fat is determined by the number of hydrogen atoms each fatty acid contains. In turn, fatty acids are divided into saturated and unsaturated (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) acids. Saturated fats. Animal fats can contain saturated fatty acids with a chain length of up to twenty carbon atoms or more, they have a solid consistency and a high melting point. Such animal fats include lamb, beef, pork and a number of others. A high intake of saturated fatty acids is a major risk factor for diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other diseases. Contained in products of animal origin: cream, meat, cheese, milk. By saturation, fats are divided into solid and liquid. Solid fats (butter, lard and others – solid at 20ºС) contain saturated fats (fats of animals, birds) – the exception is fish oil, while liquid fats are dominated by unsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils – liquid at 20ºС) – the exception is palm oil. Depending on the content of saturated fatty acids and their chain length, the melting point of fat, the rate of digestion, and digestibility change. The consumption of saturated fatty acids for adults and children should be no more than 10% of the daily caloric intake.

Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). Monounsaturated fatty acids include myristoleic and palmitoleic acids (fats of fish and marine mammals), oleic (olive, safflower, sesame, rapeseed oils). Monounsaturated fatty acids, in addition to their intake with food, are synthesized in the body from saturated fatty acids and partly from carbohydrates. The physiological need for monounsaturated fatty acids for adults should be 10% of the daily caloric intake. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Fatty acids with two or more double bonds between carbon atoms are called polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Of particular importance for the human body are such PUFAs as linoleic, linolenic, which are structural elements of cell membranes and ensure the normal development and adaptation of the human body to adverse environmental factors. PUFAs are precursors of bioregulators formed from them – eicosanoids. The physiological need for PUFAs is 6-10% of the daily caloric intake for adults. Omega-6 (-6) and Omega-3 (-3) PUFAs. The two main groups of PUFAs are acids of families -6 and -3. Fatty acids -6 are found in almost all vegetable oils and nuts; -3 fatty acids are also found in a number of oils (flaxseed, cruciferous, soybean). The main dietary source of -3 fatty acids are fatty fish and some seafood. Of PUFA-6, a special place is occupied by linoleic acid, which is the precursor of the most physiologically active acid of this family – arachidonic. Arachidonic acid is the predominant PUFA in the human body. The physiological need for adults is 5-8% of the daily caloric intake for -6 and 1-2% for -3. The optimal ratio in the daily diet of -6 to -3 fatty acids should be 5-10:1.

unsaturated fats. This variety can be divided into two subgroups: poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fats are considered the most beneficial: they fight internal inflammation, protect the heart and blood vessels, improve memory and vision, stabilize hormones, and have a beneficial effect on skin condition.

Trans fats. Hydrogenation converts unsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils) into saturated ones, making them more resistant to spoilage. This process translates the CIS position of the molecule into a TRANS position (more linear without bending). The term “trans” refers to fatty acids, not fats, and the term “trans fat” is a simplification. They have an extremely negative effect on the human body. A diet based on trans fats leads to an increase in the level of bad cholesterol, the formation of fatty deposits in the blood vessels and around the internal organs. Consumption of trans fats is dangerous not only for the figure, but also for a healthy life. Artificially synthesized trans fats are considered especially harmful. They are found in margarine and most prepared foods. Before heading to the checkout with your grocery basket, carefully reread the ingredients and make a choice in favor of health, not temporary gastronomic pleasures.

What is useful fat

The most important nutritional components of vegetable fat: mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, phytosterols, phospholipids. Let’s analyze each element in more detail. Fat is the most concentrated source of energy. It is fat that forms 80% of a person’s energy reserve, which is why it is vital to make up for its shortage and constantly introduce new fat combinations into the diet. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are responsible for:

  • formation of a strong structure of the cell membrane, its stability and high-quality functioning;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • removal of “bad” cholesterol from the body;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and reducing permeability.

Phytosterols help to cope with bad cholesterol – reduce its concentration, speed up metabolism and remove it from the body. Phospholipids take part in fat metabolism, make it efficient and less energy-consuming. The component is responsible for the integrity and strength of cell membranes, promotes high-quality and rapid cell growth. Phospholipids are one of the building blocks of nervous tissue, brain and liver cells. The plant component is also responsible for reducing the level of formation of oxidation products in the blood.

Vegetable oils contain retinol, tocopherol and provitamin A. They have the following properties:

  • protection of the body from radiation exposure;
  • prevention of cancer development;
  • activation of protein synthesis;
  • protection against diabetes and a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • increasing the absorption of beneficial vitamins and nutrients.

The lack of vegetable fats in the body leads to serious health problems. Energy metabolism worsens, the level of immune protection decreases. A person feels apathy, fatigue and inability to engage in routine duties. Lack of fat causes hormonal imbalance and can lead to irreversible consequences.

