Veganism – rules, safety, substitutes [EXPLAINED]

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Veganism is gaining more and more popularity. It is a type of vegetarianism that excludes not only meat, but also all animal products, such as eggs and milk, from the diet. At first it seems impossible to survive by feeding yourself this way. It turns out, however, that being a vegan, we don’t have to give up anything. However, is this way of eating actually healthy?

Veganism is called strict vegetarianism. Today, supporters of veganism are not only environmentalists and animal lovers, but also people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition, veganism is a way for many people to lose weight and improve their health.

Veganism – definition and history

Veganism is not a kind of diet, but a lifestyle that aims to eliminate animal products from all its aspects. Vegans do not participate in activities involving the use of animals, do not visit places where animals are not in their natural habitat, and do not wear clothes in which there is an admixture of the animal.

The first vegan society was founded in Great Britain in 1944. The founders of this society were Donald Watson and Elsie Shrigley. Their idea was to gather all vegetarians who eliminated from their diets not only meat, but also dairy and other animal products. Donald Watson is also the creator of the word vegan. He made it out of the word vegetarian, leaving only the first and last letters.

In the United States, the first vegan association began operating in 1948 in California. A dozen or so years later, the association merged with the American Vegan Society, which functions to this day. World Vegan Day falls on November 1.

The most general definition of veganism is that of not using animals. Therefore, veganism is not a set of many different rules, but is itself a principle from which vegan actions and attitudes arise. The Vegan Society provides a definition of veganism which is:

Veganism is a philosophy and lifestyle that seeks to exclude all forms of abuse, cruelty to animals used as food, clothing, or any other reason. In the nutritional sense, it means in practice the abandonment of all animal products, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk derived from animals and their derivatives.

Vegans reserve the right to suspend these principles if necessary and necessary for their survival.

What is worth knowing about healthy eating? Check: How to feel good, or about healthy eating

Veganism – rules

Veganism assumes that you can only eat plant-based foods. Thus, the vegan diet will be based mainly on grains, rice, and fruits and vegetables. It is a kind of vegan base, which is diversified with other products.

In addition, veganism allows, of course, legumes, nuts, mushrooms and oil plants such as linseed or pumpkin seeds. Veganism also allows for any substitutes for animal dairy, i.e. plant milk and tofu, i.e. cottage cheese, which is obtained from soy milk. However, do not overdo the amount of these products.

As a meat substitute, soy products, e.g.

  1. Pro Natura soybean granules,
  2. Pro Natura soy cube,
  3. Soy chops «pork chops» Pro Natura,
  4. Pro Natura soybean slices.

You can prepare vegan spaghetti, cutlets and casseroles from them. They provide valuable nutrients and are not meat.

Sugar, honey, coffee and tea should be avoided in a vegan diet. Only green coffee is suitable for vegans, which you can buy at Medonet Market. It is also very important to prepare most of the products raw, if possible, because heat treatment destroys the vitamins and minerals contained in plants. It is best to cook and stew the meals for a short time.

What is healthy eating? Check: Healthy eating – what is it?

How to plan a healthy vegan diet?

A vegan diet excludes many foods that the body needs to function healthily and safely. Therefore, before starting a vegan diet, you should first and foremost find out about the needs of the human body. In order for a vegan diet to fully supplement the body’s nutritional requirements, the following guidelines should be kept in mind. During the day, you should eat:

  1. at least 6 servings of cereal products;
  2. at least 6 servings of protein-rich foods. It is recommended to include tofu, tempeh, legumes or nuts in your diet;
  3. at least 4 servings of vegetables, cooked or raw;
  4. at least 2 portions of fruit in cooked, raw or dried form;
  5. at least 2 servings of fats, e.g. linseed, rapeseed or soybean oil.

In order for meals to be most adapted to the needs of the body, it is recommended to perform diagnostic tests.

To check your health and check your vitamin and mineral levels, do Vegan and Vegetarian Testing – a blood test package available on Medonet Market.

When following a vegan diet, remember that the foods you eat should be rich in calcium, omega-3 acids and vitamin B12.

A vegan diet is based on many principles, but if it is approached consciously and responsibly, all the important ingredients will be provided to the body. Therefore, it is important to diversify your diet and include a variety of ingredients.

Valuable nutrients in a vegan diet

The greatest difficulty for people who plan to start a vegan diet is to plan a balanced diet, which will not run out of nutrients needed for the proper functioning of the body.

