Vaseline oil for a cat: how to give it correctly and is it possible
Constipation occurs in cats; so that they do not become chronic, the owner needs to buy special food for the animal. It is also necessary to be puzzled by the question of how to give Vaseline oil to a cat. This remedy will help clean up the animal’s stool. You should figure out where you can buy vaseline oil and the nuances of its use.
Petroleum jelly for a cat: effects on the stomach
This product is a clear oily liquid. It does not contain harmful substances, but the animal should be treated with it carefully. Frequent use of the oil is addictive. Its beneficial effects are:
- in softening solid feces and lubricating the intestinal walls;
- in stimulating the rectum – the effect of a laxative;
- in the removal of toxins and preventing the formation of feces.
Petroleum jelly for a cat – helping an animal
Observe the dosage when giving the oily liquid to the cat, otherwise food will not be able to move independently through the colon over time. The frequency of taking the drug should be checked with your veterinarian.
How to give your cat petroleum jelly?
Pay attention to the behavior of the animal. If you notice how the cat is experiencing visible discomfort when trying to go to the toilet for 2-3 days in a row, he may have severe constipation. In this case, follow the instructions:
- Carefully open the mouth of the animal and pour 20 ml of vaseline oil into it using a syringe without a needle.
- If necessary, 3 hours after this intake, repeat the procedure, giving the cat another 5 ml.
- Wait another hour; if the pet cannot empty, pour a new 5 ml into his mouth.
When using this substance, remember that its dosage for adult animals is a maximum of 40 ml per 4,5-5 kg of weight. Do not give your cat more than the prescribed norm per day!
Can I give Vaseline oil to my cat?
You should not treat the animal on your own, since constipation is one of the symptoms of a more serious disease. However, you can relieve the torment of a cat who cannot go to the toilet with the help of petroleum jelly. It applies:
- in case of poisoning with fat-soluble poisons – these include gasoline, kerosene, dichloroethane and others;
- when constipation occurs, which in some cases becomes chronic.
This oil should not be given to pregnant and lactating cats, pets allergic to petroleum jelly, and animals with stomach inflammation. Remember that this product should not have a taste or smell, but you can buy it at the pharmacy. Pet health is in your hands.
Also good to know: how to clean your cat’s ears
20 ml di paraffina al gatto credo siano 10 volte la quantità che i veterinari consigliano.!!!!!
Ma olio di vaselina può essere dato con sicurezza al micio usando siringa? Ho letto che può essere pericoloso perché può andare nei polmoni è vero? Grazie
Posso dare tranquillamente olio di vaselina al mio gatto un po’ stitico usando siringa? Ho letto che non sarebbe opportuno perché potrebbe entrare nei polmoni è una sciocchezza? Grazie
20 ml in una volta?!?
chiedete al veterinario!
sono troppi per un micio!!
20 ml sono troppi!!!
chiedete al veterinario!