Is it possible to eat foods high in fat

We tend to be wary of fats and carbohydrates. As soon as there is a need to lose weight or get in shape, we will certainly refuse fats or carbohydrates (or two components at once). Why is this bad and completely unreasonable?

According to the studies “The effects of a low-carbohydrate diet on appetite: A randomized controlled trial” for weight loss, it will be quite enough to reduce the level of consumption of carbohydrates, but not to give them up!. Thanks to periodic changes in KBJU, due to carbohydrates, it will be possible to lose / gain weight, reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. A complete rejection of fat will cause hormonal and energy disruptions, after which you can easily end up in a hospital room.

Is there a connection between fats and weight gain?

The fear of extra pounds is based on this fact: 1 gram of fat is 2 times more caloric than 1 gram of carbohydrates or proteins. But many people forget that the human body is a carefully thought-out machine in which complex biochemical processes take place every second. Simple mathematics does not always fit the process of forming and burning fat. Why?

Calories that come from different foods (protein, carbohydrate, fat) have an unequal effect on the body. This uneven impact extends to metabolic processes, hormonal levels, the immune system, brain function, internal microflora and even genes. Nutritionists have done a lot of research and have proven that natural healthy weight loss is possible only with normal fat intake and a reduced concentration of carbohydrates. The opposite is a myth that large companies and inept nutritionists make money on.

What kind of fats can you eat?

Vegetable fat is considered the most useful and safe. It is generated for humans by nature itself and enters the body almost in its original form. The first thing you need to pay attention to is nuts and oils. In defense of unsaturated vegetable fats, PROMED stood up with the publication Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet. Scientists claim that oils from walnuts, almonds, olives and sunflowers are capable of:

  • regulate blood cholesterol levels;
  • prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, improve their functionality;
  • enrich the body with vital vitamins and nutrients;
  • promote natural weight loss;
  • beneficial effect on female and male hormones;
  • improve external data – the condition of hair, skin, nails.

Also, nutritionists advocate adding various seeds (pumpkin, flax, hemp, and others) to the diet. They protect cells from oxidative processes, thereby maintaining their integrity and functionality. Also, healthy seeds regulate blood glucose levels and protect the body from diabetes.

Remember: the difference between a handful of pecans and deep-fried ice cream is enormous. Quality oils are found only in herbal products. It is desirable that the product undergoes minimal processing or enters the body in its purest form. Unprocessed plant products maintain a holistic composition and have a beneficial effect on the body.

Healthy Fat Plant Products

How to regulate the intake of fat in the body

We found out that a complete rejection of fat is not an option, but what if its intake significantly exceeds the allowable rate? Don’t forget that 1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal, so going over your daily dosage is much easier than you might think. To regulate the intake of healthy fats, use a few simple tips.

The daily dosage of fat should be determined individually, based on weight, height, age, sex, characteristics of the body and goals.

Nutriciologists argue that the concentration of fat in the diet should be at least 30% of individual CBDI. The ratio of saturated fat to unsaturated should be 1: 2, respectively. Also do not forget about cholesterol levels. For an adult healthy person, the daily rate of the component should not exceed 300 milligrams (for patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, this figure decreases).

Enter the snack in the diet

Between the three main meals, a person will inevitably get hungry. It is the feeling of hunger that leads to uncontrolled overeating, unnecessary purchases and, as a result, health problems. Make your snacks healthy – prepare rye bread sandwiches, vegetable or fruit salads, vegan snacks (hummus / guacamole).

Replace regular products with natural ones.

Instead of foods containing a large amount of saturated and especially trans fats, it is better to use eggs for breakfast, add corn starch or half a ripe banana to the porridge. Animal products can be substituted for dates crushed into cashew porridge and other plant-based alternatives.

Avoid oil refueling

Salad based on vegetables and oil is one of the favorite delicacies of post-Soviet people. Regular lemon juice, Dijon or traditional mustard, sour cream, natural dry herbs or spices are perfect for dressing vegetables, or use a small amount of olive oil as an oil dressing.

If your salad has seeds, nuts or avocados, then the need for oily dressing disappears automatically. You will get the necessary healthy fat from the salad ingredients themselves.

Change the approach to cooking methods

Stop frying in oil and start using the steamer, oven, or microwave more often. Baking or steaming does not require oil at all, and the products are tender and juicy. What’s more, you’ll retain most of the beneficial nutrients and vitamins in your food. Start using your blender more often. With it, you can prepare soups, vegetable purees and smoothies without a single drop of fat.

Cook more often based on liquids.

Change the oil with plain water, vegetable stock, red / white wine, or vinegar. On the basis of these liquids, you can cook excellent first courses (for example, risotto) and cream soups.

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