Valuable nutrients in a vegan diet come from the following products:

  1. proteins in a vegan diet – soy products, i.e. tofu, soy milk; cereals, i.e. rice, pasta, wholemeal bread; legumes, i.e. beans, chickpeas, lentils; nuts and seeds, i.e. pumpkin seeds, sesame;
  2. fats in a vegan diet – linseed, linseed oil, rapeseed oil, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil, tofu, green leafy vegetables, soybeans, chia seeds, hemp seeds, avocado, spirulina; a good source of healthy fats is, for example, Creametto Vege OstroVit, a vegan cocoa-nut cream;
  3. omega-3 fatty acids in a vegan diet – rapeseed and linseed oil, walnuts, linseed, sea algae;
  4. calcium in a vegan diet – broccoli, kale, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, sesame and poppy seeds, soy milk, tofu;
  5. vitamin B12 in a vegan diet – tempeh, spirulina, shitake mushrooms, chlorella;
  6. vitamin D in a vegan diet – sun-dried edible mushrooms;
  7. iodine in a vegan diet – iodized salt and seaweed;
  8. iron in a vegan diet – green leafy vegetables, soybeans and its products (tofu), wheat germ, parsley, beans, chickpeas, broccoli, cauliflower, dried fruit, whole grain bread, pasta (e.g. Vegan pasta – Diet Spaghetti Konjac Noodles OstroVit) and groats, parsley parsley, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

If you have a problem with getting the right vitamins and minerals to your body, include VegeMe Health Labs in your diet – a complex of vitamins and minerals for vegans and vegetarians.

How to compose a healthy diet? Check: Healthy Diet

Veganism – safety

Veganism has a beneficial effect on our health. A plant-based diet reduces the risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, hemorrhoids, etc. However, if the diet is not well composed, it can quickly lead to deficiencies not only in energy, but also in nutrients. A poorly balanced diet can lead to, for example, anemia, rickets and osteoporosis, and even cause mental retardation in children.

The greatest risk of shortages concerns, among others vitamin B12, because it is the most abundant in meat, dairy products and eggs. We will not find it in plants, so it is necessary to supplement and control its level.

Good sources of calcium in a vegan diet include soy milk, legumes, green leafy vegetables, algae, figs and nuts (also a source of iron). Vitamin D is best taken in the form of supplements. For example, we recommend the supplement Vitamin D3 2000IU for vegans in Viridian liquid.

Another risk in the case of veganism is the residues of artificial fertilizers and plant protection products.

If we want to change our diet and we have chosen veganism, it is best to do it in stages. By gradually reducing the amount of meat in your diet, your body will have time to get used to. During the transitional period, sweets and frying should also be limited.

Veganism, pregnancy and breastfeeding

Research on a vegan diet in pregnant women is sparse and inconclusive. However, it is assumed that the use of a vegan diet with the simultaneous supplementation of iron, folic acid, vitamin D and vitamin B12 is completely safe for the future mother and the baby’s development in the belly. Women who are expecting a baby or breastfeeding, choosing a vegan diet, must ensure that the right amount of calcium and zinc are supplied. Due to the lower digestibility of these products in a vegan diet, their supplementation is recommended.

Breastfeeding vegans must take into account that their milk contains significantly less DHA fatty acids, which are necessary for the proper development of the baby. Therefore, both during pregnancy and after childbirth, it is recommended to eat DHA-rich foods and to take appropriate supplementation.

How to plan a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy? Read: Diet in pregnancy

Veganism – substitutes

Veganism deters many people by the necessity to give up their favorite dishes. It turns out, however, that this is not entirely true.

Protein deficiencies are of the greatest concern. In traditional diets, its main source is meat. In the case of veganism, groats and the recently popular quinoa become the source of protein. In addition, remember about lentils, beans, broad beans, chickpeas, soybeans, broccoli, spinach, avocado and corn. These products can be used to prepare a nutritious dinner as well as a delicious bread paste or even burgers.

Many people also cannot imagine their life without cheese. How to prepare it in a vegan version? You should use vegetable fat, starch and, according to some recipes, even whole, cooked potatoes. It is enough to combine them with soy kefir or inactive yeast flakes to get a characteristic smell and taste. On the other hand, Parmesan cheese can be replaced with, for example, ground nuts.

At Medonet Market you can buy Inactive Yeast Flakes Pro Natura. Try them out now!

How to prepare a vegan cheesecake? Remember that veganism excludes eggs, butter and cheese. While the situation looks hopeless, it is not. Vegan cheesecake can be prepared, for example, from millet. There are many recipes. You can quickly find out that it is equally tasty and certainly healthier.

For frying and baking, vegans can successfully use coconut oil, eg Intenson refined coconut oil. On the other hand, BIO Intenson coconut cream is also great for desserts and cocktails. You can find both products on the Medonet Market.

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