Vascular asterisks on the legs

Vascular asterisks on the legs

Spider veins on the legs are dilated capillary vessels that shine through the skin. The color of such a web varies from purple to red. Often such formations can be found not only on the lower extremities, but also on the face, on the abdomen and even on the stomach. This process is persistent, but non-inflammatory in nature.

In general, the spider vein itself does not pose any danger to human life or health. Often it is not even a symptom of the disease, being formed under the influence of external factors. However, in some cases, spider veins can indicate the presence of a serious pathology in the body that requires immediate treatment.

According to statistics, a similar cosmetic defect is found in 30% of the world’s population, and 80% of them are female representatives. After the age of 70 years, vascular asterisks have 72% of women.

A separate risk group includes women who have gone through childbirth. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Under the influence of estrogen (the concentration of which increases during pregnancy), the vessels tend to expand. When a child is born, the amount of estrogen returns to normal. Within 1,5 months, the vessels should also return to their original state. However, this does not always happen, as a result, spider veins form on the legs and other parts of the woman’s body. Arteries, venules and capillaries can expand in the range from 0,5 to 1 mm. However, even such an expansion is sufficient to create a visible cosmetic defect.

Causes of spider veins on the legs

Among the reasons leading to the appearance of spider veins, the following can be distinguished:

  • Congenital diseases: Rendu-Osler disease or congenital angiomatosis (characterized by inferiority of the vascular epithelium), Louis-Bar ataxia-telangiectasia (primary immunodeficiency), Marfan syndrome (hereditary connective tissue pathology), Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hereditary defect in collagen production), Klippel- Trenon, Sturge-Weber, etc. In addition, vascular hemangiomas, as specific malformations, congenital neuroangiopathy and progressive essential telangiectasia, can lead to the formation of spider veins.

  • Hormonal disorders in the human body: the period of bearing a child and childbirth, miscarriages, abortions.

  • Taking hormonal drugs – oral contraceptives and glucocorticosteroids.

  • Dermatological diseases, including: rosacea, xeroderma pigmentosa, radiation dermatitis, Mayocchi’s disease, lichenoid keratosis.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: varicose veins, Raynaud’s disease, chronic venous insufficiency.

  • Systemic connective tissue diseases: dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma.

  • Violations of hepatic metabolism in various pathologies of the organ: cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.

  • Overweight.

  • Lack of vitamin C, as a result of which the vascular walls become more permeable.

  • Other diseases: syphilis, AIDS, carcinoid syndrome.

In addition to the main reasons leading to the formation of spider veins on the legs, additional external provocateurs can be identified.

These include:

  • Adherence to bad habits;

  • Increased load on the lower limbs;

  • Physical activity exceeding the norm;

  • Nervous tension;

  • Injuries received;

  • Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays (especially for tan lovers);

  • Difficult working conditions;

  • Exposure to radioactive radiation;

  • Overheating and hypothermia of the lower extremities;

  • Too frequent use of peels and thermal masks that damage the skin;

  • Exposure to ionizing radiation.

Classification of spider veins

Vascular asterisks on the legs

You can find many classifications of spider veins, however, in clinical practice, doctors most often use the option proposed by Redish and Pelzer:

  • Sinus spider veins (simple or linear).

  • Tree-like.

  • Arachnids (star-shaped).

  • Patiform (spotted).

On the legs, blue or red linear, as well as tree-like spider veins are most often found. The female lower extremities are characterized by a familial accumulation of altered capillaries. They are either parallel on the inner surface of the thigh, or in a circle on the outer surface of the thigh.

It is worth knowing that the occurrence of spider veins on the legs in women and men has different causes of origin. So, if they are diagnosed in males, then most often such formations indicate the presence of venous insufficiency.

If spider veins appear in women on the calves and thighs, then they may be signs of a hormonal imbalance, and not just venous insufficiency. Often, it is in the female representatives that spider veins are of a mixed type.

