A vegan diet can significantly improve the health of diabetics, according to motherhood website Motherning.com. An elderly reader of this blog recently shared her observations on the state of her body after switching to a vegan diet.

On the advice of a dietitian, she eliminated meat and dairy products from her diet, and began drinking fruit smoothies and freshly squeezed juices, hoping to normalize her blood sugar levels. Her surprise knew no bounds when such an approach – despite the internal distrust, which the reader admitted – gave noticeable positive results in just ten days!

“I have diabetes, and I was very afraid that eating more carbs and fruits and less protein would make my blood sugar levels out of control,” she shared her past fears. However, in reality, it turned out that the opposite was true – the sugar level decreased, the woman noted a noticeable weight loss, improved digestion and general well-being (“more strength appeared,” the reader believes).

The pensioner also reported that her body “resists” some of the medicines prescribed to her, among those that she takes. She also noticed that her skin was “radically” and even “aggressively” cleared of a number of problems, such as acne, rashes, and psoriasis.

This story might seem like just an exception to the general rule, an isolated case, if not for the results of a study conducted recently by scientists from the University of Toronto (Canada). They examined 121 patients diagnosed with Hepatitis B who are taking appropriate medications and found that at least a partial switch to a plant-based diet significantly helps in this case.

Dr. David J.A. Jenkins, who led the experiment, said that his research team was able to reliably prove: “Consumption of approximately 190 grams (one cup) of legumes per day is beneficial on a low glycogen index diet (which is followed by people with diabetes – Vegetarian.ru) and reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by lowering blood pressure.

But legumes aren’t the only option, says RN Kathleen Blanchard, a correspondent for the health food news site eMaxHealth. “Even one ounce (about 30 grams – Vegetarian) of nuts a day helps to get rid of obesity, normalize blood pressure and blood sugar levels – markers of a syndrome associated with an imbalance in metabolism that can lead to type XNUMX diabetes and heart disease” – says medic.

Thus, scientists have received visual confirmation that the transition to “more carbohydrates and fruits” is not at all as dangerous for diabetics as previously thought – on the contrary, in some cases it gives positive results. This opens up a new space for medical research to either confirm or disprove that a vegan diet can help diabetes markedly.


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