Treatment of spider veins on the legs

Effective methods of treating spider veins on the lower extremities are two methods: laser photocoagulation and sclerotherapy. In previous years, the method of electrocoagulation was also widely used, but modern medicine is increasingly abandoning it. The fact is that this technique is quite traumatic, since during its implementation significant damage to the skin occurs. As for general therapy, it is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels using ascorbic acid preparations, for example, Askorutin.

  • Sclerotherapy or microsclerotherapy. When performing this procedure, specialized preparations (sclerosants) are injected into the lumen of the vein, which is the base of the asterisk. Their action is aimed at damaging the inner layer lining the vein. Further, a specific reaction occurs in its cavity, which after a while is independently eliminated. Outwardly, it manifests itself in the form of a slight swelling and redness. The doctor clamps the injection site and applies a compression bandage. These measures allow the vein not to unstick again under the influence of blood flow.

    In terms of time, the procedure is quite long and can take about 60 minutes. Up to 10 injections can be administered in one procedure. It may take up to 5 approaches, the interval between which is seven days.  

    When the procedure is completed, the patient must wear compression garments for some time. When it is removed, the spider vein will disappear. Under all conditions, this procedure is considered as one of the most effective.

  • Laser coagulation of blood vessels. The pathological venule or arteriole that forms the spider vein selectively absorbs the laser beam and heats up under its influence. The temperature can reach 70 °C. As a result, the walls of the pathological vessel stick together to irreversible damage. At the same time, the tissues that surround the vessel are not heated and are not damaged. To minimize discomfort, the skin around the treatment site is cooled.

    To implement the method, different types of lasers can be used:

    • Yellow-green spectrum.

    • Alexandrite.

    • Diode.

    • Neodymium.

    • Pulse light sources.

    Only specialized devices called vascular lasers are suitable for destroying blood vessels. The procedure does not give 100% guarantees that the spider vein will not reappear.

  • Electrocoagulation. Although modern doctors are increasingly refusing this method, sometimes it is still used to remove spider veins. At the same time, pathological vessels are cauterized, acting on them with a high-frequency electric current. It is fed through the thinnest electrode, resembling a long needle. The procedure is always performed under local anesthesia.

    The procedure itself is short in time and takes no more than 20 minutes. During this period of time, the doctor will perform 30 to 40 injections using the electrode. To completely get rid of a cosmetic defect, up to 7 procedures may be required, which must be performed at intervals of a week.

    Although the effect of the procedure is always there, by modern standards it is considered traumatic, since the tissues surrounding the pathological vessel are exposed to high temperatures. As a result, scars, hyperpigmented or depigmented areas remain after the procedure, which are often quite painful.

  • Radio wave therapy. This method of treatment is carried out on the modern apparatus “Surgitron”. During the procedure, a non-contact radio wave incision and coagulation of the pathological vessel is performed. At the same time, the thinnest electrode penetrates the tissues without causing injury to them. After coagulation, the spider veins heal, while the patient does not experience pain. The place that has been exposed remains unchanged: it does not form scars and traces of pigmentation.

    However, this unique method is only available for removing single capillaries.

  • Ozone therapy. Sometimes ozone therapy is used to remove spider veins on the legs. It is based on the introduction of an injection into the cavity of the vessel. The injection itself consists of a mixture of ozone and oxygen. Under its influence, the vessels undergo destruction or destruction. As a result, spider veins completely disappear.

    This method has no side effects. The injection site is absolutely painless, it does not form scars and scars. To achieve the maximum effect, it will take from three to five procedures.

    It should be understood that each treatment method has a number of advantages and disadvantages in each case. Most often, the maximum effect in relation to the treatment of spider veins of the lower extremities can be obtained by combining two basic methods: laser photocoagulation and the sclerotherapy method.

[Video] Dr. Berg – What are the causes of varicose veins and spider veins?

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